Vanity is not a sin...

Rubbish. First day of a new structured programme (manage my time and work during a workout) and I tweak my right MCL.

Urgh. :mad:

It's not bad, but lets me know something is not quite right. Feel more like cramp, actually, but enough to keep me from doing what I want.

Anyway, the new routine is a product of my experience over the past few weeks since having my own gym and working out what works and what does not. A big thing is the technical aspect of it, so its biased to Olympic lifting but in a way to keep me focussed rather than cracking out bad - but successful - reps.

Thursday is liable to change, depending on whether or not I train with anybody, but basically big compounds for legs and shoulders (DBSS, dumbell military press, etc.).


Maybe I'll get to train again this week. Maybe not. Otherwise, I shall mostly be investigating knee sleeves. :rolleyes:

EDIT: Update from my physio...

Apparently the issue was a mechanical one rather than an injury. He suspects that due to any number of factors, something got impinged during my workout last Friday, resulting in the pain - this was emphasised by manipulation of my knee and a resulting 'pop' (freaked me out) and then good mobility and no recurrence of the pain. Which is nice. His view is that somebody who trains like I do runs this risk regardless of good/bad technique (although bad technique can increase the likelihood). Well that's comforting. I think. Stave off Rehbands for another few months at least... :D

I was being a pussy.
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I want to die.

Thought I'd catch up on some lower leg work after the debacle of yesterday...

FRONT SQUATS (5s) 50-90-90-90-90-90
DEFICIT BSS (5s) 14-22.5-30-30-30-30 (wanted to die)
RING DIPS ss/w WG PULLUPS (5s) +6kg for all.

Due to all the blood in my legs, I forgot my car keys - twice - meaning three trips up and down a flight of stairs to the car park. I was almost sick. :eek: :cool:

Still a bit miffed with my thigh because I tried some snatch and clean pulls and had to abandon them because it was just stinging quite badly. Knee was still a bit sore, but the squatting work was fine...
Wednesday's program:

SNATCH WORK @ 60kg Very happy with deep catch rate (2/3).
CLEAN'n'JERK @ 90kg Will be dropping to 2 reps on Weds to stop my CNS melting from these exercises. Just insane crank when doing these from the floor for each rep.
BACK SQUAT @ 100kg Stopped at wo sets due to time, but Not bad. Form died at the fourth rep each set due to exhaustion. :)

Needed half an hour of mobility to cope with DOMS from yesterday. Satisfyingly horrific. :o :cool:
Truly horrific DOMS today... I could barely get out of bed. :eek:

PUSH PRESS (5s) 70-70-70
PENDLAY ROW ss/w CG CHINS (5s) 70(+10)-80(+14)-90(+14)-90(+14)
DUMBELL CHEST PRESS (6s) 25-30-35-35-35-35

Legs were having nothing... even after 20 minutes of rollering, stretching, bodyweight movements they would not cooperate.

Tomorrow's big lift day is going to be fun. And when I say fun, I mean not fun. Good thing it's singles day...
Decided against singles, because I felt I had more in the tank...

POWER SNATCH (3s) 65-65
SNATCH (2s) 70-70-70
POWER CLEAN + JERK (3s) 95-95
CLEAN'n'JERK (2s) 100-100-100
FRONT SQUAT (5s) 90-95-95-95-95(4f)

Cleans at 100kg started out messy. Last set was awesome. Bar slipped off my shoulders on the last set of front squats. Irritating. :D
Are the cleans not a little light if the power cleans are so close % wise?

Yes and no. It is the same reason my snatch/power snatch are quite similar...

My powerclean has been described as 'very efficient' by one of my old coaches, because I can PC quite close to my 1RM: all I ever did when I started was PCs. As a result, my full clean technique is variable (i.e. not as ingrained), and so my percentages level off VERY quickly between the two.

The full clean is a "follow it down" one, but my technique changes slightly between the two: with a power clean, the bar goes straigh up, but for the full clean it comes forward slightly - I've adjusted it by concentrating hard on the first pull (hence the improvement across the three sets) but it's an area that needs specific attention. :(

EDIT: the fun part of this is seeing the difference between my front squat: clean: powerclean ratios, as on any given day I can power/clean more than I can front squat. :D *lame*
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Hence your advice to me because I'm in a similar situation with my oly lifting! :D

Stronk lifting man!

