Update on my health

1 Dec 2010
Welling, London
As many of you know, I’ve been battling a congenital heart condition my entire life. Well, things have moved on dramatically, so I thought I’d give you an update.

Last March, I went into a slow form of atrial tachycardia. An echo showed that due to weakening heart function, I had developed a clot in my right atrium, roughly the size of a pea. I was placed on heparin to reduce it. but had to stop taking it after severe nose bleeds. This meant they couldn’t put me back into sinus rhythm as the shock given to my heart could blow the clot out, causing massive stroke or embolism. Over time my condition has deteriorated, and I returned to the hospital yesterday. The clot has grown to the size of a grape and is starting to interfere slightly with blood flow through the heart which is making me feel worse. They are out of options though and cannot get rid of the clot without risking a stroke or embolism, both of which would probably kill me in my current state. The only way out is a transplant, which they have talked about for years, but I’ve never been ill enough to go on the list.

The Freeman hospital in Newcastle are aware of me and have asked for full liver works to be done as my liver is damaged from the years of poor circulation, and they need to make sure it is working well enough to withstand the strain on it after transplant. I will be having CT scans and other investigations soon, both at my regular hospital in London and the Freeman (not looking forward to the journeys coming up!). Hopefully, all will be OK and I will be placed on the list. If not, then my last hope is gone and I go on to palliative care to make me as comfortable as possible for the time I have left.

Also, my ICD, which protects against cardiac arrest is nearly out of battery, so I need another operation to replace that.

It’s a very scary time and I am honestly ******** myself, but I just have to smile and get on with things the best I can. I’m still feeling OK in myself when resting but am struggling to walk more than 20 yards now without breathlessness and a racing heart. The ticker has just done as much as it can, there’s no more left.

I’ll update this thread when there are further developments. It’s good for me to talk to people on here as I don’t get out much in my current state as you can imagine, so opportunities for talk are limited. Thanks for listening :)
Wish you the very best, I'm not far from the Freeman and their cardiac unit is incredible. Having suffered from heart issues myself, albeit much less serious, it is definitely normal to be bricking it, even benign arrhythmias are uncomfortable and anxiety producing.
As many of you know, I’ve been battling a congenital heart condition my entire life. Well, things have moved on dramatically, so I thought I’d give you an update.

Last March, I went into a slow form of atrial tachycardia. An echo showed that due to weakening heart function, I had developed a clot in my right atrium, roughly the size of a pea. I was placed on heparin to reduce it. but had to stop taking it after severe nose bleeds. This meant they couldn’t put me back into sinus rhythm as the shock given to my heart could blow the clot out, causing massive stroke or embolism. Over time my condition has deteriorated, and I returned to the hospital yesterday. The clot has grown to the size of a grape and is starting to interfere slightly with blood flow through the heart which is making me feel worse. They are out of options though and cannot get rid of the clot without risking a stroke or embolism, both of which would probably kill me in my current state. The only way out is a transplant, which they have talked about for years, but I’ve never been ill enough to go on the list.

The Freeman hospital in Newcastle are aware of me and have asked for full liver works to be done as my liver is damaged from the years of poor circulation, and they need to make sure it is working well enough to withstand the strain on it after transplant. I will be having CT scans and other investigations soon, both at my regular hospital in London and the Freeman (not looking forward to the journeys coming up!). Hopefully, all will be OK and I will be placed on the list. If not, then my last hope is gone and I go on to palliative care to make me as comfortable as possible for the time I have left.

Also, my ICD, which protects against cardiac arrest is nearly out of battery, so I need another operation to replace that.

It’s a very scary time and I am honestly ******** myself, but I just have to smile and get on with things the best I can. I’m still feeling OK in myself when resting but am struggling to walk more than 20 yards now without breathlessness and a racing heart. The ticker has just done as much as it can, there’s no more left.

I’ll update this thread when there are further developments. It’s good for me to talk to people on here as I don’t get out much in my current state as you can imagine, so opportunities for talk are limited. Thanks for listening :)

I had no idea about any of that. I'm sorry to hear it and I wish you the best. And I look forward to many more posts from you. You're one of the more intelligent posters here, imo - by which of course I mean you think the same as me a lot of the time. :)

Take care of yourself, mate.
You're a titan Rob, I have no doubt you're gonna grab this bull by the horns and show it who's boss. Doesn't make it any easier though. Good luck mate, keep us posted <3
Really sorry to hear about this, I didn't know you suffered from health issues. Forgive my ignorance on the subject, but isn't there an operation available to remove the clot if they know where it is?

Wishing you all the best.
Really sorry to hear about this, I didn't know you suffered from health issues. Forgive my ignorance on the subject, but isn't there an operation available to remove the clot if they know where it is?

Wishing you all the best.
Not in my case no. There are operations, but they are just too dangerous to perform on me in my current state, and even if they got rid of the clot, another one would likely form before too long.
As a fellow arsenal fan rob I’m sorry to hear of your health issues. Although I do remember in the past you posting about it.

Anyhow buddy I hope things will get better for you soon with whatever procedure they end up doing.

I need a fellow gooner to quieten down the other football fans so don’t be going anywhere fella:p.
So sorry to hear things are so bad. All I can say is I genuinely wish you the best of luck. Keep us posted and I hope it goes well.
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