***Unofficial OcUK Minecraft Server - The Revenge***

I'll definitly look into Myscraft, will need to check if it's compatible with ExtraBiomesXL though, as multiverse is not as I found with numerous local tests.

Just throwing it out there, what would people think of a fresh new world and new mods for 1.3.2 once everything is up to date? I was already toying with upgrading BC2 to BC3 and adding in Logistic pipes as well as the latest Forestry for BC3 (now that the new IC2 is compatible with BC3).
I'll definitly look into Myscraft, will need to check if it's compatible with ExtraBiomesXL though, as multiverse is not as I found with numerous local tests.

Excellent thanks. :)

Just throwing it out there, what would people think of a fresh new world and new mods for 1.3.2 once everything is up to date? I was already toying with upgrading BC2 to BC3 and adding in Logistic pipes as well as the latest Forestry for BC3 (now that the new IC2 is compatible with BC3).

I'd be happy with that.

Nick, sorry I missed your message, I've practically been playing BF3 when I've had some free time, which hasn't been much lately. I haven't totally given up on the updates just yet - I thought 1.3.2 would have came around sooner than originally thought so didn't want to start a fresh map, then have to generate another map once 1.3.2 was out.

I'll maybe give it another week to see if anything surfaces (I was tempted to start a BetterThanWolves server to be honest) and then look at re-doing the mods. I was speaking to neil and am considering completely removing EE to remove the temptation.

Also next update will probably be doing away with the standalone launcher, instead you'll just use your normal minecraft.exe and i'll get a server/client sync setup to patch the minecraft.jar with the relevant mods and download the rest to the /mods/ folder - you can then add any extras use choose.
Heehee, I set up a small BTW server last week. Its good fun for a little bit at the start but once the endgame gear hits you're finished.
Hey Lol, it's not a problem, I've been playing BF3 a lot lately too!

I agree EE is making things too easy, including griefing!

Really looking forward to the new updates, and getting the community feel back.

If you need any help testing, let me know, I have loads of free time whilst at work ATM. Lol.
Just gave it a reboot there, should be online now. I have a feeling a chunk is corrupted again and someone falling through the void is crashing the server.
Just a small update on what's going on for anyone interested: Neil's came up with a fantastic idea for our relaunch including some new mods to play with and plugins to change it up a bit. We have a new logging and protection plugin that seems pretty fantastic too, which should keep things extra secure without any lag issues.

Nick if your offer still stands let me know and I'll add you on Skype and give you the details. This applies to anyone else too.
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