Urban Dead (Browser based zombie apocalypse)

Club Normandare or the Hutchinson Bdg look like ok HQ spots just by looking at the map but someone actually in the area might see things differently.

There's another St Elizabeth's hospital in the area too but it's not really close to anything except a NT building.
It'd be great if in this new area we could have a designated "unzombie me" building. Somewhere you could go if you're a zombie and people will know that you want healing. Obviously it'd need to be near our entry point and be a useless building for other things.
I don't know where you guys plan on setting up shop, but any cemeteries, NecroTech buildings or churches nearby would be a good plan :)

Can i get in or is it barricaded? (I'm a level one noob!)

EDITED TO ADD: Ooooh! Look at my post count!!
I'm level 1 too, I walked in :D
Just using all my AP atm for searching to see if I can find anything I can use. Nothing but a couple flare guns, a couple pistol clips and a flak jacket. This is rubbish to me, I don't have firearms training :p
Another vote for the hutchinson building. If anyone has binoculars we can use them from there which could be handy. Right next to two hospitals which will take most of the flack. Once I have enough ap i'll head over and lower the cades if they're ehb.

Edit: there now, but asleep so no idea what's here or what the craic is
Okay, its ehb (as according to the plan) there's a generator but it needs fuel. no one else here so its all ours :D once I have some ap i'll bring it down to vsb
need to get freerunning ASAP, really irritating me. Made my way to Hutchinson building but its still EHB, so went to nearest police station for ammo, cant get in there either. Went to garage for melee weapon, cant get in there. Stuck in the street outside Hutchinson with about 5AP now.
ive got 2 cans of fuel but im zombified at the moment. Can you post the new loc then i can get somewhere near and hopefully rehumified. :)
Yeah I'm inside but for some reason I can't move. Could be my net. I have 11 ap now so should be able to get down to vsb once I'm outside.

EDIT: have had a go at the 'cades, but there was a zed outside so I went back into the hospital and ran out of AP
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