"Up and running ps3"


I'm disgruntled cause its been a shambles, I'm not going to go round picking up all the links, but if you remember far back as the 360 launch then you'll remember all the links posted here about problems with the PS3 or thing's there changing doing.

And yes I agree, the 360 was given a tarts welcome with all the fancy MTV stuff, but at the end of the day. It came out and apart from a slightly less than 5% return rate on the 360's (which is a lot but no more than most electrical products, and I guarentee PS3 will be the same) they have done well. And delivered a fantastic product, anyone who has one on here will agree

I'll buy the PS3, just cause I get all the consoles, and cause at the end of it it will be a good product, I'm not saying it won't be. It just wont be half as good as Sony tried to make out it would be. Sony fill themselves up with so much bull poo that it gets to the point they cant fit anymore and they burst and its all exposed. Was the same with the PS2. And anyother console just Sony like to do it more, and get away with it less
I have a launch PS2 and a Launch Slim PS2 never had a problem and got my PSX about a year after launch, not a single problem.
Not saying its perfect but i would like to see PS2 returns Vs 360 returns. Even PSp vs 360.

Have MS made a console thats been perfect?? there are people on here onto there 4th and 5th 360, dont know anyone who is onto that number of PS2's and the PS2 has been out 5 years longer.

Incidently i have a launch day 360 and its never missed a beat.

Faults I can remember from the past consoles (remakes imo do not count as they are subsiquent generations)

PS1 Generation 1, disk reading difficulty, owners were putting them upside down and on their sides to play cds and games.

PS2 Generation 1 Disk eating

PSP Dead pixles - I did not pay too much attention to the PSP launch so there may be more.

just to clarify the only thing they done was delayed it. The price was never 'upped' it was just annoucned it lol
The only features they removed was a second HDMI out and 2 NIC's no great loss.

I did pay attention to the prior to the 360 launch, the 360 bashing was minimal, especially compaired to this. There was even a thread saying 'dont slate the 360' when people where not even slating it, it was all rather amusing.
the 360 launched worldwide, but i might be wrong in saying this but i think the PS3 is launching with as many consoles as the 360 did, just in fewer territories. the 360 was showin off, but was uncovered as being a G5 runing the games but they showed the 360 case off. They had a launch event which showed very little 360 but showed the Killers live a lot Yet still managed to survive unscathed on here. Sony have a couple of muppets giving press conferences and its game over
I wouldnt say you where a fan boy, just disgruntled with the PS3 for some reason.

this has been delayed twice in europe. Features I recall being removed over time have been (refering to 60 GB model.)

3 Controles support removed
Ethernet cabels
1 SPE (actually it was many more than one but I can not remember how many they originally planned)
Several Mhz in the core and in each SPE
1 HDMI output
Rumble support

The PS3 is launching with 400k less. IIRC The 360 launched 300k US 300k EU 300k Japan. The PS3 is Launching with 400k US 100k Japan. 0 EU

Sony Execs lost control of their company and are being made to look like prats because the people below them are telling them what they want to hear rather than the truth until it is too late, and the PR team are "Showing No Weaknesses infront of their enemies"

I will conceed though that the 360 must have a much higher than 5% failure rate in concoles over the first year. I have returned 2 (one dead as a dodo and the other was making some very distressing sounds) - Maybe the 1 week on had a lasting effect ;)
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Kronologic said:
Several Mhz in the core and in each SPE

Didn't Sony only ever officially announce 3.2GHZ but they did test at higher speeds? :confused:

Also, I thought you could still have 7 wireless controllers.

So confusing :p
I must admit, it does look good! I was looking forward to the PS3 but I think I'm just going to stick with the 360 and pick up a Wii also. I'm just a bit annoyed at Sony and their blatant lies regarding the PS3!
I have a launch PS2 and a Launch Slim PS2 never had a problem and got my PSX about a year after launch, not a single problem.
Not saying its perfect but i would like to see PS2 returns Vs 360 returns. Even PSp vs 360.
Just as a reply to this.

