Vanity Log: how much in a year?

Not great, today: busy readjusting to proper cleans and getting full cleans into the routine (as opposed to just hang cleans).

Also, coach was in the gym and does NOT approve of CrossFit stuff. That, and I was already over my appropriate session length... will attempt Grace tomorrow. :(


Power clean from hip 4x3


Load felt fine, as with the snatchs on Monday, but technique was rusty (how this happens after just one week, I'll never know).

Clean pulls 3x3


From the floor, these felt HARD, particularly without a proper hamstring session yesterday... :(

Hang clean 3x2


Easy-ish, but was concentrating on getting as vertical under the bar as possible.

Clean 5x2


Weak from the floor - need to get my positioning correct. Last rep at 90kg was messy.

Front squat 5-4-3-3


Probably should have pushed harder on these, but have really been trying to get my form correct and posture vertical.

Overall, another rehab session. Coach was happy with the technical stuff other than the pulls and wants to ramp the weight.

Will give 'Grace' a try tomorrow... this won't be good.
So. Overhead session after a shoulder niggle. This should be interesting...


Overhead squat 4x3


Ah, yes - overhead squat stability rediscovered. However, squat depth at 80kg was only just below parallel, so not quite double awesome, but I was happy, nonetheless.

Push press from back 4x3


Still don't like these. However, it's nice to get up to 90kg, but a bit strange as I can OHS 80kg, which is a snatch grip: admittedly, the bar isn't travelling as far with the latter, but... :confused:

Push jerk 5x2


Mmmm. Don't like these either. Still, the weights are increasing, which is always nice.

Barbell military press 5-4-3-3

50-55-60-60(ff)-50(sort of)

Happy my shoulder fritzing doesn't seem to have nullified too much here. However, a stroct set of three at 60kg polished me off, meaning the weight had to plummet to complete my sets.

Single arm military press 3x5


This one was strange - only managed 3 strict presses on my left side on the last set, despite my right shoulder being the one that was tweaked. No idea.

Oh, yes - polished myself off with a Grace workout which I did not finish. Lost count and stopped at 27 reps, Time length of the video was 7:18, anyway,

For my shaming...

Overall, not bad - glad to be back where I was pre-shoulder injury and week off. Now it's just a case of cranking the weights up and seeing how far we go...
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Urgh. Beach Weight Fridays...

Pull-ups 5x5

BW for all (last two sets failed on the last rep)

Supersetted with:

Lat pull-downs 5x5

Setting 17 (whatever that means)

Lats were on FIRE.

Bench press 5x5


Supersetted with:

Floor press 5x5


Oh, wow. That's just horrible.

Close grip lat pull-downs

Setting 15...

Supersetted with:

Barbell row 5x5


Strict form. Not really taxing but the burn was awesome...

BONUS TIME: 21s in the squat rack

I was training with one of the coaches today, a closet Crossfitter, so this was right up his street. We did the phaggot work at the end because he wanted a bit of gun work (honest).

I must say, the 21s were horrific - only one set, but not having curlz'd for around 8 months, my forearms and biceps were about to explode.

After the session, I struggled in the shower, drying off and dressing. Still, big respect for people that manage "The Steedie" workouts - I did one set of one exercise out of it and I'm in pieces.
Crippling DOMS in my lats today, even though Beach Weight Friday was three days ago... :eek:


Snatch balance 4x3


Trying to get faster under the bar whilst holding shape. Slowly started working. This was coupled with 4x3 hang-snatch warmups at the same weight, trying to get the bar moving as fast as possible. Was working nicely...

Snatch pulls 3x3


Dropped the weight for these to try and get the movement as fast as possible. 100kg came up to shoulder height as a result. I have a sneaking suspicion I could probably get it overhead if somebody put a gun to my head (stable, however, is a nother question).

Hang snatch 5x2


Trying to get to where I should be mid-cycle without my week off. Seems the technique work last week really payed off - full squat catch positioning worked with awesomeness, but reminded me how hard this stuff actually is.

