Universal basic income

Fair enough ditto for your views... I'm not the only person that has made the point to you that you are wrong.... I'll leave you to prepare for the impending mass murder of the peasantry that you believe is a necessary condition of the current political/ economic system

And I'll leave you continuing to lie about me because you have no counter-argument to anything I've actually said.

In case anyone cares a bit but not enough to click back to previous posts: Not only have I not said that impending mass murder of the peasantry is a necessary condition of the current political/economic system, I have explicitly said that it is not in response to the first time Caracus2K made that claim. Which is why I think it reasonable to say that Caracus2K is lying rather than being very mistaken.

EDIT: In case anyone cares, the relevant posts are number 250 and 258.
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And I'll leave you continuing to lie about me because you have no counter-argument to anything I've actually said.

In case anyone cares a bit but not enough to click back to previous posts: Not only have I not said that impending mass murder of the peasantry is a necessary condition of the current political/economic system, I have explicitly said that it is not in response to the first time Caracus2K made that claim. Which is why I think it reasonable to say that Caracus2K is lying rather than being very mistaken.

EDIT: In case anyone cares, the relevant posts are number 250 and 258.

Look I thought we had agreed that we were going to leave this alone?

But as we are not I will re state the key points.....

So I was rebuffing Zethor's Marxist post........

Because wealth is not a part of who a person is, wealth is what the rest of the society allows you to own. If the principle of equal treatment under the law was 100% enforced through the tax system then all the wealth of a country should be redistributed equally to everyone.

So Zethor was saying that a persons wealth is only what 'society' allows a person to own and that equal treatment under the law means 'society' / the 'people'/ the state redistributing wealth equally to all people regardless of personal merit work ethic or any other factor......... the view that wealth should be distributed equally or according to a persons need and not as a result of what they can personally command from their work ethic and skill is inherently a Marxist position

'From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" is a slogan popularised by Karl Marx in his 1875 Critique of the Gotha Program'

To which you felt it was necessary to post..............
Yes, it should. The person you're replying to was talking about a state. Not any particularly type of state, just a state in general. They didn't even mention marxism - it was you who equated "state" with "marxism". You spoke very passionately against them, so you were speaking very passionately against a state.
It is always the case that an individual is only allowed what others allow them

So you immediately went wrong in asserting that I had said that Zethor had explicitly mentioned Marxism (which I had not)

Whilst missing the obvious implication that his post was implicitly Marxist in nature with his views that a persons wealth is (should be?) only what 'society' allows them to hold and his really extremist inherently Marxist view that 100% equal treatment under the law meant giving everyone the same amount of stuff regardless.

I pointed out that in the UK at the current time that the state that's a generally restrictive view or what I can own as a private individual not a prescriptive one as suggested. If you can't understand the difference between a prescriptive or restrictive approach to something then we clearly are never going to agree any points on this matter.

This can clearly be seen that their is no law or policy, in the UK currently, that limits the upper amount of money that a person or organisation can hold. There are of course some restrictive controls on what I may (legally) own or do such as I cant own a nuclear warhead or drive whilst drunk as these actions or possessions would pose a clear risk to others rights.

You then came in with your comment about what the current system would apparently necessitate

In the current circumstances, capitalism would require mass murder on an unprecedented scale because there is no longer any need for a mass of peasants to do almost all of the work. In a capitalist system, they would be both an unnecessary cost and a threat to the elites (people will revolt if their situation is bad enough) and would therefore have to be eliminated as a cost cutting and risk reduction project.

So capitalism (but presumably not good old socialism) requires that mass murder on an unprecedented scale of the 'peasantry' as part of a cost cutting and risk reduction exercise. So lets look back at history shall we??? as increased automation has lead to lots of traditional roles becoming obsolete has it been 'capitalisms' leaders that have killed people on a previously unprecedented scale??

Oh wait no its socialism/ collectivism that has that honour!

Why exactly in your socialist system would the 'elites' (i.e the rulers) not just decide to eliminate the rest of the pesky proletariat if they no longer needed them to work in the fields and factories? Socialists have hardly been shy in the past about mass murder of the 'peasants' so what's changed?
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Look I thought we had agreed that we were going to leave this alone?

And then you repeated a lie about me. So I addressed it.

Stop lying about me and I'll leave it alone. Continue lying about me and I'll continue to address that.

