Vanity is not a sin...

Thigh is still sore, but needed some power work...

HIP SNATCH (triples) 40-50-70-75(fff)-70-70
BACK SQUAT (triples) 70-90-100(5)-100(5)-105(5)

Hip snatch was just standing braced, and driving from a position with a 5 degree knee bend! torso upright, and diving under the bar.

Suggests my full technique is not good enough! Need the get the bar further back...

EDIT: from the 'pics' thread...

Played around with a flash whilst I was waiting for a game to install... and to see if three months of CBL and three weeks of eating crud has made any difference.

Weighed in this evening at 90.8kg - probably around 89kg clean, but there we go...





Pardon the gawky posing, but:

a) I can't pose;
b) I was holding the second flash. :D
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Tendon work...

FRONT SQUATS (5s) 70-90-70
OHP ss/w WG PULLUPS (8s) 45(BW-45(BW)-45(BW)-45(BW)
BENCH ss/w CG PULLDOWNS (8s) 70(s12?)75(s18)-75(s18)-75(s18)
LAT RAISES ss/w 21s (8s) 14(25)-14(25)-14(25)-14(25)

No calcium required.
Eurgh... lost all my gains over the past twelve hours. I now probably weigh around 88.5kg! :eek:

SNATCH (POSITION 1, 3s) 40-50-60-65-60-70
HANG CLEAN (POSITION 1) n JERK 3s) 80-90-90
FRONT SQUATS (3s) 70-90-100(f)

That feeling where I can't front squat for toffee, yet a full catch on a clean is a doddle. :confused:

Will probably try and get some videos posted for you guys to pick apart in the next couple of days...
A short workout? ;)

The point with Olympic lifting is that once the speed is gone, there isn't much point in carrying on.

I overdid the snatch this morning because I was trying to sort my catch out: it ain't like diesel powerlifting where a lift can be muscled up, sadly. :(
No interesting lifting today...

OVERHEAD SQUAT (5s) 40-50-60-60-60
SNATCH BALANCE (3) 40-50-50
CLEAN 1st PULL (5s) 110-130-140-140-140
PUSH PRESS (5s) 70-70-70
PENDLAY ROWS (5s) 70-80-80

Enough reps for you, duvet77? ;) :D
Heh - thanks (relief! :D )! They're alright - not really pushing them at the moment as I'm working on a stable bottom position.

Weight was conservative, but I'm getting ready for a more structured programme next week to help push my Olympic lifting a bit hard. Overhead squats are part of that, so need to make sure they're working (form-wise) correctly. Once my snatch catch i(whoop!) s working better, they'll get switched out for deficit Bulgarian split squats or something, as they're not the best exercise for pushing Olympic work... only getting it working.
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Great log I'd love to do OL in the future. Half of these exercises are unheard of to me. Mirrin your serratus anterior (hope I got that right).

Thanks, dude. Olympic lifting is quite different to the 'normal' stuff done in the gym, and it is quite a bug. :D

Any questions on what the stuff is, I'm happy to help. :)
Yeah I'd love to get some personal coaching, it's scary to me to start it. I could imagine everyone's face in the gym if I started doing jerks and snatches.

Which Olympic exercise would you recommend trying for a complete beginner?
Bit of a wasted session: trained at the work gym, so no dropping allowed...

POWER SNATCH FROM HIP (5s) 40-60-60(3) diagnostic work for the coach.
POWER CLEAN FROM HIP (3s) 80-80... twinge in my knee turned out to be distal insertion of sartorius going doo-lally. :mad:
OHP (5s) 40-50-55... remembered I'd done PP yesterday (idiot).
FRONT SQUAT (5s) 70-80-90-90-90-95(2).

Going to try a different foot position with front squats to mimic my clean catch. Why? Because not having a permanent coach means trying to find something that works is more trial and error. :( So going narrower (just outside shoulders and take advantage of my ability to stick my knees out at amusing angles) as I know I can get plenty of power out of this position. It is weird because I find it a LOT easier to get my heels and posterior chain involved.

But there we go. Onwards and... well... somewhere.
Well I tried a snatch loop today with 30kg and it was fun but completely messed up compared to your video so I'll keep this stuff on my to do list. I'm just reading that thread now.
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