
Little things are starting to niggle now. The fog. What's the point other than to irritate? I get the benefit of the rain, birds land. The night makes certain plants stand out more. But the fog? No point at all that I can see and it lasts waay too long
Little things are starting to niggle now. The fog. What's the point other than to irritate? I get the benefit of the rain, birds land. The night makes certain plants stand out more. But the fog? No point at all that I can see
Nighttime+fog I just give up and can’t do anything outside the house. On a ship it can be interesting running into random rocks or land.
Little things are starting to niggle now. The fog. What's the point other than to irritate? I get the benefit of the rain, birds land. The night makes certain plants stand out more. But the fog? No point at all that I can see and it lasts waay too long

My single biggest irritant in the game is that I have to re-equip my weapon and shield after going into water...why oh why cant I just select a default weapon and when I come back out of the water its already re-equiped and ready to use.
My single biggest irritant in the game is that I have to re-equip my weapon and shield after going into water...why oh why cant I just select a default weapon and when I come back out of the water its already re-equiped and ready to use.

In case you (or others) don't know about the R key - equip weapon and shield then press R to put it away and again to re-equip.
My single biggest irritant in the game is that I have to re-equip my weapon and shield after going into water...why oh why cant I just select a default weapon and when I come back out of the water its already re-equiped and ready to use.

I feel you...sword out, swipe, swipe, (submerge), punch, punch :D
Yeah the auto de-quipping of weapons when in water/swamps is highly annoying. Currently farming iron in SP Swamps and half the time I end up punching skels and dragurs because my mace has been sheathed.
In case you (or others) don't know about the R key - equip weapon and shield then press R to put it away and again to re-equip.

Yeah I know the R but the trouble is that when you go in the water it deselects your current equipped item so when you come out its not selected for use which means you have to select it again, I know its only a matter of pressing a couple of keys at that point but it would be good if whatever you had selected when you went into the water is still selected, even if sheathed, when you emerge from the water
So this is what this game has done to me. I’ve just got back from town and on the way up there I was walking past some trees where one had a branch that had fallen off and was on the floor. I thought to myself “if I just press E I can get a bit of wood”. Bloody game.
There are some niggles present in the game but we need to remember it's early access. It's extremely polished for early access timeline.

For me I would like equipped gear not to take up inventory slots and also a way to slightly increase your inventory slots.
In 31.7 hours of playtime I have just had my first crash. Hope I don't lose any progress as I am in the process of building a bridge.
How do you all decide where to build your main house.
Plus it's there any way to build more storage other than using multiple chests, I always forget what's in each.
Shame the workbench can't use materials out of the chests as well.
The only two things that bug me are the near constant rain, which hampers running and fighting.. and the multiplayer lag. Though I did find a good fix for it. But for some reason on each update the developer keeps resetting things. I don't know why he doesn't just include the fix people figured out.

Other than that its been a great game, especially for the size of the company. Proving we don't need flashy graphics when we have good gamplay.
Other than that its been a great game, especially for the size of the company. Proving we don't need flashy graphics when we have good gamplay.

Must say that this game really highlights just how impressive a game can look when lighting and atmospheric weather is done right, even when the remainder of the graphics are comparatively simplistic. Really does show that you dont need 10s of GBs of high res textures in order to make a game look good.
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