So you immediately went wrong in asserting that I had said that Zethor had explicitly mentioned Marxism (which I had not)

I asserted that Zethor had not mentioned Marxism. You even quoted me doing so ("They didn't even mention marxism"), immediately before writing the above. It was you who brought up Marxism. Which is what I said.

If you want to make up both sides and argue against yourself, feel free. Just don't attach my name to it.
And then you repeated a lie about me. So I addressed it.

Stop lying about me and I'll leave it alone. Continue lying about me and I'll continue to address that.

I haven't lied about you... You waded into another conversation where someone else (incorrectly) asserted that all states adopt a prescriptive approach to what a citizen can own which is wrong as capitalist/ mixed economy states adopt a generally restrictive approach.

If you can't understand the difference then this could go on forever but the fact remainins to be true..... For example there is no law, in the UK that limits how much money a person or organisation may hold there are laws however saying that private individuals/groyps can't hold (or at least restricting the ability to hold) dangerous items like explosives.

I then mocked you because you made a claim that the current (more capitalist) systems necessitated the murder of the peasantry by the elites as a risk reduction and profit exercise when of course all the evidence shows that its the socialists who have the previous for leading the way for the mass murder of their 'peasantry'....

Like Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, the North Korean Kim's etc
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I haven't lied about you... [..]

I can't quote some of the examples because you didn't quote properly and this forum software won't allow a quote of your post as a result. But here are the relevant details:

In post number 254, you wrote "The current system requires the mass murder (of the peasants?) on an unprecedented scale??

What total and utter nonsense of the highest order!"

I did not say that the current system requires the mass murder of the peasants on an unprecendented scale. That is indeed nonsense...but you wrote it, not me.

That first time might possibly have been a mistake on your part rather than a lie. Or it might have been a lie. It depends on whether or not you believed the nonsense you wrote, which I can't know.

In post number 258, I made my position very clear. I know you read it because you replied to it. In your reply (which you again didn't quote properly), you repeated your false claim about me (" I wasn't the one saying that plans were afoot in the current system in the west for the mass murder of the peasantry! ") and this time there is no doubt about the fact that you knew it was false. So that was definitely a lie.

Then you repeated the lie again in post 297:

[..] I'll leave you to prepare for the impending mass murder of the peasantry that you believe is a necessary condition of the current political/ economic system

And you've just repeated it again in post number 303:

[..] I then mocked you because you made a claim that the current (more capitalist) systems necessitated the murder of the peasantry by the elites as a risk reduction and profit exercise [..]

The amount I care about your silly position regarding states is so small that they wouldn't be able to find it with the LHC, but I do care about you lying about me. Please stop lying about me. It's not a reasonable thing for you to be doing.
I can't quote some of the examples because you didn't quote properly and this forum software won't allow a quote of your post as a result. But here are the relevant details:

In post number 254, you wrote "The current system requires the mass murder (of the peasants?) on an unprecedented scale??

What total and utter nonsense of the highest order!"

I did not say that the current system requires the mass murder of the peasants on an unprecendented scale. That is indeed nonsense...but you wrote it, not me.

Earth to Angilion.........

In the current circumstances, capitalism would require mass murder on an unprecedented scale because there is no longer any need for a mass of peasants to do almost all of the work. In a capitalist system, they would be both an unnecessary cost and a threat to the elites (people will revolt if their situation is bad enough) and would therefore have to be eliminated as a cost cutting and risk reduction project.

So you did say it......If you have started arguing with yourself there is definitely nothing I can do to resolve things.........

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Oh and if your going to try some nonsense attempt at playing semantic word games along the line of the 'current circumstances' (as per the post of yours I quoted above) not being the same as the 'current system' as a disingenuous means to try and say that you were not saying that the current circumstances (in the UK) was 'capitalist' and hence would not require mass murder of the peasantry on an unprecedented scale (according to you in a capitalist system) then you can take your argument up with the UK Socialist Worker Party ,The Socialist Party of Great Britain and the UK Communist Party at the heads of a long list of people who describe the 'current circumstances' in the UK and further abroad to be 'capitalist'.

We of course don't live in a 100% capitalist society (much like there has never been a 100% socialist one either) we live in a mixed economy but one that can be accurately described as capitalist as the means of production and distribution are largely in private hands and generally the government doesn't stop private individuals or groups from owning parallel businesses which mirror any activities the state undertakes... i.e. the state owns road and the NHS but private citizens and organisations can still open (private) roads and hospitals so there isn't a state monopoly even in these sectors as the definition of socialism would imply to be necessary.

