Flying along, well for me.
Have built a new base, well almost a mini town on the edge of the Black Forest. Ive done the 1st boss, im not scared of Trolls anymore... and have done a few of the Dungeons too.
Ive evolved to Bronze age gear, ive got a cart and built a couple of bridges around my base as im in and around the sea edge. My farm is up and running, im about to brew some meads and all in all, its a slow cautious move through the Forest to get gear and run home.
I love how the land stays as you leave it, ive cleared loads of trees and now have nice clear view around my base, which makes night time viewing fun as you can see the eyes of the bad guys roaming around
Oh and the defense spikes are brilliant to harvest anything coming toward you. Often find a pile of bits and bobs around the skirt of my base thanks to them.
Im not the best builder but ive done alright, though im always thinking of remodelling.. however the roughness adds a bit of character to it all. Im only one man after all!