Urban Dead (Browser based zombie apocalypse)

27 Feb 2011
Does anybody play this? I've had a couple of characters for a few years now, it might seem very basic because it's text based but I think it's the closest any game has come to my dream zombie apocalypse mmo. Unfortunately you only get 50 action points a day, so it's handy for people at work when you have a few minutes spare. I check in a couple of times a day to make sure whatever safe house I'm in is still barricaded and whether I need to gtfo.

I was wondering if anybody wanted to meet up and start an ocuk safehouse somewhere in the city?


I DeathCubeK I Profile
OcUK Mcbain Profile
Zealous888 Profile
Haggisking Profile
RobMol Profile
Devrij Profile
kr00t0n Profile
GiantCrab Profile
doofskiocuk Profile
D4mien Profile
Sharlaw Profile
it1uk Profile
Matt Dabomb Profile
killerkebab Profile
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J P H Profile
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ironMonk88 Profile
Klaus Fuchs Profile
Mal Reed Profile
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killswitch - Profile
jayycee - Profile
street - Profile
dekez - Profile
fishpolice - Profile
Rojin - Profile

Current Location: The Hutchinson Building, East Becktown (Currently under siege) // Radio Frequency 28.30 // Try to keep Barricades at VSB++



Urban Dead Wiki

Map Of Malton

First Day in Malton Guide

What's this game about?

You're a citizen of Malton, a city that's in the process of being evacuated and quarantined to contain a sinister contagion - you play as either a trapped civilian, a member of the evacuating military, a scientist operating in the background, or a victim of the early outbreaks.

Malton is a grid of 100x100 city blocks, each of which is either a nondescript street, or a particular type of building - you move around the map by clicking on the names of the blocks. Buildings can be entered and barricaded by survivors, to shelter from the zombie hordes that roam the city.

Other citizens of Malton appear on the map as names in coloured boxes (the colour matching their class; green for Military, blue for Science, red for Civilian and grey for Zombie); they also appear in the location's description.

Some character classes start with equipment, and all characters can search to find further objects during the course of the game - some are weapons, some are one-use items, others have subtler or more permanent effects. All characters start with at least one Skill, which grants them an extra ability or bonus in the game - by gaining experience points, players can buy further skills and develop their characters.

Players get fifty "actions" per day - these are be used to move, attack, search or otherwise interact with the city. When your action points are gone, you have to wait for them to recharge. (Players remain visible and vulnerable on the map when they're out of Action Points or logged out; survivor players should find secure shelter between logins.)

What should I be doing?

It's up to you how to play the game, but as a general guidline: as a survivor, you should search the city for helpful equipment, and for other people to team up with. You'll be quite vulnerable to begin with, so don't risk drawing too much attention to yourself (some higher-level zombies have the ability to follow a survivor that's attacked them and run away), and make sure that you're safely hidden in a building that's either secured or barricaded, when you've finished for the day.

Existence as a zombie is rather simpler. It can be a good idea to find a horde at the end of the day, though - a lone zombie is a much easier target for a passing zombie hunter.
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Name a place and we could meet up, might take a few days to travel but I needed supplies anyway. If your interested in setting up a safe house we need a few things. A generator, fuel and a radio.
Might give this a go, but 'working' now so cant really try until laters. Will post if I sign up :)

Just a warning though, it's not a game you play for hours because of the action points. You get 50ap a day, so it only takes ten minutes to use them all, then you have to wait for your ap to replenish. I usually check in once a day. It's ideal if you work in an office and have some time to spare every lunch break.
Well, I'm holed up in the fire station in Regan bank with a few randoms. I have an axe and radio, we have a running generator. I have no idea what else to do, but I know we are heavily barricaded. Where's everyone else? I may have to axe one of my cohabitants if I don't find something useful to do. My are is supposedly quite safe but I'm worried if i leave I won't get back in lol. Definitely a cool lunch break game

I'm just north of you in Molebank. It's pretty hairy up here, zeds all over.

I could make my way down to you?

You need to get some and XP to level and get the skill that allows you to move around buildings without going outside. Obviously it means actually finding somewhere with the doors open to begin with, but once you do you're cooking on gas.


Most organised safehouses have a "VSB" (very strongly barricaded) building next door to their "EHB" (extremely heavily barricaded) base. Life is much easier when you can go from building to building.

If anybody needs reviving I manufactured a syringe last night, only one though. They cost 20 AP to make not including the journey to the NT building.
So besides finding zombies to kill to gain xp, what action do you recommend for us noobs?

