Urban Dead (Browser based zombie apocalypse)

Looks like it's been a busy day, there are eight groaning sacks of puss on the doorstep.

I went to the PD and found two pistol clips and a shotgun shell. Once everyone has free running we should set up a safehouse. We need supplies like a generator, fuel and radio.
The game has some good points but not getting XP for exploring, etc just means you may as well just sit in one house and keep going outside to hit a zombie. There isn't really any motivation to go exploring until you have XP as you miss with the items.

Having a 10% chance of hitting something and you only get XP if you manage to do so is really weird. I've spent two days just going outside and trying to hit the zombies standing there before going back inside and doing the same the next day.

They should reward XP points for more than just successful hits to encourage you to explore.

Start as a fireman, most (including me) do. It makes hitting things a little easier.
Just a head's up Molebankers


There will also be the bodies of zeds yet to stand up, so the situation is worse than it looks.
auugghh looks like everything has been kicking off while I was working....

Can any of you see if someone needs heals inside the hospital? I have first-aid kits, but keep wasting AP trying to see if ppl need healing :(

The hospital we are in is run by a survivor group that heal everyone. They are dedicated medics so it's going to be hard healing people because they're keeping on top of it. We should seriously consider moving if everyone is cool with that. I have to go to work, but if someone wants to check the map, find a building, preferably near a hospital, pd and nt building then we can start moving our sorry asses to a new OcUK safehouse.
[Damien];20180718 said:
Whatever. I'm easy. I'm kicking back in the Buckrell bdg at the mo. I could do with a mall trip tbh. I need to get myself a nice flash mobile. Is there a mobile mast up in E Becktown?

Becktown sounds good, it would be great if there was a mobile mast, but close proximity to the mall is always good. Shall we start heading there then?
I have made my way to the Hutchinson Building, feel kind of bad. They've had a break in at St. Elisabeth's Hospital with three zombies inside. I pulled off an Arnold Rimmer impression and made my exit.

I brought the cades down to VHB at Hutchinson, wont take much to bring them down to VSB. To hell with the barricade plan of East Becktown

Have tagged the building as our own. Someone called scroggers is in there now. Cades still ehb. Hospital to the east is an entry point for now. Need sleep before I can attack the barricades

Be wary of Scroggers, he could be a player killer if his profile is anything to go by.

I'm somewhere in Randallbank atm, very slowly working my way over the hospital you lot are in. No idea what I'm doing other than that I'm a medic :D

Most of us are making our way to East Becktown. Details in first post, which is now updated. If you need somewhere to rest on the way, St. Elisabeth's Hospital in Molebank is run by dedicated medics. They also keep the barricades down for newer players.
Still seeking a cure. Y U NO CUREZ ME?!

Where are you? Go somewhere. stand on your own and then let me know and I will revive you.

Edit: Norwegian Wood (23hp) needs healing if you want some xp, my friend just arrived also, his name is Daniel Arnull. He's a good guy
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