V for Vendetta - Out 17th March. Thats tomorrow!

Shoei said:
I can also see why Alan Moore wanted all reference of his name removing from the film.

According to Mark Kermode the guy always removes his name from film adaptations and its no big deal. Wiki seems to agree.

atpbx i was going to defend you but what you said is, unfortunately, daft. Its fair enough making a comment that a film 'looks' naff from its trailer and its also fair enough not to see it because of that. As it's the trailers job to hook you, and give you a taste of the film. If it doesnt hook you, then fair enough. However to judge a film by 5mins of it is rather silly. Everything could change and it could turn right around - it could do anything. Thats like rating a piece of music from the first bar - its possible, but hardly fair on the artist is it?
I enjoyed it, havn't read the graphic novel but I'm tempted now. Thought the Orwellian esque Britian was fantastic, something that hasnt been done since Brazil.
Am I the only one who found Portman's Brit accent extremely attractive? If anything I like her more now than before! Also the bit with her in the pink outfit :O :D

Good film IMOH

I thought it was alright.

People expecting an action movie or traditional comic book fare will be disappointed - the middle of the film is long and, not sure of the word, but a bit more of a political statement rather than a story being unfolded.

It did get its message home though.

Aside from that, I think the story overall was a bit weak, there wasn't any drive to it, the investigation wasn't much of an investigation, there was no cleverness to that part.

Natalie Portman looked nice, V was quite cool.
I just got in from seeing this... I thought it was amazing. Really great script, well acted, lovely action set pieces and most importantly very very good political discourse for what for many will be viewed as a 'Blockbuster'. Portman was great, I thought her English accent wasn't bad (but then I'm Irish ;)) and I thought Stephen Fry was very good.

All in all a great movie, made all the better by the fact I know someone who was in the movie.

I'll take my one degree of separation from Ms. Portman and head off to watch Lost :D
Nitefly said:
God, I'm never going to see it now :(

I'll wait till someone else buys it.

LOL It's miles and miles better than King Kong (which I thought was tripe). I'd put it up there with Collateral and nearing Sin City quality but far more political and thought provoking.
Ive been a fan of the graphic novels for many years and the idea of the whacko bros producing the film i was scared another seminal piece of writing was going to be butchered but i must say i was really impressed at the job they did.
Story was almost intact, things were switched around and characters ommited or cut short but origonal spirit of the book is there, they actually avoided turning it into some 'action' flick and told the story well and i prefered the movie ending to the book ending tbh and im moore's biggest fan.

I saw it last night a loved it. It's a intelligent political action film. There are only about 4 action scenes in the whole film and it really does give you something to think about.
Scottie2004 said:
Did anyone pick up on the cameos at the end? I'm sure I seen Orlando Bloom at the mask scene.

Really? I thought it was a bit pap showing everyone alive at the end etc.. it was trying too hard. I didnt notice any cameos though? :confused:
suicidle_tramp said:
I could have sworn that one of the people at the end was the lesbian who came out to her parents :confused:

She was there... as was Stephen Fry. They were meant to be there in spirit as it was through their actions that they got to that point.
I've just been watching a full set of Warrior comics (26 issues) on ebay where V for Vendetta first appeared - they went for £52.

I'd forgotten about Zirk too, until I saw the listing. Anyone else remember that?
I hated it, was great to see stephen fry though.
Portmans accent kept slipping to ausi
Full of disgusting americanisms (and bear in mind americans dont seperate film from reality so they will probably start thinking this is how we actually are lol)
i thought it was good.. but i was expecting to see V's face and basically find out everything about his side of the story.

on the whole a film inbetween average and good. but so much went unexplained.. and i wanted to see his face.
naffa said:
i thought it was good.. but i was expecting to see V's face and basically find out everything about his side of the story.

on the whole a film inbetween average and good. but so much went unexplained.. and i wanted to see his face.

That'l all be in V for Vendetta 2 they need some way to make more money out of us :p
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