Upgrade MSN or do not sign in...sigh

But 9 doesn't really have anything new, so I don't know what you're complaining about. If all you want is a simple, basic messenger client, it can happily do that; you can hide the menu bars, hide display pictures, do whatever you like. Compared to WLM 8.5, it's got a hell of a lot fewer buttons on show, it's less cluttered, and there's a lot less premium content crap everywhere.

You say you're not happy patching version 9, and yet you are happy do hack the old version? Seems a bit hypocritical to me.

And no, I don't fill my memory just because I can, but I certainly don't mind if WLM wants to use a mere 28MB of the 4,096MB I have. Talk about a drop in the ocean. You're acting like it's chewing through hundreds of MB and devouring CPU cycles. It clearly isn't, otherwise I'd have noticed.
I stopped using msn messenger after version 6* Everything since has been full of bloat and adverts.

I use Pidgin It just does the job. Nothing else.
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if you are talking about TheVoice's post then he was refering to the previous versions of WLM, not 8.5.

I didn't mean 8.5 specifically, but considering the sheer amount of advertising and other crap in the previous versions of WLM, v9 was a massive improvement over all of them in terms of usability. The patches to remove the crap for the previous versions had millions of options, the one for V9 has only a few. That says everything really.
I didn't mean 8.5 specifically, but considering the sheer amount of advertising and other crap in the previous versions of WLM, v9 was a massive improvement over all of them in terms of usability. The patches to remove the crap for the previous versions had millions of options, the one for V9 has only a few. That says everything really.


the only reason people complain about 9 is stubborness, im sure ;)
if you are talking about TheVoice's post then he was refering to the previous versions of WLM, not 8.5.

how is that even relevant. The comparison is bewteen 8.5 Final and 9.

My 8.5 has not one button on show, no ads, no sponsorship messages, no tabs, gleems or any other "funky" crap that some people like in their IM window. The status messages are informative and I have far more functionality through my Plus configuration and other tweaks.

I can patch/hack 9 but it does not have the same effectiveness or aesthetic appearance as I have achieved with 8.5. It's nothing to do with effort so why make that comparison. If I could achieve exactly the same and be happy with it, I would do it. It's not possible, so I stick with 8.5

1 - What is hard about that to grasp
2 - Whats your issue with what version I choose to use

Its pretty crappy that MS have decided to cut off any versions below their current release. They can stop supporting it, patching it etc but breaking it is not on. I guess they should break every version of Office except 2007 too, right?

Just because it is a bigger number does not make it automatically better. At some point, I cannot remember which version, MS broke contact list display pictures. You needed to patch that back in. 9 does not do what I want it to do, end of discussion.
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Its pretty crappy that MS have decided to cut off any versions below their current release. They can stop supporting it, patching it etc but breaking it is not on. I guess they should break every version of Office except 2007 too, right?

hardly the same is it? breaking support for software that originally coswt hundreds of pounds.....just like they havent done with previous versions of windows.
What the hell does cost have to do with it? It's principle. No skin of Microsoft's nose letting old versions connect. They let people continue to use vulnerable end of line Operating Systems and Internet Browsers so why is Messenger any different?
how is that even relevant. The comparison is bewteen 8.5 Final and 9.

My 8.5 has not one button on show, no ads, no sponsorship messages, no tabs, gleems or any other "funky" crap that some people like in their IM window. The status messages are informative and I have far more functionality through my Plus configuration and other tweaks.

If your 8.5 client is like that, it's because you've patched/tweaked it to be like that, because that's not how it is after a default install. My point was, comparing default installations, WLM9 is a lot cleaner and less bloated than 8.5. You didn't even mention that you'd tweaked your install to the heavens, so presumably you can see the point of my argument.

You can't compare Office to WLM either. If they have a new client available that they've spent time and money on, why should they continue supporting an older client that potentially uses different protocols, has security issues, or whatever else. It's a free service that connects to their servers and unsurprisingly, they probably need/want a decent amount of control over how their clients connect to it. It's simply not the same as an OS or office package.
it is if they are knowingly letting people operate with security flaws surely?

Err, this happens every day on millions of systems?

When was the last time your saw Exchange, SQL, IIS, ISA etc stop working because you do not have the latest patch applied?

You didn't even mention that you'd tweaked your install to the heavens, so presumably you can see the point of my argument.

Then you scan read what I wrote?