Well, like any other mmo you want to earn as much xp as possible at first, when you get a few abilities the game opens up more. Find a decent safehouse with active people to help defend and heal you, the hospital I'm in at the minute seems like a good place to earn some xp. There is a steady flow of zombies coming from the NW and friendly survivors maintaining barricades and healing. Once you have a few skills we could find a shopping mall, they are usually heavily under siege but it's where all the magic happens.

Also if you haven't already, make another character or two (not too many though) so you have more to do. I have a dedicated zombie character and survivor. Try to keep all your characters in seperate suburbs, you can get banned if they think you're cheating/ building up xp.
Whats the name of the hospital and suburb.

St Elisabeth's Hospital in Molebank. :)

Rather crap tbh, tried shooting and punching a Zombie, missed all the time, Zombie never attacked, i was rather confused.

Yes, you are low level and the zombie didn't attack because the user wasn't controlling it at the time.

To be honest I'm finding it quite hard going (as in: boring). Going to persevere a bit longer though.

Yes it certainly isn't for everyone. I am a massive fan of the romero dead trilogy and the Max Brooks books. I love the radio broadcasts and news reports in the films/books. This game relies heavily on people basically writing what they are doing, even if they can't do it in game. If that makes sense? Basically good old fashion roleplay like the D&D days.

There is a lot of back story to most suburbs, these are on the wiki. Also the historical events section has some good stories

I was lucky enough to witness a large siege at a mall about a year ago. There was at least 300 zombies outside and around 200 survivors inside the mall and surrounding buildings. We managed to hold out for over a week before they finally brought the barricades down for good.
I have updated the OP :)

I'm Devrij, still in Molebank, saving up AP to make it to police station for a gun. If ther're more zeds around I may spend some time kicking ass to get some xp instead. It is a pain when you miss 5 hits in a row, but having the axe makes up for it a bit.

I didn't even bother with guns until I levelled up a bit. The axe is your friend when new.
I fell asleep outside next to a zombie and I've been infected. If I come in can I be healed and lose the infection? Or am I going to end up a zombie?

Where are you? Come inside and I'll heal you

Edit: You're standing on the doorstep with two zombies! Come inside quick lol

Damn, I went to bring the PD barricades down to VSB but ran out of AP before I managed it, now I'm on the doorstep of the PD
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Even if I'm dead? Theres a hell of a lot of zombies in the area FYI. I died at Denbury Road

I see you outside St Elizabeth's robmol. I will revive you in the morning. It's going to take 6 AP for you to stand up after, so make sure your going to have enough to get in after.

It seems the zombies are growing in numbers, I have my zombie character NW in Dunell Hills. I guess there is around 50 - 75 zombies which could easily come our way, adding to the mob already banging on the door. Be prepared to evacuate the hospital by trying to get the free running skill as soon as possible.

Made it to the pd, took barricades down to vsb, only to find no supplies! Wasted trip. If I wait will I find supplies inside eventually?

Yes, you should get something. We really need to get to a mall eventually. Much easier to find supplies.
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You need to use the map on the Wiki and plan your routes. Don't bother with guns to begin with. Use an axe (found in fire stations).

You will find it easier if everyone meets at St Elizabeth's in Molebank. Don't worry if you die, you can be revived when you get to the hospital, and most cemeteries are revive points. Also when you're a zombie you can earn xp by attacking people and save it for when you get revived.

Along with posting usernames, it would be handy for the people who haven't already post their profile page. Just click your username and post that url. We can then add you to contacts so I can see who to revive in a group of zombies. You can also colour code your contacts. I use green for known friends and red for PK's (Player killers) so even though I don't remember the name, if I run into someone with a red name I know they attacked me or killed me and they get two barrels immediately.
But what am I meant to do? I can't even scratch anything, I don't need to eat or drink anything so scavenging doesn't seem worth while and almost everywhere safe isn't accessable and the 50 moves doesn't allow me to do much

Just survive I guess, it is really basic. Made to be played for ten minutes a day on your break. Try not to look into it too hard. :)
I have updated OP with usernames. Apologies if I have missed anybody out.

Could people that aren't in the hospital (where I can click on your name) post the URL to their profile page so we can add you to contacts please.

If you are zombified and need reviving, I can't tell which zombie you are if you're standing in a group of other zeds unless you are added to my contacts. Also I can only revive someone once a day, it costs 20ap to manufacture the syringe and 10ap to use it, on top of the travel to the Necro Tech lab :)
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