I suppose its reasonable to expect some lunatics in California to do something like this since they are on another level of crazy "progressive" in that state, I'm not sure what Murphys excuse is though. It's fine for your team to be wrong sometimes
I'm standing right here. There's really no need for the passive aggressive referring to people in the third person, if you don't have the courage to address me directly then fine but if you don't then maybe it's best to just say nothing.
Also it's not an excuse and it's not my 'team'. I'm not excusing anything I'm simply giving my opinion and the reasoning that went into forming that opinion, which is more than most people seem to be doing in this thread as so far no one has said why they don't believe the reason they gave for creating this safe space, 'white violence', isn't a valid reason and that in itself is rather telling IMO. Also just because you see the world in terms of my team their team it doesn't mean others think like you, some people actually form opinions based on the evidence and facts.
Oh please... When one man, for example Tommy Robinson, makes speeches deemed by some as racist, he's roundly condemned, when fifty odd students with the tacit backing of their university (have any been expelled yet?) action the very definition of apartheid, it's derided because the whole of black American youth are not involving themselves. I am not sure why you say "supposed racism"? Do by association think the Black Lives Matter movement is specious, as you imply racism in the US is "supposed"?
One can only imagine the different content of the posts here should white students have unapologetically banished blacks or homosexuals, or trans people from their lodgings....
Yea, of course, let's all ignore the long and sordid history of waxy lemon and lets ignore the fact that i literally said whether something is or isn't racist is a personal judgment up to and until the state get involved. The fact is a majority of people deem what waxy lemon says as racist because he's got a long history of doing and saying racist things, he's got a long history of using what many people consider invalid reasons to justify his discrimination hence people make the judgment that he's racist.
When a private landlord and a handful of students want to create a supposed safe space they don't have a long history of using spurious reasons to discriminate against certain groups, you're obviously welcome to provide evidence of them using invalid reasons in the past or why you think their current reason is invalid though (i doubt you'll take up that offer for some reason).
Also they don't have the tacit backing of their university, where did you even get that idea from? Also, seriously, stop say it's apartheid. You're just making yourself look silly, ill-informed, or both. Apartheid was institutionalised racial oppression by the state, this is a private landlord and a handful of students.
Also, also, no. I used the term supposed because like i said no one has put forward why they think the reason they've used for wanting this safe space isn't valid, if no one can explain why it isn't valid then it's not racism no matter how much you may want it to be.