Thanks. :)

Although if you devoted more attention to your clean/snatch, you'd sail past me. :D

But I still use the reverse as my excuse for crud powerlifting totals. :D
POWERSNATCH (3s) 65-65
HANG SNATCH (3s) 65-65
SNATCH (3s 65(2f)-65(2f) (should have been four sets of two, but I couldn't brain).
CLEAN'n'JERK (2s) 95-95-95(ff)-95(ff)... core went AWOL for the last two sets... not sure what happened there. :mad:
FRONT SQUAT (5s) 95-95-95

Snatch was almost perfect, but for some reasons the cleans were just awful. :D

Strange, because front squatting was quite easy. :confused:

The progressive loading seems to be working so far, too (apart from the cleans): I could have probably hit 70kg without any drama on the snatch, but have decided to stick with 5kg increases a week (assuming I can carry that off) for the mean time...
Was a bit dumb last night - went to bad a bit too late... woke up this morning feeling like I'd been hit by a train, which is weird because I didn't really do anything yesterday...

One of my kids was also up early, meaning I had to babysit instead of training for the first bit...

HANG SNATCH (3s) 70-70-70-70 Damn, that's heavy!
SNATCH (2s) 70-70 Toes for the first set. Legendary for the second. Powersnatch for the third. :rolleyes:
CLEAN'n'JERK (2s) 95-95-95 Toes again. :rolleyes::rolleyes: Also, the first time I've lost a jerk behind, too...

No time for back squat, so a bit lame. Will do them tonight or tomorrow.
Catch-up day from yesterday...

HIGH BAR BACK SQUATS (5s) 60-60-90-105-105-105 first set was a bit ropey, but last two were fine.
SNATCH HIGH PULLS (3s) 100-120-120-120-100-100 120 was too heavy; 100 was just right to make sure I was over the bar properly...
RING DIPS ss/w WG CHINS (5s) 6-14-x Ran out of time due to a rescheduled meeting... but was quite happy to get a set of +14kg ring dips... :D
Urgh... CNS blitzing. And I wasn't lifting too much today, either... :D

Catchup with one of the coaches at work, today, which is nice because I can't really do to much otherwise (if I take a vid, you guys get to see my feet and shins... which isn't really that productive).. Anyway, I've included the output here if any of your are interested in some technical splurge...

So... new gym flooring meant no serious fun, so squatting it was...

BACK SQUATS (5s) 70-90-100-110 He noticed my chest dropping occasionally (i.e. not immediately a fatigue issue), so has suggested specific core work... good mornings, TRX roll-outs, GHRs (****).

FRONT SQUATS (5s) 70-70 Playing with shoulder position a bit has meant a much better drive out the whole than previously... I'd started front squatting with shoulders in a jerk position (i.e. shoulders locked and down) which meant some tilt at the bottom of the squat...

CLEAN FIRST PULL(5s) 70 Nothing particularly interesting here, as I'm now keeping the bar locked back pretty hard. My lats aren't thanking me...

SNATCH PULL (3s) 70 Same as cleans...

JERK (2s) 60-80-90-90 Some reps lack full hip extension, Fatigue and concern about the new floor meant my brain probably put the brakes on...

Overall, a useful session. Minor tweaks here and there, but enough to prevent the onset of frustration and/or injury. I wasn't expecting to have to squat 110kg, but I'm guessing the test took over (he decided he'd rep out 110kg for 3). Still, it's nice to know I can, but I'll keep my ramp as it is for now.
Disclocated my thumb last night (it popped straight back in), so this morning was going to be not quite as good as it could be...

Tried snatching and whilst 50kg was fine for a quick catch (i.e. up, pause and then drop), it was too sore to hold for the recovery phase... so on to clean'n'jerk for some 'shoulder forward' training (leaning further over the bar to get a better drive phase).

POWER CLEAN'n'JERK (3s) 50-70-90
CLEAN'n'JERK 100-105-110(xJ)-115(f)-115(f)
CLEAN PULLS (3s) 120-120
FRONT SQUAT (5s) 100-100

Ran out of time at the end (started late because I was still half asleep) and so didn't finish the front squats, but was pretty happy nonetheless.

And back at 110kg for the clean. Yes. :cool: Pretty awesome, as it was the best rep, too... the jerk was not quite there, however, so it will take a bit of work. First 115kg rep was caught, but I think I was so surprised I rounded out and bailed. Second was close but couldn't make the catch...

This has kind of played havoc with my training regime (maxes on a Monday? :o ) but was funny, nonetheless. So who cares, right? :D
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