***Unofficial OcUK Minecraft Server - The Revenge***

Someone mentioned that you may have been banned from the official server. Do you have a reasonable explanation surrounding these events?

Ah yes, well basically the main reason was for fly modding, which i don't deny doing but i cant do on tekkit any way because i cant mod. But i didn't get banned for being a bad player, although some people may say otherwise and it is arguable that i had something to do with the tnting of maxilive's home. But i didn't actually set off the TNT and i wasn't even logged on when it happened so there isn't really any evidence i did it. But i assure you i will play fine on this server because i haven't got a reason to grief.
Heheh fair enough. Well everyones homes should be residences / tnt / lava safe anyhow. Plus you can fly with a couple of the mod items. So indeed, no reason to and no way to grief. Come on in when you like :) I am off out for a bit, family stuff, but theres plenty of helpful people online.
Hi Oxy, some of the stuff I built late last night has dissapeared again. not in the order that I built it either, so something strange is going on. also I lost the resources I used to build the items that are gone, which suggests its not a straight forward roll back. Any idea what is happening?
TrInsanity has the same issues too. I think something with the morning restart is causing issues. Any way we can suspend this and maybe do it manually in the morning?
TrInsanity has the same issues too. I think something with the morning restart is causing issues. Any way we can suspend this and maybe do it manually in the morning?

Looks like Tefal and I lost a little part of the oil rig pump house, only machine part I can tell is missing is the MV solar array and a LV transformer, Tefal will have a better idea one he sees it.

Obligatory picture:
How very strange. I will indeed suspend the restarts now I think. If all these occurances def happen overnight?

What time is the restart? the reason I ask is that I checked to see how far Tefal had got with the Oil Rig after I logged for the night, I checked it at 5:15am and I'm sure I would have noticed the damaged area if it was there then.
that's weired as i put the pipe to platform after i made tahat pump house.

mcv solarpannel, mfe and lv array missing
Love it, good use of grates as decoration!

I've popped a chest down on your main build beside platform 1 with all the missing bits.

Tefal has done an outstanding job on the design of the Oil Rig platform, I checked the chest out and it has all the missing parts, much appreciated.

Tefal I was thinking that instead of the usual buildcraft pump and multiple small vertical tanks for the oil we could construct a large single glass tank within the nether platform leg with a smaller diameter than the leg for viewing access, we could then use a redpower pump to transfer the oil into that, not sure how the redpower pumps will work with the oil wells on the map though so might need to give it a test on a small oil deposit first, there is one near spawn I think that would do for testing. It might be the case that it needs to go via buildcraft tanks initially.

I've also been building up the components towards a solar factory which ideally we would build on the nether platform, just not sure how we are going to divide up the surface space depending on what sort of structures you had in mind for it. Later today I'll be replacing a couple of the induction furnaces with Red Matter ones for extra speed and resources.
yeqah syl i thinking that would be good too, another plus of that design is RP pipes acomodate panels much better than buildcraft ones do.

build whereever o nthe platform we'll just add buildings etc as needed on top of it.

just leave the quardrant furthest from our base for now as i'm going to use it as a place to make buidler templates.

in the center we'll mark out the lift too.

where do you want to remvoe al lthe sea bed to start your underwater stuff?
rjh420/quisarious unfortunatley some spanner griefed yoru place (he hit a few other places also and is thankfully banned) since you weren't around we fixed it up as best we could for you.

If you need building mats or anything you think is missing give me a shout and i'll sort you out (no rhyme intended). I'll also lend a hand fixing it properly if you can give me an idea of what needs done.
i crash whenever the hut loads syl. (tried mvoeing across the map to it after oxy tp'd me)

noit sure what cauyses it.
i crash whenever the hut loads syl. (tried mvoeing across the map to it after oxy tp'd me)

noit sure what cauyses it.

Last changes to the hut was converting the diamond chests to crystal chests, not sure if you had logged in after that change, if you've not logged in since that change I'll convert them back as they are quite graphically intensive although very pretty :D

Edit: Crystal chests now reverted back to diamond ones as it was before.
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