up at 4am and going coursework..

2 Jan 2009
**edit** i got my extension and even better my teacher gave me until tomorrow to hand it in and not the tuesday just gone which is what i asked for!!
and good news, its all pretty much finnished!! :D:D:D
i just have to add a tad more to my conclusion and finnish reading it and voila a decent piece of coursework that will hopefully alow me to get an A! :D

**/edit** :p

why i why do i never do coursework when i get it?!?!
i still have about 15,000 words to wright for 3.30pm today :mad::mad:
and why oh why do i akways get distracted on these forums! -.-

Bad times!

So is anyone else up at this time doing something they realy dont want to be doing?

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ha, there isnt a set word count but the examoples we have bee given range from 28,000 words to just under 50,000 words and i am currently on 15,000 words....
im going to stay up until 5 or 6am tonight, get about 2 hours sleep and then be up at 7am to carry on.
The worst thing is that this piece of work is 30% of my final A2 grade at college and i am wanting to go to the university of manchester...

I am hoping that my teacher can give me a 1 day extension because for the past 4 days my pc has been pretty unusable because of some very nasty viruses. There is nothing i can do but hope!

Im so stupid though, i always leave work :(
Its business studies, we have to do a feasability study into opening a business in a chosen location.
and i agree, it is a HELL of a LOT of work!!

I'm sure you know your course better than I do but I doubt you need to 30k words for the college course you're doing.
My dissertation length is about 2/3 of what you have left to write. How the hell do you have a 30k word piece of coursework for A2?
this is what i have to cover (not including sub headings):

Primary research
Secondary research
Location decision
Competitor analysis
Legal structure
Marketing startergy (including Ansoff and Porter)
External influences
PESTLE analysis
SWOT analysis
Conclusion recommendations
I just find it hard to believe that your A2 coursework is significantly longer than the majority of dissertations.

well it is, i could send you the example im going off if you would like? :p

gah im hungry, not eaten since about 8:mad:

You should see the amount of work we get in ICT, the last one i did was about 120 pages long,then a day after handing that in we were given our next piece!!
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