Using PC's all day affects judgement.

A few times when I've been on the PC for a while and someone else has come into the room, I've gone to point something out to them and moved the mouse to point at something in the room (as if it would fly off the screen to whatever I was trying to point to) then realised what I'd done. I also get really frustrated when I'm looking for something in paper-based text and I know I can't search for it.
I find if I watch to many stunts on youtube as soon as I get on my motorbike I think yeah I can do it too :D

But it doesn't work out like that :(
With regards to OP I have a similar thing with finding things but mobile related.

When ever I misplace my phone I simply call it and look for the ringing. I've found myself on a couple occasions when ive misplaced something like my wallet or keys inadvertently reaching for the phone to call it and find it!

I often wish that everything could be found simply by calling a number and hearing the ring.
Hmm, I sometimes find myself wanting to right-click to look at something far away. Every now and then I try to mentally press F5 to quicksave. I've said lol a few times in conversations, and I've accidentally said "roger" instead of ok. I even referred to the teachers as "the enemies" once, way back in year 8 or so.

To much gaming :o
Clerkin said:
i find driving home a real pain after working on pc all day. its like my brain doesnt apprecaite its 3d or real, have to concentrate miles harder

Hah so true, when i had my crash about a year ago my mind was going "Esc, ctrl-z" :o

Yeah 3d is hard to judge after being on a pc all day especially.
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