Socialist Party of Great Britain

Capitalism is the social system which now exists in all countries of the world. Under this system, the means for producing and distributing goods (the land, factories, technology, transport system etc) are owned by a small minority of people. We refer to this group of people as the capitalist class. The majority of people must sell their ability to work in return for a wage or salary (who we refer to as the working class.)

Pretty clear ....................(although I don't agree that we could call all the countries of the world capitalist but there we go)

Socialist Worker Party

The present system cannot be patched up - it has to be completely transformed. The structures of the parliament, army, police and judiciary cannot be taken over and used by the working people. Elections can be used to agitate for real improvements in people's lives and to expose the system we live under, but only the mass action of workers themselves can change the system.

Workers create all the wealth under capitalism. A new society can only be constructed when they collectively seize control of that wealth and plan its production and distribution according to need.

So the 'present system' is the one where the workers create the wealth and this system is capitalism.........

As a side not please not that at least the SWP are honest about the violence inherent in Socialist philosophy they know they cant likely win via Democracy and so power of the system has to be 'seized' which is an inherently violent action as it would clearly be opposed (and not only by the 'bourgeoisie' class)

UK Communist Party
The aim of the Communist Party is to achieve a socialist Britain in which the means of production, distribution and exchange will be socially owned and utilised in a planned way for the benefit of all. This necessitates a revolutionary transformation of society, ending the existing capitalist system

Three and out?

So just to recap you did say that a 'Capitalist' system would require the peasantry to be killed by the elites as a 'cost cutting and risk reduction' exercise.

I anticipate that you are now going to make some really silly claim that the UK could not be described as 'Capitalist' (by your standards) as its not 100% anarcho capitalism were absolutely all of the means of production and distribution are solely in private hands (i.e. a system that could not work because there isn't really any 'state' to run anything hence 'anarcho')

Of course if you do assert this then no country either now or in the past could fulfil your definition of 'capitalist' so why bother saying what you did in the first place about the necessity for mass murders given that it was in relation to a system that doesn't, hasn't and won't ever exist (was it a momentary slip where some socialist mass murder style projection slipped)?

[Also ditto for the above on the same reasoning for any point made describing any country as 'socialist' as no country has quite achieved 100% socialism]

So if I am right you have now started a new strawman!

I am used to do disengenuous socialists trying to claim that all the countries that have horrifically failed that called, themselves Socialist/ communist, were not socialist or not 'real' socialism...... (a variation of the 'no true Scotsman logical fallacy) but am I right that you have now made a similar fallacious point Re capitalism?

I. E we haven't yet seen the mass murder of the proles by capitalism because we haven't seen a' true' capitalist country?

And of course at the very least you would be culpable of playing silly word games
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Earth to Angilion.........

So you did say it......If you have started arguing with yourself there is definitely nothing I can do to resolve things.........

As you well know, since you replied to the post and I referred you to the post, I wrote this:

[..] The system we currently have obviously isn't capitalism. We have a government, partial democracy, a whole slew of restrictions on businesses, laws to protect employees that are sometimes enforced. Absolutely not capitalism. So what are you talking about? [..]

It's you who is arguing with yourself. You are also pretending that one of the sides you have created in your argument with yourself is me. You know that's not true. I did not say it. You are lying when you say I did.

EDIT: As you your later talk about not bothering to talk about systems that don't, haven't and won't exist, you're incessantly doing the same since you're obsessed with communism and marxism. So why are you bothering with that?

You a rather in a minority in your belief that the current economic and political system in the UK could not be catergorised as being 'capitalist'.

It must be very tiresome in your household...

"Angilion can you pass the jug of water?"

Angilion replies: well actually it's not a jug of water despite the fact thats what pretty much everyone else would refer to it as .... its actually not, a practically almost impossible, jug filled with nothing but water molecules as there is a very small amount of other molecules present...

You also said "in the current circumstances" strongly implying that you were talking about an actual current thing...... not some impossible conceptual notion.

Like I said you now appear, after the fact, to be suggesting that you were reffering to your own personal definition of capitalism which appears to be a system that does not, has not and will not exist..

