sorry, my paint skills are that great. i meant on top of each other but if that doesn't fit then your way looks good. will you window the case again?
Indeed i will, have to be able to show off the equipment
Also, just for laughs, this is my pc at present (dying to play with my new toy) damn this is noisey, makes me appreiate how quiet water is...
I'm rather impressed with this zalman, the quad isn't going above 51°c fully loaded albeit on stock clocks and volts. May actually push it a bit to see what it does...
i'll be keeping an eye on this one dude
This is what i did with mine, guilotined it and flipped it over so that the psu was in the right orientention.
pfft, u'll be helping me biuld the beast!
How goes to the new build V|per m8
+1, some great work done there.Very nice, i shall keep my eye on this thread.