But as someone else has shown you, if you maintain correct exiting procedures with Steam, you won't get the issue where your Offline Mode fails.
What the hell are you talking about and what exactly is your role in life?
How many people have you seen who have came forward and suggested that only people who don't really *need* a proper offline mode believe that Steam's offline mode does what it says on the tin.
How many people have stated that they have discovered much to their chagrin that even in offline mode, Steam will want to phone home at least once a fortnight and that if it can't, then no more gaming for Johnny Nae Internet Connection?
Why do you feel compelled to side with a big dirty money grabbing company and shower condescension and derision on the little guy who is getting **** upon and having the gall to complain about it?
Steam's offline mode is time limited. Even if they say it isn't. It actually is. I know this. Other people who have been in similar positions to me know this and in the off chance that it really is down to Steam not being exited properly, than that is just not bloody good enough. Computers crash. Laptops especially crash often. Sometimes the end user just doesn't have time to manually close everything. Sometimes Alt-F4 is the only way. Sometimes the power button is the only way, or even taking the battery out.
I am sure there are bigger nastier companies than Steam that you can go and join intellectual forces with in a crusade against some little guys. Is there not some oil company sponsoring a civil war in Africa or something? Clever mulitnational corporation! Stupid uneducated bushmen!
Go and find a 'better' cause.