Using PC's all day affects judgement.

I press ctrl+s in most computer applications now

i can be reading the web.. see i site i want to bookmark.. ctrl+s..DOH!

i do it all the time on the forums.. write my post.. ctrl+s.. DUH!

real life ctrl+z would be fantastic.. i definitely change the options to have it store the last few hundred decisions to go back though..
gord said:
real life ctrl+z would be fantastic.. i definitely change the options to have it store the last few hundred decisions to go back though..
Yeh good call, out of other functions too I wouldn't mind print screen and tab to skip time when going out for a walk or needing to get somewhere :p
it used to be video games for me, had several occasions after playing the origenal GTA when i though, ooooh, a Jugular stopped at the lights and though "oooh, must drag driver out then speed off....." and had to catch myself :D

Even better was my friends reaction to spotting a grateing in a office building he worked in and thinking about shooting it and climbing through for bonuses! :D

managed to calm down now and just drive like GT4 instead...
Whenever I have to search through pages of my history book to look for one particular thing, I just so wish I could hit that search function, find what I need and be done with it!

After reading it all, copying down onto the computer what I need, I remember I have an OCR scanner right in front of me :(
Under the infleunce of a lot of alcohol, my cousin and I decided it would be a good idea to ride back to my house on bikes.

30 minutes earlier I was angry and drank so many shots of Tequila that I didn't notice I'd had 3/4 of the bottle. Cue my going to the bathroom, being sick and passing out for an hour.

Then my cousin comes up with his genius plan. Great.

So we're riding along, it's all nice. There I go, lovely breeze on my face, just starting to wake up and get back to reality.


I drive straight into the back of a parked car in front of lots of still traffic. Amazingly, I didn't cause myself any injuries, apart from the mental scarring of course.

Edit: Just realised this has nothing to do with computers, but it has a lot to do with CTRL, which I didn't have ;):p.

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I always mentally think 'ctrl+f' when reading a large amount of paper based text, then realise I can't. I've never actually tried ctrl+f on a piece of paper though :p
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