Useful Freeware Utilities

Revo Uninstaller Portable + Space SNiffer.

Was recommended this on reddit this week after a post hit the front page about games that leave behind GBs of files after you uninstall them, often in other locations that are not the game's install folder itself.

The idea of Revo Portable is to just run it before you uninstall any game or software, and proceed to clickthrough to uninstall via Revo. It will trigger the game or app's uninstaller, even if it's through Steam, and monitor what files it leaves behind. You then get a rundown of leftovers, including registry entries etc.

Here is me uninstalling a recent game I played:


So it even recognises that I had some GFE game recordings whilst playing that I played in media player so it will delete those orphan link files as the recordings have since been deleted anyway, pretty neat.

The other day I found that Uncharted Collection on Steam left behind 5.4GB of files, I discovered this before learning of Revo, so as usual I did a Space Sniffer check and found several GB sitting in the ProgramData folder which is a hidden system folder under a Naughty Dog folder:rolleyes:


Off the back of that, others downloaded Space Sniffer and loads of people replied saying how they found between 20Gb and 100GB+ of remnant files left over from old game uninstalls....

So in combination, Space SNiffer and Revo uninstaller, both portable versions will clear up loads of space that apps and game consume even after uninstall, and then keep on top of it by using Revo to uninstall all games from there onwards.

Space Sniffer:
Revo Uninstaller:
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WHilst Wiztree is faster, ihe speed difference isn't huge when you're on an NVMe as takes seconds to scan a 1TB 970 Evo Plus anyway :p I just prefer the completely visual layout of Space Sniffer as Wiztree uses a smaller graphic at the bottom :p

Got CCleaner Portable anyway for remnant reg cleaning and temp files etc.
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WHilst Wiztree is faster, ihe speed difference isn't huge when you're on an NVMe as takes seconds to scan a 1TB 970 Evo Plus anyway :p I just prefer the completely visual layout of Space Sniffer as Wiztree uses a smaller graphic at the bottom :p
I found the difference quite noticeable on my system which has the same drive as yours, albeit a poverty 500 GB version.

I'd say SpaceSniffer was taking about 10-15 seconds, while WizTree took maybe 2-3 seconds. You can make the graphic bigger in WizTree and it doesn't have animations while you hover over it.

Anyway, I won't go on. It's horses for courses at the end of the day.
I will give Wiztree another go as didn't realis eyou could make the graphic bigger, might be a chance to switch to something new I guess lol
These have almost certainly been suggested already, but I'm not checking through 55 pages to make sure...

Teracopy - a copy system that actually works without skipping files in Windows when it feels like it - unlike Windows copy

Agent Ransack - a search system that actually works without taking forever - unlike Windows search

IrfanView - an image browser that lets you cycle through iimages in the same folder and offers powerfull saving options
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I just prefer the completely visual layout of Space Sniffer as Wiztree uses a smaller graphic at the bottom :p
Same, Space Sniffer looks much more clear.

I didn't know know either, but I feel the same about windirstat (looks almost like Wiztree) vs spacemonger, but spacemonger doesn't work correctly and isn't supported for a while now, it trips on some O365 files, which is why I've used Windirstat for a while now...

Ta, will try Space Sniffer soon!
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Could someone recommend a good clean up and optimize software, I was using CCleaner a few years a go but switched to wisecare 365 but recently every time I open I get a warning message URL:Blacklist

So I was hoping I could find a replacement
I found the difference quite noticeable on my system which has the same drive as yours, albeit a poverty 500 GB version.

I'd say SpaceSniffer was taking about 10-15 seconds, while WizTree took maybe 2-3 seconds. You can make the graphic bigger in WizTree and it doesn't have animations while you hover over it.

Anyway, I won't go on. It's horses for courses at the end of the day.
Agreed on wiztree speeds. Someone had to convince me that it was worth checking it out over windirstat and the difference is night and day.
Could someone recommend a good clean up and optimize software, I was using CCleaner a few years a go but switched to wisecare 365 but recently every time I open I get a warning message URL:Blacklist

So I was hoping I could find a replacement
I really like Glary Utilities. Available also from

This is really cool, just used it as didn't feel like downloading Audacity again. Has lots of quick and advanced features for audio editing, can then download at various quality settings.
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