
I stumbled across an abandoned building too, patched it up and put a fence around it - I've extended it a bit with a watch tower and I'm about to create side shelter for piles of wood
The boss fight with the Elder (second boss) was epic! Great music and a great laugh with a number of us dying because we didnt clear enough trees away around the altar so be sure to do that one.

Our base on the border of Black Forest slowly expands now that we have enough resources, however due to having so many new players our metal ingots supply is in poor shape. To combat this I've been part playing in SP to gather ores there and carry them to MP.
Still loving this, such a chilled game :). I’ve just beaten the third boss. Currently building an island base, which I’ve literally raised from the beach/sea with what feels like a billion rocks :p.
I commandeered a stone building on an island just off the plains in order to fight the 3rd boss in the swamps. The mosquitoes are crazy and those little goblin things I just stay away from if there are more than a few of them. Fortunately my island base is just far enough away that mosquitoes don’t bother me but I have a few Lox and a couple of goblins nearby. Means I’m getting a good supply of dark metal and Lox meat.
Is this a game worth playing single player or does it have to be played with a group of friends to be worthwhile ? I dont really have many PC gaming friends, but I like the look of the game and only like £15-£16.
Thats part of my concern. I usually get 1-2 hours a night, and it looks like a game you can easily sink 10 hours in one sitting!
Yeah definitely can do that. The frustration bit for me is dieing in a difficult area then trying to get back there to get the stuff back
Might give it a go later then. Ive got credit on Steam to use anyway and for £15ish it seems like a right bargain. And I saw somewhere its about 500mb? Thats crazy. I do like games like these so I'm sure I'll get my £15 worth out of it, especially considering I have games like Fifa 21 still sealed here that cost £45!
Haha aye the mosquitoes are a nightmare, they’re still the only thing that’s killed me... unfortunately those deaths seem to happen every time I see one! Even blocking them with an iron shield isn’t super effective. Quite difficult to time the parry vs them, as they move erratically compared to other enemies.

I’ve been playing it solo and with friends who drop in and out. It’s definitely challenging solo at times but still great fun :).

I do like challening games. No idea why. Demon Souls etc have all nearly destroyed me but satisfaction at the end is worth it!
First proper go at building. Went too big I think, the roof was a pain to support. Not a patch on some of the fantastic creations that are out there. Still, it's home :D

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