Or are you going to provide an actual real life example of a system which fulfills your personal defintion of capitalism so we can examine your 'mass murder of the peasantry being a necessary cost cutting and risk reduction claim?'

Whats more I don't even agree with your premise that some pure form of capitalism would resort to mass murder of the proles/peasantry... We have never had a 'perfect' socialist systems but evidence shows that there is a positive corelation between how Socialist a country is and the likelyhood that the goverment will embark on mass murder of the 'peaseantry'.... That same is not true for countries as they become more capitalist i suggest....
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You know I often hear people saying the world doesn't owe me a living but I disagree, because the land used to give us everything we needed for free, we just had to go and get it. But it transpires that a relatively small few now "own" the land and we are now expected to work for a wage instead in order to get what we need. So I do think we do deserve a form of compensation for losing the free use of the land, because no one has a valid claim to owning it in the first place. Its pretty much what Thomas Paine was saying.
You know I often hear people saying the world doesn't owe me a living but I disagree, because the land used to give us everything we needed for free, we just had to go and get it. But it transpires that a relatively small few now "own" the land and we are now expected to work for a wage instead in order to get what we need. So I do think we do deserve a form of compensation for losing the free use of the land, because no one has a valid claim to owning it in the first place. Its pretty much what Thomas Paine was saying.

Socialist level reasoning in full effect....

Celebrating 'primitive communism ' as being somehow a preferable alternative to the modern system.....

But is it even true was there ever really a time when you could just go out in the wild and collect what you needed free of the tyranny of the concept of ownership?

Do even animals not protect an area as being 'theirs' with violence if necessary to protect their own interests...........

Modern concepts of private land ownership just formalise that which has always existed and remove the need for individuals to necessarily defend their own territory with violence as the state takes on this role

You seem to be confusing real life with the garden of Eden but the its hardly surprising considering communism is a utopian ideal that doesn't exist in reality much like the Judaeo- Christian origins myth for the inception of humans

The land never gave our ancestors 'what the wanted for free' they had to work for it and defend their territory, food, sparse possessions and family from other competing humans and animals.

There is no comparison with expecting to literally be paid for doing nothing but existing...........

Socialism the choice for the lazy and entitled since at least the 1870's

I don't agree with Paine's full conclusions on the concept of land ownership and recompense for it but am with him to a point..........

Which is pretty much what we currently have in the UK.

Part of Paine's essential argument was for the state to tax ownership of property for redistribution based on need. Which is consistent with most Western countries do at the current time.
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You a rather in a minority in your belief that the current economic and political system in the UK could not be catergorised as being 'capitalist'.

In various times and places, it was a minority who thought that, to give one example of many, slavery was wrong. It is not always the case that the majority is right. In this case, it's clear for the reasons I've already given that the UK is not a capitalist society. We have a state health service, a state education service, a state police force, a state criminal justice system, a whole slew of laws restricting businesses. The idea that the UK is capitalist is a silly denial of reality.

[some silly nonsense you made up that isn't worth replying to]

You also said "in the current circumstances" strongly implying that you were talking about an actual current thing...... not some impossible conceptual notion.

I referred to what capitalism would require in the current circumstances. That does not (to any reasonable person) mean that the current circumstances are capitalism. Quite the opposite. If <x> in the current circumstances would lead to <y> and <y> is not happening, that means that <x> is not happening either.

Or are you going to provide an actual real life example of a system which fulfills your personal defintion of capitalism so we can examine your 'mass murder of the peasantry being a necessary cost cutting and risk reduction claim?'

As I said before,

EDIT: As you your later talk about not bothering to talk about systems that don't, haven't and won't exist, you're incessantly doing the same since you're obsessed with communism and marxism. So why are you bothering with that?

Neither extreme (communism or capitalism) has ever existed in the real world. Communism probably can't ever exist because it requires everyone to be perfect and incorruptible and for governments to be totally altruistic and totally competent. Capitalism has never been possible before now because it required almost everyone to be slaves who did almost all of the work and that's not sustainable. There have been some partial attempts, e.g. England in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, but they were short-lived and stopped by varying mixtures of political lobbying and revolution. Capitalism may become possible in the future with machines to do almost all of the work and almost everyone dead, but I doubt if that will happen.
Modern concepts of private land ownership just formalise that which has always existed and remove the need for individuals to necessarily defend their own territory with violence as the state takes on this role.
Is that true? Before the Enclosures Act a lot of land was "common land" not owned by the state or landowners. So I thought/read.
But that common land status was defended by the state. Without a state, everything belongs to whoever holds it by force. Which is perfect capitalism.

