Utter moron manages to bring London W12 to a complete halt

I wanna go to Wales, i was reading about a bird who was letting passers buy strip her down to her undies in a shopping centre and treating her like a doll for some sort of art thing. :(
vonhelmet said:
Shoot her out of a cannon into the North Sea.

No thanks.
Some of us work there sometimes.

Why not go medieval and put her in stocks and invite the people who's lives she disrupted or frightened to throw rotten fruit and vegetables (maybe even human excrement) at her?

That would be art I'd pay to go and see :D

Stan :)
vonhelmet said:
Shoot her out of a cannon into the North Sea.
Nah, she's got half a chance of surviving. Shoot her into a 5 metre thick reinforced concrete wall, to ensure we minimise all chances of her surviving.
This is why some parents should not be allowed to conceive, or at least have their babies drowned at birth. That's such an intensely stupid thing to do and I don't see how it could be even considered close to art. She has essentially become a terrorist herself.
"Terrorism is a controversial and subjective term with multiple definitions. One definition means a violent action targetting civilians exclusively. Another definition is the use or threatened use of violence for the purpose of creating fear in order to achieve a political, economic, religious, or ideological goal. ..."

I'd say she, in a way, threatened violence, as the bombs do hint at violence, and it was in the purpose of creating fear (if it wasn't, God knows what she thought it would do).

Has anyone bitchslapped her yet?

also they only held her on suspicion?
Bigstan said:
No thanks.
Some of us work there sometimes.

Why not go medieval and put her in stocks and invite the people who's lives she disrupted or frightened to throw rotten fruit and vegetables (maybe even human excrement) at her?

That would be art I'd pay to go and see :D

Stan :)

"paint her" with poo :o
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