Urgent Help Required With @~£$%^R&% STEAM.

Can you use your phone, or another crew members', as a wifi hotspot to allow Steam to connect to do what it needs to do??

Ya dont get mobile phone signals or WiFi hotspots out in the middle of the North Sea....just the vessel's internet, which is obviously restricted....(and a nightmare in general)
'Offline mode' but they sneak into Steam every now and then anyway. It's hilarious that poor Microsoft initially wanted to do the same with their Xbox but it hurt their image badly so they scrapped the idea.
Valve has been doing it for years and no one says a thing. Cheeky gits.
Do you get an immediate error after entering Steam password? As I once left it over 10 minutes trying to connect to Steam when the servers were down, and it eventually allowed me to enter off-line mode. Might get lucky if it times out.
A bit late now but you can run most games just using the executable in the install folder, was sure I've done it before so just tried it with steam exited and no interwebs and it works.

I know how it feels as this happens to me regularly, last time it was the instant I got into my room with no internet for 5 months, first thing it did was try to connect then wouldn't let me use offline, nearly smashed my lappy on the spot...
'Offline mode' but they sneak into Steam every now and then anyway. It's hilarious that poor Microsoft initially wanted to do the same with their Xbox but it hurt their image badly so they scrapped the idea.
Valve has been doing it for years and no one says a thing. Cheeky gits.

I would go further than that and suggest that M$'s Always On DRM plans actually completely blew the launch of their (inferior anyways) console right out the water.

I remember the Christmas after these consoles launched. PS4's were like hen's teeth and the XBones were piled up high in every retail outlet you care to name.

I suppose Steam doing this isn't such a huge deal as PC gamers can get cracks or indeed just outright pirate any offline game that they wish. I know that I will have cracks for all my games from now on and for this reason, I amn't likely to rage and rant much about Steam and their scummy underhand deceitful DRM platform.
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That's not how irony works.

Situational irony
Irony involving a situation in which actions have an effect that is opposite from what was intended, so that the outcome is contrary to what was expected.

So, you're telling me that if someone bought a game on disc to avoid having to use Steam and then ended up having to use it anyway, it isn't ironic?
Please explain further, it's intriguing.
Situational irony
Irony involving a situation in which actions have an effect that is opposite from what was intended, so that the outcome is contrary to what was expected.

So, you're telling me that if someone bought a game on disc to avoid having to use Steam and then ended up having to use it anyway, it isn't ironic?
Please explain further, it's intriguing.

If you're trying to avoid Steam, you surely should do more than simply only buy hard copies of games, no? It's not ironic, it's idiotic. If you need to avoid Steam then do a bit of research.

This is because with some games, you simply can't avoid Steam if you want to play them and this is something most people should have some idea on, especially those who have a problem with Steam.
If you're trying to avoid Steam, you surely should do more than simply only buy hard copies of games, no? It's not ironic, it's idiotic. If you need to avoid Steam then do a bit of research.

This is because with some games, you simply can't avoid Steam if you want to play them and this is something most people should have some idea on, especially those who have a problem with Steam.

I give up, you're a bloody moron!!!! I didn't even imply that, the person I quoted did. Now run along and get a life.
What the hell are you talking about and what exactly is your role in life?

How many people have you seen who have came forward and suggested that only people who don't really *need* a proper offline mode believe that Steam's offline mode does what it says on the tin.

How many people have stated that they have discovered much to their chagrin that even in offline mode, Steam will want to phone home at least once a fortnight and that if it can't, then no more gaming for Johnny Nae Internet Connection?

Why do you feel compelled to side with a big dirty money grabbing company and shower condescension and derision on the little guy who is getting **** upon and having the gall to complain about it?

Steam's offline mode is time limited. Even if they say it isn't. It actually is. I know this. Other people who have been in similar positions to me know this and in the off chance that it really is down to Steam not being exited properly, than that is just not bloody good enough. Computers crash. Laptops especially crash often. Sometimes the end user just doesn't have time to manually close everything. Sometimes Alt-F4 is the only way. Sometimes the power button is the only way, or even taking the battery out.

I am sure there are bigger nastier companies than Steam that you can go and join intellectual forces with in a crusade against some little guys. Is there not some oil company sponsoring a civil war in Africa or something? Clever mulitnational corporation! Stupid uneducated bushmen!

Go and find a 'better' cause.

Whiny, cretinous, self-entitled, thieving people like you are the absolute worst.
I give up, you're a bloody moron!!!! I didn't even imply that, the person I quoted did. Now run along and get a life.

Look pal, don't get worked up. I'll explain it to you more nicely why what you said wasn't ironic. You said:

Ironically I only discovered Steam because I bought a hard copy of a game and it promptly told me that I needed a Steam account when installing. Before that I had never heard of it.

There's nothing ironic about this statement. If you remove the word 'ironic' from this sentence, you are instead telling people how you first discovered Steam. There's no irony, situational irony or any form of irony here.

If you had, however, instead said:

"Ironically I bought a hard copy of a game to avoid using Steam, but it promptly told me that I needed a Steam account when installing."

That would be ironic. Because, in this situation, you ended up doing something you were trying to avoid in the first place.

Geddit now?
Look pal, don't get worked up. I'll explain it to you more nicely why what you said wasn't ironic. You said:

There's nothing ironic about this statement. If you remove the word 'ironic' from this sentence, you are instead telling people how you first discovered Steam. There's no irony, situational irony or any form of irony here.

If you had, however, instead said:

"Ironically I bought a hard copy of a game to avoid using Steam, but it promptly told me that I needed a Steam account when installing."

That would be ironic. Because, in this situation, you ended up doing something you were trying to avoid in the first place.

Geddit now?

How is it not ironic to the person I quoted when he said buying a physical copy would negate the need for Steam?
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