No its anarcho capitalism or primitive communism depending on who you talk to.... in reality its just anarchy

There is nothing 'perfect' about a system where there is no state to act as a third party to provide laws and some form of structure in which trade can most efficiently be carried out.

So nice try at smearing capitalism by saying that its 'perfect' form is the most brutal system but a system devoid of a state could just as easily (and incorrectly to the same degree) be labelled 'primitive communism'

In various times and places, it was a minority who thought that, to give one example of many, slavery was wrong. It is not always the case that the majority is right. In this case, it's clear for the reasons I've already given that the UK is not a capitalist society. We have a state health service, a state education service, a state police force, a state criminal justice system, a whole slew of laws restricting businesses. The idea that the UK is capitalist is a silly denial of reality.

So there isn't, hasn't been and most likely will never will be a capitalist country which fits your definition glad we cleared that up. Your definition of 'Capitalist' is also rendered rather redundant by your definition given that it doesn't really appear to relate to anything other then apparently, in your view, being a synonym for 'anarchy'

(I notice you have already tried to claim that anarchy is 'perfect' capitalism but see above as to how this can equally be described as 'primitive' communism by some and is best just labelled what it really is which is just 'anarchy')

Personally I would put anarcho capitalists in the same box as people who believe communism is a workable achievable goal........

I.E total loons

I referred to what capitalism would require in the current circumstances. That does not (to any reasonable person) mean that the current circumstances are capitalism. Quite the opposite. If <x> in the current circumstances would lead to <y> and <y> is not happening, that means that <x> is not happening either.

Your use of the term 'current circumstances' I maintain has a strong implicit angle suggesting that capitalism is actually something that can exist rather then a fantasy/ unrealistic nightmare? that hasn't, doesn't and wont exist as above .....

Neither extreme (communism or capitalism) has ever existed in the real world. Communism probably can't ever exist because it requires everyone to be perfect and incorruptible and for governments to be totally altruistic and totally competent. Capitalism has never been possible before now because it required almost everyone to be slaves who did almost all of the work and that's not sustainable. There have been some partial attempts, e.g. England in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, but they were short-lived and stopped by varying mixtures of political lobbying and revolution. Capitalism may become possible in the future with machines to do almost all of the work and almost everyone dead, but I doubt if that will happen.

So according to you there were attempts to make England more capitalist 'a partial attempt' in the last 18 and 19th centuries???

Lets compare and contrast that to your belief that its going against capitalism to have a state health service, a state education service, a state police force, a state criminal justice system and a 'whole slew of laws restricting businesses'

First police modern force established in the world in 1829 in London errrr.... not looking good for you claims for the start now is it?

I don't remember there being any attempt to do away with the criminal justice system otherwise... courts still ran and I don't recall reading about any attempts to do away with them (unless it was by the criminals convicted by them of course).

'whole slew of laws restricting businesses' - errr nope its was a time of massive increase in state intervention into private business via new laws and regulations one of which was most notably the Factory act of 1833

So lets move onto education..... or dear .... it was an 1880 act that made education compulsory

State health service anyone..... whilst its true that the national health service wasn't established to the 20th century the state was already intervening in public health well before that like with this 1848 act

So surprise surpise the actual evidence appears to go totally against Angillion's own personal world view! The late 18 and 19th centuries were a time of at least stable if not massiviely increasing intervention when it comes to policing, justice, health care and restrictions on business!

And the 18th and 19th centuries in England were also the times of the industrial revolution....

The productivity gains of capitalist production began a sustained and unprecedented increase at the turn of the 19th century, in a process commonly referred to as the Industrial Revolution.

The actual definition of capitalism has nothing to say about state laws, regulations, policing or the justice system anyway so these things cant be 'anti capitalist'
noun: capitalism
  1. an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
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Have two lump sums of £5k over two years...

So there's potentially the next reason for first time buyers will not be able to get on the ladder.
It's not free money though (well it is to the people who get it). It will still have to be paid for with taxes. So either taxes will rise for people who are working or benefits/facilities will be cut to pay for it.
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