Update on my health

Keep strong and positive dude it's never good to hear these things and I genuinely hope you come out of this fighting fit. Fingers crossed you get some good news soon buddy.
It’s crazy to me that they can’t remove the clot surgically (without permanent success).

The option of “blow it out” and risk a stroke or “leave it there” seems to be the medical equivalent of a rock and a hard place.

Wishing you all the best.
So sorry to hear this. :( Best of luck mate - hope you can stay positive, hope the liver test comes back in your favour and you're eligible for a transplant :)

It’s crazy to me that they can’t remove the clot surgically (without permanent success).

The option of “blow it out” and risk a stroke or “leave it there” seems to be the medical equivalent of a rock and a hard place.

Presumably the arrhythmia likely persisting or coming back is part of the issue there, new clot would just reappear anyway. I had an atrial arrhythmia myself (AF in my case) after being under a load of stress and the first thing they did was give me an injection of an anticoagulant to prevent a clot, fortunately they were able to get me back into normal rhythm fairly quickly - that is the important thing as far as these things are concerned, I was told the longer you're in that state for the more likely it is to reoccur or persist - the short circuits the electrical impulses are taking become more and more permanent over time... chances of it persisting increase with age too.

Lots of old people live with a permanent arrhythmia that can't be treated, that can be fine, they just have to take anticoagulant meds permanently to prevent clots, rather unfortunate for the OP that he's not able to with the nose bleeds etc.. :(
So sorry to hear this. :( Best of luck mate - hope you can stay positive, hope the liver test comes back in your favour and you're eligible for a transplant :)

Presumably the arrhythmia likely persisting or coming back is part of the issue there, new clot would just reappear anyway. I had an atrial arrhythmia myself (AF in my case) after being under a load of stress and the first thing they did was give me an injection of an anticoagulant to prevent a clot, fortunately they were able to get me back into normal rhythm fairly quickly - that is the important thing as far as these things are concerned, I was told the longer you're in that state for the more likely it is to reoccur or persist - the short circuits the electrical impulses are taking become more and more permanent over time... chances of it persisting increase with age too.

Lots of old people live with a permanent arrhythmia that can't be treated, that can be fine, they just have to take anticoagulant meds permanently to prevent clots, rather unfortunate for the OP that he's not able to with the nose bleeds etc.. :(

You’re on the right track. Problem with me is my right atria is very enlarged due to the hard work it’s had to do over the years. This has caused a lot of scar tissue to form on the heart, which is the biggest cause of those short circuits you talk of. I’ve had three ablations to try and help, but it just reoccurs constantly and will continue to do so. A clot would like reform anyway as the flow through my heart is so sluggish that the blood just pools in the right atrium, eventually clotting. I’m on warfarin. This is slowing the growth of the clot somewhat but no completely. They have told me that if it becomes a medical emergency and it’s obvious I won’t survive, then they will have to do something about it, but due to the funky way my hearts plumbed in, its very difficult and risky surgery.
Hopefully you're eligible for a new heart. I've had AF since I was 15 im 31 now and it is no joke, trying to explain to someone is impossible because for normal people their heart does its job without them even noticing. Scary stuff.
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