Always boggles my mind on some of that stuff - was it Half-Life that on the first release had like 15 minutes of un-skippable videos on start up? some game around there I remember did fortunately they did a day 1 patch to fix it. (Though sucked to be anyone who didn't have internet access and had bought it on CD).
"Black Mesa Inbound" is widely acknowledged to be a more positive moment in gaming history. It is paradoxical to the rest of the game.
Name & shame until developers cut it out.
those blasted QTEs.
Now this is the game killer!
Played Dying Light and that game has the most perfect implementation of parkour, with excellent combat. You spend all game getting badass and then the final boss fight is a ****** quick time event! What a waste. Also didn't help that I died several times as I was distracted from playing it as it's all pre-rendered I thought it was just a movie then they suddenly throw in a 'press space or die' event.
Tomb Raider and those blasted QTEs.
Always boggles my mind on some of that stuff - was it Half-Life that on the first release had like 15 minutes of un-skippable videos on start up? some game around there I remember did fortunately they did a day 1 patch to fix it. (Though sucked to be anyone who didn't have internet access and had bought it on CD).
The Half Life intro was truly revolutionary for its day though. It was all in game graphics, and set the game up for the actual story - both things that had never been done before (or at least not in a noticeable way). You’ve no idea just how jaw dropping the intro to Half Life was at the time!