Vanity is not a sin...

Second day of Olympic lifting in a row... :eek: :cool:

OVERHEAD SQUAT (5s) 40-40-50
FIXED FOOT SNATCH BALANCE (5s) 40-40-50 Feet fixed in the landing position, and then 'dropping' into the catch. Interesting exercise, and used for better muscle memory.
HANG SNATCH (5s) 50-60-70(3)-70(1f1)-70(3) Last set was awesome. Finally got my back and glute tightness sorted.
SNATCH PULLS (3s) 110-110

I've adjusted my second pull slightly, in light of some bad habits that became apparent over the past week... my elbows were angling at around 45o from vertical in the pull, meaning the bar wasn't being kept close to my body, and I caught the snatch in a very toes-ey position.

The adjustment has required a bit of tweaking at my shoulder because a vertical pull requires a lot more internal shoulder rotation than previously. However, the bar now seems to be flying beautifully, so I am happy. :)

This afternoon will probably be some broceps with heavy front squats.

Do I even clean anymore? Not presently, but it gets rusty a lot slower than my snatch does, so I'm not overly bothered. Jerks are a bit of a concern, so they might feature, too...
Bah. Tweaked left anterior delt, meaning no joy on either bench or OHP. Managed 90*3 on bench and 62.5*2 on strict. :(

So, lots of lightweight dumbell work for bench at 8 reps, and sttict barbell pressing at 40kg for the same range. Was distracted by a work conversation so only managed 4*3 on Pendlay rows at 110kg.
Third day of Olympic lifting in a row is starting to get tiring, particularly on my fasting diet/regime. :eek:

SNATCH BALANCE (5s) 40-50-50
HANG SNATCH (5s) 50-60-60-70 Last 70 was a power snatch, as my brain went on the fritz.

So tired this morning, so I guess squatting this afternoon will be interesting. :D

One thing that is becoming very apparent is how much more consistent the catches are now that I'm putting in such a high volume of reps. Friday will probably have me snatching from the floor, and - if the Olympic gods permit - 80kgs...
Forgot to log yesterday evening as was so unbelievably tired.

JERK (3s) 50-70-80-90-90-100(2f) Training with the coach, so not going to go nuts at work... dropping onto a rack sucks. :D
BACK SQUAT (3s) 90-110-130-130(2f) Decided to know it on the head there, as chest was collapsing.

Today... was some 'warmup' work to help my legs and back recover from yesterday. So I had my first concerted go on a bike for around... 3 years. :eek:

It was a Watt bike, meaning I could watch my power output, and once I'd finally adjusted my cadence to get a decent 'peanut' shaped power graph, I thought I'd see how far down the cardio rabbit hole I could go...

MAX POWER It seems the Watt Bike stops measuring after 999W. :D I did get a funny reading of 031W, but hey. :cool:
10s SPRINT Maintained 874W for around 10secs. And wow that was hard. :o
BACK SQUAT (3s) 50-70-90-90-90 Back straight, nice and slow...

Lots of hamstring and adductor stretching for that ballerina pretzelability. ;)
Hehehehe... not quite. :D

If anything it was two sprints on the bike just to use my muscles and CNS in a slightly different way.

This then gives my legs a better chance at recovery than doing nothing at all (active recovery), although this principle was somewhat undermined by going for maximum power... :)

The coach also asked me - when he saw me perched on the bike - if I was lost...
Had about half an hour to hit the lifts this morning... not great.

BACK SQUAT (5s) 40-40
SNATCH BALANCE (5s) 40-50-50
SNATCH (5s) 50-60-70-70-80(1ff) 80s were done from a hang because I was just after some pump. Feeling lighter each time, but still need more stability in the bottom of the catch.

Afternoon training will be interesting... probably some deadlift silliness and singe leg squats.

Eurgh... calorie deficit is starting to get to me in a big way.

Decided to take it easy, today, so...

POWER SNATCH (5s) 40-40
BACK SQUAT (3s) 40-70-90-90-90-90
SNATCH -> 2* POWERSNATCH 50-60-60-70-70-70-80-80
SNATCH PULLS (5s) 110-110-110

Boom. :cool:

Snatches are feeling a lot better at the moment. This morning wasi mmense. :)
Oooh. Physio session because of my curious shoulder.

Turns out that, as a result of my anterior deltoid issue, I've started compensating with my lats and everything involved with my scapula down that side... meaning pretty much everything from my traps down to the lats (including rhomboids, subscapularis, teres major/minor) is in spasm.

So he decided soft tissue release was the way to go. :eek: :( :( :( :(

Needless to say it was painful and I've been told to avoid weightlifting for the next week or so. :mad:

Looks like leg season has come early. :cool: :D
At least you've got it dealt with promptly :)

To be fair, I did the original damage from lat raises (I think) around 6 weeks ago, but the lack of time off and aggressive pressing work has just built up the collateral damage. :D

Lesson to those who will actually listen, however. :p
First day back since my appointment with the physio last week… why no legs in the interim I hear you ask (not) ask? Practically, giving my body a rest after training (probably too) heavily on a calorie deficit… I’d developed some really sore quads over the last couple of weeks, so this was a chance to recover completely.

However, some light overhead work indicated my shoulder is still sore, but healing, so I will revisit with the physio on Thursday. The back spasms are a lot better and much less troublesome, but still some residual nastiness there.

I originally planned on doing some technical work today, but my shoulder suggested this would be a bad idea…

BACK SQUAT (5s) BAR-40-60-80-90-100-100 Quads complained through lack of use on the first set, but were fine afterwards. Part of me now wonders if this is some tendinits… :(
ICECOLD’S FAVOURITE DEADLIFTS (5s) 100-100-100 Just to make sure my back and PC know that I still love them.

Short, sweet, but let my muscles know that the pain train is coming.
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