I've had 4 Sony Playstations (1).
I've had 2 Sony Playstation 2's.
I've only had 1 Sony PSP.

I've only had 1 Microsoft Xbox.
I've only had 1 Microsoft Xbox360.

I've also only had:
1 Nintendo SNES.
1 Nintendo Gamecube.
1 Nintendo Gameboy Color.
1 Nintendo Gameboy Advance.

1 Sega Mega Drive.
1 Sega Saturn.
1 Sega Dreamcast (which later had it's PSU replaced).
1 Sega Gamegear.

So looking at my track record, Sony have had an absolute nightmare whereas Nintendo have been faultless over more than a generation. Microsoft haven't missed a beat yet either, though a blind man could see there have been issues with the Xbox360.

Despite my track record with faulty Sony products I still expect a product that works, so to see one that hasn't crashed because it's overheated doesn't surprise me, I've had my Sony Playstation 2 on for over a month before and I've also had my Xbox360 on for over a month solid (and a large amount of the last 11 months.

But in opposition to this post I can say with authority that I, myself haven't had a lot of joy from Sony in the past but have had nothing but faultless hardware from Microsoft.
I have a launch PS2 and a Launch Slim PS2 never had a problem and got my PSX about a year after launch, not a single problem.
Not saying its perfect but i would like to see PS2 returns Vs 360 returns. Even PSp vs 360.

Launch PS2's were riddled with issues IIRC, so you have done well there. The PSP, in Japan at least, also had major problems with screens, faulty button and UMD drives that didnt work.
Nismo said:
Launch PS2's were riddled with issues IIRC, so you have done well there. The PSP, in Japan at least, also had major problems with screens, faulty button and UMD drives that didnt work.

Think the biggest one on PS2 was the laser problem wasn't it? I know that's what went on mine anyway, luckily within 12 months!
Kronologic said:
Have Sony made a console that has been perfect in the first 2 generations yet? No.

It hasn't overheated in 12 hours, my 360 managed a week without overheating I'm not sure of the relevance.

Did I say they had? No. This isn't a sony vs microsoft argument.

The relavence is it's a good sign.
Kronologic said:
1 SPE (actually it was many more than one but I can not remember how many

The Cell has one PowerPC core and eight SPE's (the number crunching digital signal processors...), but for the PS3 they are only going to use 7 SPE's. (One for reduncancy or is it to allow Cell chips with one defective SPE to still make the grade.... I wonder!)
Kronologic said:
this has been delayed twice in europe. Features I recall being removed over time have been (refering to 60 GB model.)

3 Controles support removed
Ethernet cabels
1 SPE (actually it was many more than one but I can not remember how many they originally planned)
Several Mhz in the core and in each SPE
1 HDMI output
Rumble support

The PS3 is launching with 400k less. IIRC The 360 launched 300k US 300k EU 300k Japan. The PS3 is Launching with 400k US 100k Japan. 0 EU

With regards features removed. i dont understand the 3 controls support removed, sorry.
i did mention 2 NIC's going missing. But i never understood the point in them wanting to put 3 in anyway :confused:
The Cell used in a PS3 was only ever ment to operate on 7SPE's for as far as i can remember with PS3 development, they never said all 8 where going to run on a PS3, it was always going to need one for redundancy.
Dont know if the MHz was reduced or not, can't remember official specs
I Mentioned the 1 HDMI output, but it was a pointless thing anyway.
Rumble support is a tricky one, i think that was more forced removal than volantery. Also it wasn't so much removed as replaced, i know some may find that a thin line but it was replaced with a different idea.

