
I didnt realise the world kept turning if you left a certain area?

I died, spawned back at my main base.. found a load of Greydwarves inside having the time of their life. They had somehow managed to smash in past a row of spikes! :D
Raise the land to build a dock. Wet wood deteriorates as you have probably noticed in the rain although I'm not sure if anything actually collapses.

Indeed the wet wood just seems to go down to 50% health but falls no further. Boats also do just tend to float where you leave them, they don't drift off even in the storms.
Anyone found that they have stifled their game progress with obsessive building?

Yes. I’ve redesigned my main home too many times. I’ve buggered myself there though as I thought a trench around it would be a good idea, it is, but I’ll have to fill it in if I want to expand more.
I've found its easier to jump in a boat just offshore and build a dock that way as you cant seem to build out from the sore easily.

I'd somehow completely overlooked that solution. I was building the dock to get ready to build the boat and had got stuck on doing it in that order.
Anyone found that they have stifled their game progress with obsessive building?

Anything obsessive is bad, regardless of what it is. Obsessive building would be stopping you enjoying the game.

If you enjoy the building, it's not obsessive and it is your game progress.
I am still using one of the little huts I repaired. Just stuck three chests, a bed and a workbench in there and made do. Now I am plagued by indecision as to where to build something more substantial...
Thank god that after 170 hours my time in Valheim is slowing down greatly, I'm almost ready and at a point where I can put it aside until more content comes...which works out perfectly because in 7 days time the big update for Satisfactory comes out and I am bound to spend a few hundred hours playing Satisfactory again :)
Yes. I’ve redesigned my main home too many times. I’ve buggered myself there though as I thought a trench around it would be a good idea, it is, but I’ll have to fill it in if I want to expand more.

Lol! That makes me feel better that I'm not the only one... I've gone from a modest hunting lodge on a man made mountain to a near 60m castle.
Anything obsessive is bad, regardless of what it is. Obsessive building would be stopping you enjoying the game.

If you enjoy the building, it's not obsessive and it is your game progress.

This is true, I enjoy the building aspect the most, just a shame that the net code is trash and terraforming causes so much lag a desync. Had to mod the dedicated server to cater for all the instances... so I'll be forced to progress the game a bit lol.
Thank god that after 170 hours my time in Valheim is slowing down greatly, I'm almost ready and at a point where I can put it aside until more content comes...which works out perfectly because in 7 days time the big update for Satisfactory comes out and I am bound to spend a few hundred hours playing Satisfactory again :)

Isn't the satisfactory update going to experimental 1st
I am still using one of the little huts I repaired. Just stuck three chests, a bed and a workbench in there and made do. Now I am plagued by indecision as to where to build something more substantial...

Well, in my experience I would build on the coast and build high! Only have to defend 180 degrees then. That way nothing can get in your base as the later on in the game you get the more frequent and tougher the attacks become.
So I built my first boat, a karve. That took most of my bronze, since I'd spent ages looking for the surtling cores to make the charcoal burner and the smelter. I was very short on tin as well, but I'd spotted some tin boulders on one of my quick "run along the coast to do some mapping" forays. So that was the destination for my first sailing.

The boat steers like, well, a boat. Fortunately you can jump out and push it off when you ground it in shallow water. I did that deliberately as a test...maybe :) It's much faster than walking, though, so that's good.

I went along the coast and spotted some tin boulders along the way, getting about 40 tin ore stashed in the boat. Then I rounded a bend into the main tin area...and my boat got destroyed by a troll. I had a boat for about 10 minutes.

Then I had to run back through part of the dark forest. Night fell before I made it back because of course it did.

Thank god that after 170 hours my time in Valheim is slowing down greatly, I'm almost ready and at a point where I can put it aside until more content comes...which works out perfectly because in 7 days time the big update for Satisfactory comes out and I am bound to spend a few hundred hours playing Satisfactory again :)

Have you seen Josh's videos on playing Satisfactory as wrong as possible? Their channel is called "Let's Game It Out".
Thank god that after 170 hours my time in Valheim is slowing down greatly, I'm almost ready and at a point where I can put it aside until more content comes...which works out perfectly because in 7 days time the big update for Satisfactory comes out and I am bound to spend a few hundred hours playing Satisfactory again :)

I feel i'm at the same point, kinda ready for the next content load on Valheim but equally i've been waiting a while for Satisfactory Update 4 to progress that further though it sounds like i'm going to have to redo quite a bit of stuff ;)
Hi guys, does anyone have a server with multiple players/discord I can join? I bought the game over two weeks ago but the server I joined has gone dead. Playing in such a vast world can seem a little lonely and I really enjoyed the social aspect of the game. Now it’s just me building solo.
Well, in my experience I would build on the coast and build high! Only have to defend 180 degrees then. That way nothing can get in your base as the later on in the game you get the more frequent and tougher the attacks become.

So, do tough enemies invade the beginner biomes? I was hoping I could have a safe base just on the Meadows side of the Meadows-Black Forest border. Or is this too early to think about a proper base? I need something a bit bigger than my little hut now.

On the subject of that latter, I was skirting around the edge of the Forest but staying just out of it. All was going well and I had loaded up on leather and hide when I met my first Greydwarf and then was chased by two more straight afterwards. Chased right into a troll, who one-shot me with a gigantic club! It made for a pretty nervous corpse-run. Great fun, though.
Thank god that after 170 hours my time in Valheim is slowing down greatly, I'm almost ready and at a point where I can put it aside until more content comes...which works out perfectly because in 7 days time the big update for Satisfactory comes out and I am bound to spend a few hundred hours playing Satisfactory again :)
I'm at 162hrs so far and I am at the Black Metal stage of the game with one boss left. I am taking it easy though and yes Update 4 is going to be all sorts of awesome in Satisfactory!
So, do tough enemies invade the beginner biomes? I was hoping I could have a safe base just on the Meadows side of the Meadows-Black Forest border. Or is this too early to think about a proper base? I need something a bit bigger than my little hut now.

I have my home in the meadows, quite some way from the black forest. Initially, I got raid events from meadows mobs - boars and greylings. The raid event warning message mentioned grass. Usually while I was at home. After defeating the first boss, the raid events changed to black forest mobs - greydwarfs, greydwarf brutes and greydwarf shamen. At my base, in the meadows. Quite a distance from the border. The raid event warning message mentioned forest. So I think that the raid events are based on the highest level boss mob you killed rather than on where your base is. But killing the first boss is important because it unlocks the use of pickaxes, which is a crucial step towards unlocking the use of bronze, which gives you reliable access to different grades of wood, which unlocks a lot of things to craft. Pickaxes are also a big step in building because it makes it possible to greatly change the terrain.

Other than raid events, mobs can leave their biome and enter a neighbouring one to at least some distance. They definitely do it while chasing you and once or twice I've encountered an out-of-biome mob who was already there. Close to the border, though. My guess is that they wander within a distance from their spawn point. Mobs sometimes chase other mobs, so it might happen that way too. Biome borders aren't hard borders for anything mobile.

If you need a base bigger than what you have, it's time for a bigger base. But it won't be its final form. You won't be able to build in stone yet (that requires iron, which doesn't exist in either meadow or black forest biomes), so sooner or later you'll be rebuilding again.

My plan is to build up more before killing the second boss and thus making the raids worse. Better kit, higher skills. And more building. With stockpiling of materials. I only have ~1000 stone stored so far and I'll probably use at least that much just landscaping the area for my castle.
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