***Unofficial OcUK Minecraft Server - The Revenge***

You're a bad person :( Got people on irc complaining the TFC server has been down for 12h as a result of this! Teamspeak as well!
What screen does TFC run off? I'll restart it if I'm doing any updates to Ubuntu
P.s. tell them to stop moaning about free stuff :p
Sorry pal - I didn't realise it was Adam causing the server to crash when connected so I disabled a few things - didn't think anyone had a tunnel borer. Re-enabled and added to a chest at your house with the two goodies (and a diamond head for the borer).

Thanks :) we've been using the tunnel borer for weeks without issue. Forgot to mention the couple of stacks of track from inside the borer :p

There is another problem at the moment, every time a player called Osemaj tries to join, the server crashes.
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Thanks :) we've been using the tunnel borer for weeks without issue. Forgot to mention the couple of stacks of track from inside the borer :p

There is another problem at the moment, every time a player called Osemaj tries to join, the server crashes.

Same issue that Adam had - I'll sort it now.

sorted: Let me know if it continues. I'll need to see what's causing that problem.
I'll sort your track's when I get home from work in a couple of hours.
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I think the world has become corrupted. Just downloading it and will try and salvage.

Wondering if this is a world anchor issue. May need to disable them.

edit: worlds definately broken, renamed it and generated a new one and server is fine. Will investigate.
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What are peoples thoughts on having a new world and starting fresh (again) ?

I am all for it if it fixes our stability issues.
I'd rather keep the world, I hate constantly resetting. Will do my best to get things up and running. If push comes to shove though... :(
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