Upgrade advise please not upgraded since 2013

The case has to fit with that card in it?
Good airflow and not basic?
Does everyone recomend what tocrecomended?
Or is there anything better simlar price?
I want to get this ordered.

Case doesn't really matter aslong as it has good airflow so enough fans to cool the system, and obviously big enough. I wouldn't risk that new system with your PSU currently though, but that is upto you mate.
Case doesn't really matter aslong as it has good airflow so enough fans to cool the system, and obviously big enough. I wouldn't risk that new system with your PSU currently though, but that is upto you mate.
It will be the psu which ted recomended not the one i have recently bought for my current old pc

So is it worth then?
Is it all future proof this system?
It will be the psu which ted recomended not the one i have recently bought for my current old pc

So is it worth then?
Is it all future proof this system?

Looks decent to me mate, if Ted recommended those parts they will be fine I am sure. Wait for some recommendations for cases, pointless me showing the one I use, you simply don't need anything that big. I use the Phanteks Ethoo Primo but that is too big, they do make decent cases though, this looks good for the price https://www.overclockers.co.uk/phan...ss-midi-tower-case-black-white-ca-08g-pt.html
With cases it just depends what you want to spend really mate, aslong as it has decent cooling.
Is the cpu,mem plus gfx i have in that basket ted recomended is this all high end pc gaming stuff?

Yes mate, would be a good upgrade for you over what you had. Don't really know about the GPU that Ted recommended, he did say that or the 5700xt now personally I don't use AMD graphics cards and haven't for around 5 years so I am not the right person to tell you about them. If he recommended those parts I am certain they are all high end.
Wait for Exrayted to reply mate or one of the other guys, I am sure if you wanted to spend a bit more they may slightly alter the parts but I am sure they are decent, someone will be along shortly who has more experience than me on here.
Don't want to sound like a divvy but i should get 5 years out of that rig?

Easily mate. If you don't change the resolution.

I'm still running a 4790k @ 4.5ghz, 16gb Ram & a 980Ti on a 1440p/144hz gsync monitor. Bought it about 4 years ago and its still going. 70/80+fps in Destiny 2 and WoW isn't even remotely straining it.

As for a case, I have preferences over what I'd put my parts in but it depends on your budget for that on top and if you want quality/space/aesthetics.
Hi all.
Me again i did not upgrade to what was posted at the time here so i am after advice again please?
What is the best pc to buy future proof?
Will be definatly buying this time so will be after motherboard, psu, cpu, memory and gfx card with a case?
Whats the best bang for book budjet of 700 max can slightly go over that bit would like to stay around that if possible.
Will be a gaming pc.
Hope someone can help me choose please.
Not had a pc in over a year n half so it will be great to get a new top of the range one again.

Thank you.
Here's a spec based on some parts that have been mentioned in this thread before. & a PSU in case you did not buy a better one previously. As others here have said, it's not a good idea to reuse your current PSU in your new build. If it goes pop it may take the rest of your PC with it.

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £702.50 (includes shipping: £12.60)​
Here's a spec based on some parts that have been mentioned in this thread before. & a PSU in case you did not buy a better one previously. As others here have said, it's not a good idea to reuse your current PSU in your new build. If it goes pop it may take the rest of your PC with it.

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £702.50 (includes shipping: £12.60)
This looks about as the vest deal there is.
Do u think i should ger the rx 590 instead of the rx 580?
RX580 is capable of 1080p @33FPS in RDR2, which is one of the most demanding on PC Hardware. RX590 is only another 4FPS. So you've got to think £60 more buys you an extra 4FPS @ 1080p. I don't think so.
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