***Unofficial OcUK Minecraft Server - The Revenge***

I tried to go on the server but i get this error:

doesnt look like it was the ct3 :(

Would it be worth trying to use minecrafts launcher instead of MC Portable?

I.e go to AppData and delete .minecraft then grab the file i made you last night and paste .minecraft from the 7z file into the AppData and run minecraft.exe?

edit: what exactly happens when you crash?

edit2: DigitalReaper suggested you do the above and ALSO disable IC2 sounds .minecraft/config/IC2.cfg and ensure it's set to false
# Enable sounds

(around half way down)
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already tried that doesnt work. guessign the driver versio nhas mvoed o nscince then

This sucks big time. I had a little google and there was a youtube video recommending people to run in Windows Vista Service Pack 2 or 3 compatibility mode.

I'm guessing you completely removed your old drivers before adding new ones too?

Running short on ideas. This thread has a lot of things to try though (if you haven't come across it already) It also links to this:
Method 3: Increase the GPU processing time by adjusting the Timeout Detection and Recovery registry value
it's got to be something on that island (or the rig, im not sure did i build the rig after problem started or before?) i set render distance to short loaded on the platform and could run around fine, moved towards the island and as soon as that chunk started loading (pipes for the geo just appeared as first blocks) it froze and rest.

Woder if its somthign to do with how the scafold legs affect water.
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