Vanity is not a sin...

SNATCH BALANCE (5s) 40-40-50-50 Thought about 60kg, but decided against it at work.
BACK SQUATS (3s) 70-90-110-120-110-110 (5 count single) Tired!
OHP (5s) 40-50-55-50-50-50 So weak... :( Middle three sets needed to start from the top to get that there stretch reflex.
TRICEP EXTENSION ss/w LAT RAISE (10s) 4 sets of some weight.
IUrgh. Quad day... :( :( :(

FRONT SQUATS (12-10-10-8-8) 85-90-90-95-95 Last two sets had a 10 second rest in the middle. Because I was dead.
PISTOL SQUATS (4*8) 8-8-8-8 That glute activation... :eek: That isomatric deltoid contraction. :o
DBSS (4*10) 12-12-12-12 Maximum voluntary contraction in the quads is possibly the worst thing I have ever felt from a non-injury perspective. Quads were absolutely destroyed.

That... was horrendous. My normally loose boxer shorts where straining at the seams after this.

For Syla5...

Der Waffenmesse. :cool:

WIDE GRIP PULLUPS ss/w BENCH (5-4-3-8-10) 12(87.5)-12(92.5)-12(100)-12(87.5)-12(87.5) Well, 100*3 wasn't so bad. :confused: Last set was brutal, however, and required clustering at 6-3-1 to finish.
DUMBELL ROW ss/w STRICT PRESS (5-4-3-8-10) 40(45)-40(47-5)-40(55)-40(45*10)-40(45) Trying a narrower grip for the strict press for moar shoulder, so it's less of a direct mimic of the jerk. Weirdly, it's much easier. :o However, triceps were fried by this point.
BROCEPS ss/w LAT RAISES ss/w TRICEP EXTENSIONS (4*12) 12-10-10-10 Realised 12s were going to be a bit to 'swing-y, so went back to 10s to get that slow buuuuuuuuurn. Tricep extensions 3*week also seems to be paying off amusingly. :D

Nice. Even if my poor quads and glutes are still crying out in pain. :D
Not feeling particularly right this morning - very little sleep didn't help.

HIP CLEAN THING (5s) 40-40-70-70 My quads... :(
HANG CLEAN -> 2* JERK ((3s) 70-70 My poor quads... :( :(
CLEAN -> 2* JERK (3s) 80-90-90 Building capacity for jerking (hurr hurr) is interesting. I didn't have the courage to jerk 100kg without blocks, so didn't bother... the gym team are sensitive to noisy stuff because some chump broke a floorboard two weeks ago.
POWER CLEAN (2s) 90-100 Meh.
PUSHPRESS (5s) 70-60-60-60 Boosted strict press, really. Trying to get used to a narrow grip movement.
How are you enjoying a narrower grip?

I tried some push press from a narrow front rack a long time ago, my glass shoulders were not pleased.
Barring lack of familiarity with the motor pattern, it feels a lot less stressful on everything. To be fair, I was pressing from my clean grip with pinkies on the first ring of a non-Ivanko bar ( I.e. quite wide... maybe even too wide) so anything would be. :)

The only thing I don't enjoy quite so much is the initial unrack, as I have never been used to such a narror grip and 'holding' the bar in front rack as opposed to the obvious alternative.

When I get round to putting all this dreamer bulk to more functional use I will probably go out wider again, but this is a pleasant (if still humbling) ssidetrack for now.

Regarding glass shoulders, I noticed I have had fewer shoulder problems since learning to snatch properly... probably a by-product of the greater mobility required for the movement allowing for more flexibility and forgiveness when it comes to strict movements... I dunno.
Ooof... silly deadlift day, today. :D

DEADLIFT (1s) 70(*5)-110-140-160-180-190(BOOM!)-200f-200f-200f 200 wouldn't budge. Last attempt got off the ground every so slightly, but my back was knackered by this point...
DEADLIFT (5-4-3-3) 170-170-170-170(2f) Back was completely knackered. Last couple of sets at this weight were a bit ropey.
RDLs (8s) 110-130-130-130 Yup. Back is still knackered. :D
REVERSE LUNGES (8s) 55-55-55
OHP (5s) 50-55-55 Y U NO triceps extensions? Need to get used to this motor pattern. Nice way to end the session, actually. :)

Easy. Stop looking in the make believe mirror / boobies on the left ;) :D

200 won't be far away (like, tomorrow)

Good work!
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