I didnt think the 360 launched with 1m consoles, i honestly didnt think they pushed 300k into the japanese market, that has surprised me

As regards reliabilty, yeah i forgot about people turning there PSones upside down. But i have still said i would love to see actual returns figures for all consoles as i genuinly think it would make iteresting reading.
Some people get lucky with consoles some don't. Look at the 360, some folk have had many, some are still on launch day ones. And polls on here (even though i know i used myself as an example) for some reason are not deemed credible, i think its a decent enough sample of people, and showed the 360's failure rate to be about 15% - 20% which i think is probably more realistic, but like i said it would be nice to see genuine figures.

Sony are a compy that needs a major shake up, they still run in the old Japanese style, there was a good article on wired a month or 2 ago about this and it made a lot of sense. tbh i can't see Ken Kutaragi being in charge this time next year and the whole company needs a clear out.
They also need to realise that Europe is fast catching on the US in money terms. They need to get over any Logistical issues with Europe being countries and start putting Europe where it should be.

But in this age with the internet and ever 16 year old running a blog and spreading rumours and hyped up bad news Sony are in trouble. A big factor in this is becuase most of said 16 year olds are American and will be more MS biased than Sony (not throwing fanboy around here). That is not to say Sony is without fault. But at least they are starting to listen to the people, even if they do still get slated for it.
I watched the ps3 e3 annoncement over 2 years ago and I can confirm the clock speed was never reduced it was always set to run at 3.2ghz with 7 spe's and 1 for redundancy. The ps3 spec downgrades are neglibigle, no one has 7 players at once, no one cared for 3 ethernet ports either and will anyone actually miss dualshock, did it serve a practical purpose, as for 2 hdmi ports I think a 32:9 aspect ratio might be slightly unfair for the people who can't afford 2 monitors and have people owning them with their 180o view in fps games. Sony shouldn't have said they were going to put all this stuff on their console though because it was guaranteed to put people off even though the downgrades don't actually make the console any worse.
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Kronologic said:
this has been delayed twice in europe. Features I recall being removed over time have been (refering to 60 GB model.)

3 Controles support removed
Ethernet cabels
1 SPE (actually it was many more than one but I can not remember how many they originally planned)
Several Mhz in the core and in each SPE
1 HDMI output
Rumble support
I'm no PS3 fanboy, hell, I'm more of a 360 fanboy, but anyway: For the vast majority of thost 'features', they were initially in my mind rather stupid anyway, and really seemed quite pointless.

They have not removed the 3 controller support from what I understand, it can still support up to 7 bluetooth controllers.
The extra HDMI output was pretty silly to begin with. I'd say the majority of PS3s aren't even going to be using HDTVs, and those that will will probably go for the packaged component cable, as you have to go out and buy a seaparte HDMI cable for the console. Then you'll have the minotiry of HDMI users, and how many of them are seriously going to have another HDTV sitting next to their current one to play games dual screen? Pointless feature in my opinion.
I've no idea about the core speed and SPE stuff, but it's only going to be a couple of MHz, maybe a small percentage drop in detail levels or frames perhaps, it's not the end of the world, it's still going to be bloody powerful

But Sony have been silly in losing the rumble, as personally I don't think their tilt system is going to live up to the Wii implementation, and will be far more gimmicky, and will annoy all those people who want rumble in their games instead of some wierd control method.
I thought the 2 HDMI port thing was a good Idea, no more split screen

IIRC they only allow 4 bluetooth controlers.

Initially and this is going back a very long way Sony were making rediculious claims about how many Cells and SPEs they were going to use. This was well over 2 years back thought.

The thing is this is typical with Sony they have a specification slip the closer to launch the more things drop out of the console. I wish they would be more like Nintendo and keep their cards to their chest.

Really it does not matter what is in the box only what it can do. I just wish Sony would stop saying "It can process all these polygons per sec and serve you breakfast in bed at the same time" Then something gets downgraded and Sony then Says "We are still producing more polygons per second than our competitors (and generously exagerating polygon counts) and breakfast in bed is still possible".

It just winds me up.
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