I've been using a patched 8.5 that suits my needs perfectly. I tried the 9 (Live) version, patched it and still could not strip it down enough.
What the hell does cost have to do with it? It's principle. No skin of Microsoft's nose letting old versions connect. They let people continue to use vulnerable end of line Operating Systems and Internet Browsers so why is Messenger any different?

a fair amount, imo. id be very annoyed if my £200 office suit stopped working because a new version was out. conversely, i could not care less if my wm8.5 stopped working when i payed nothing for it. principals can go to hell, id learn to live with it or use something else.

What an utter waste of time and effort it is complaining about 8.5 no longer functioning.
What an utter waste of time and effort it is complaining about 8.5 no longer functioning.

Don't read or leave the thread and stop replying.

Fact is, you cannot accept that many many people want to continue using earlier versions of MSN for credible reasons. Reasons you may not appreciate yourself, but credible nonetheless.

Just because you think 9 is da bomb does not mean everyone else does. Nor does it mean what suits you, suits them.

I have nothing against you or anyone else using 9. Castrating every single version prior to anything but the latest release is stupid though. Anyone who cannot install the latest version either because of preference or inability to meet the requirements of the software can go to hell or use 3rd party solutions. Nice.
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Sin_Chase - Have you tried an alternative? I used to patch MSN some time ago, but grew annoyed when I new version came out (Frequent as they are) I had to re-patch.

To be honset, I'm getting tired of updating every single program I open recently... "New Version available" on CCleaner, Defragler, Filezilla and that was just today. (Last time I used them was maybe a week back) WHY?!

For me Pidgin IM just works.
Don't read or leave the thread and stop replying.

Fact is, you cannot accept that many many people want to continue using earlier versions of MSN for credible reasons. Reasons you may not appreciate yourself, but credible nonetheless.

oooh big assumption there. You're wrong by the way, i fulyl accept that people want to use older versions of messenger. memory usage is not a credible reason.

Just because you think 9 is da bomb does not mean everyone else does. Nor does it mean what suits you, suits them.

'da bomb' ? its just MESSENGER. get over it. i used 9 because it works. i use 9 because i use the cam sometimes. if i didnt use the cam, id probably be tring other things as well. I use it because it just works and with a-patch its nice and clean. i dont keep my messenger list up all the time anyway so why would it bother me so my as to what it looks like? it doesnt.

I have nothing against you or anyone else using 9..

you clearly do. youre first reply to me was rude 'Read the thread?' lol - and you were wrong. Actually you've replied to just about everybody who uses 9 in that way so yes, clearly you do.
Yeah marky I have but they either missed something I am used to/like or did it in an annoying roundabout way.

8.5 was (is) Final so it never changes, my patch never breaks nor does my MSN Plus so I have no real reason to change it or make a compromise.
You could always use an IM client such as Pidgin. Works very well.

/Edit: Yes I didn't read the thread and this has already been recommended. :o
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oooh big assumption there. You're wrong by the way.

'da bomb' ? its just MESSENGER. get over it. i used 9 because it works. i use 9 because i use the cam sometimes. if i didnt use the cam, id probably be tring other things as well. I use it because it just works and with a-patch its nice and clean. i dont keep my messenger list up all the time anyway so why would it bother me so my as to what it looks like? it doesnt.

you clearly do. youre first reply to me was rude 'Read the thread?' lol - and you were wrong. Actually you've replied to just about everybody who uses 9 in that way so yes, clearly you do.

This whole post is full of contradiction. You say you you accept people want to use old versions then state that its "JUST MESSNEGER" and to "GET OVER IT" right....real understanding right there :confused: I am not being funny, but are you an idiot, or just a troll? Memory usage could well be a credible reason for someone, who are you to dictate what is or not a credible reason? It's their hardware, their operating system and their choice.

I told you to read the thread as you in-accurately stated that nobody had said what they in-fact quite clearly did. What else do you expect, me to pretend they did not and agree with you?

I have replied to everyone who is effectively saying "I don't see the problem, use 9 its better/exactly the same/works" who are missing the entire point and are ignorant of the fact that people, including myself, have reasons to want to use the old version. I am merely informing them of my viewpoint, opinion and personal preference.

Why would I have any issue with people who are ok with 9, I don't care?

And yes, You use it. You like it. You think its fine. You like to use webcam, cool, cameras work in 8 builds too... but whatever. Why would it bother YOU what it looks like, I do not know, thats your prerogative.

Do you notice something? You you you, I, I I, me me and mes. Thats your choice, really, since when was your choice mine too?
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