30 Sep 2017
New to unraid, ive had it installed for about a month now on a microserver Gen8.
Was all running fine. i had it installed from a USB. Anyway Some how the USB has
gone missing and when i reset my power i seem to have lost everything. had about 4tb
of data on my drives. Ive tried to start again with a new Bootable USB. However unraid
is asking me to start afresh and assign my drives again. I dont have a clue whats going on
or if ive lost my data. Hoping for some advise?

Next time put the usb on the internal usb header :D

From my understanding, your data will be fine, just install unraid onto another USB and boot up again.
Yeah that might be a good idea. Yeah that is what i have done, now it has taken me to the initial setup and is asking me to assign my
drives. Didn't want to go any further just in case i make things worse lol.
if i re-assign my devices will that wipe the drives or will the files that were on the drives be accessible again ???
You should be able to just reassign the drives and your data will show. There will be a warning before any formatting takes place.

As above, use an internal USB header in future. Also might be worth installing the 'CA Backup / Restore Appdata' plugin which you can set to automatically back up your USB drive at regular intervals.

(Oh and that was "advice", not "advise" ;) )
You'll need to generate a new Key, as the hardware code of the USB will have changed, they let you do that for free once every 12 months period. I lost two USB drives and they wouldn't replace it again, decided at that point unraid wasn't for me. Don't see the point in having my data safe if usb failure costs me licensing. Moved over to snapraid.
You'll need to generate a new Key, as the hardware code of the USB will have changed, they let you do that for free once every 12 months period. I lost two USB drives and they wouldn't replace it again, decided at that point unraid wasn't for me. Don't see the point in having my data safe if usb failure costs me licensing. Moved over to snapraid.

That' a real shame, Unraid is an amazing platform.

But you can see why, although it has a massive community they can't afford to loose registration fees. (not implying you was passing them on). They need to implement these safeguards or the net would be flooded with keys and it would jeprodise its future.
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