Snatch 4x3


Was getting tired at this point (failures were indicative of this). However, was happy to be holding the catch position for most of these. It was a below-knee hang snatch movement rather than full snatch, simply because I'm not snatching at these weights without the blocks. :)

Overhead squat 5-4-3-3


Determined to get a leg workout from today, so put myself in for a double dose of misery. Crikey that was hard. But awesome. My shoulders are in pieces. :)

Overall, very happy - position at the bottom of the snatch squat catch was good (bit of bum tucking for some as I wasn't concentrating enough), so I'm happy I'll be leading up for 80kg next week. Boom.
Short update as iPad lost first two attempts...

First pull DL 5*3

140-160-160-160-160 with a bonus 170 pull for lolz.

SLDL 4*4




Single leg squats 3*5

16-18-20 in each hand.

Hamstring pump sucks. Session was fun, however. :)
Hmm,,, less than 24hrs after my hamstring beasting and it's clean day! This isn't going to hurt. At all. :D

No videos as my potato cam appears to have a duff battery (goes from 75%-5% with 20 seconds of video). :mad:


Power clean from hip 4x3


Rusty. And 105kg was pretty hard.

Clean pulls 3x3


Not fast enough - particularly after the first pulls yesterday. My connection between the first pull -> hip drive -> second pull is very lumpy, so was concentrating on ironing that out rather than just cranking the weight.

Hang clean 3x2


Rusty again. Getting under the bar seemed to be a mission today. Not sure how 110kg next week will go... Really focussing on getting more hip hinge (i.e. starting position with the body at more of a bent-over angle) as this is where I should be at the top of the first pull. And crikey was that hard... trying to get the lats to hold the bar rather than triceps/shoulders was a learning experience.

Clean 5x2


Was clunky in trying to start from the better position. I know this will help me in the long run (like the double knee bend work from previous months), but it's pretty irritating, nonnetheless.

Front squat 5-4-3-3

70-100-105-110-110 (2)

These felt... pretty good. Which was odd as the front squat from the cleans felt horrible. Probably because I could hold my shape better, but meh.

Overall, completely ruined the front of my legs today, particularly considering my hamstrings and glutes were borked from yesterday's workout. Still, onwards and upwards...
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I have to use cross armed grip so start to struggle as it gets heavier, that said I haven't done any big front squats in ages - I tend to just do drop sets at lighter weights.
Yeah - I need to amp up the volume on front squats as I don't do enough front rack work (it's all done in one day, and not necessarily beasting everything required).

Will see how this training regime works out and where more assistance stuff needs to come in... particularly considering biceps got an outing last Friday (:rolleyes: :D)...
Overhead day... was looking forward to this, possibly because my legs were dead.


Overhead squat 4x3

WU (40*5)-70-70-80(1.5f)-80(2f)

With the 80s, the bar is quite low overhead and so dinked off one of the jerk bloks at the bottom of the second rep. This knocked me off balance and so had to bail halfway up. Not happy. Particularly when it happened again on the third rep of the second set. More shoulders required.

Push press from back 4x3


These are great for forcing hip draaaaaaahve as the position and close grip prevent any shoulder involvement. But that just makes them annoying. Still, was amused to see 95 go up. Oh, yes. :D

Push jerk 5x2


Yup - 100 went up for a single. Had no powah! left for a second rep at each attempt.

Excuse the grunting - it felt heavy! :eek:

Barbell military press 5-4-3-3


Tiny bit more volume. Nice pump.

Single arm military press 3x5


Still not Skillmister. :( :D

Felt like a big session today, even if I'm a looooooooong way behind Olympic chicks half my weight. :D Shoulders, scaps, traps and rhomboids got spanked, so it's all good. :)
Nice session!

Enjoyable video too :D

What do you think you're good for fresh?

Yeah - that angle was specifically chosen. ;) :D

If you put a gun to my head, I could possibly manage 110kg in that push-jerk thing, but it's becomes more psychological after 95kg for me ("hmmm... this is preeeeetty heavy!"), so it's difficult to tell.

Split jerk? Probably 120kg based on the 'feel' at that time. I'll probably disappoint, mind. :D
Yeah I always feel crushed with anything over 100kg in a front rack. I've seen people do heavy front rack/squat holds, and it makes sense that these would help.
Yeah, it's a funny one because front rack with these weights takes a fair bit out of me, unlike back squats. The first set of push jerks had me re-racking just to get some blood back into my shoulders... :o

Watching the jerk back, it looks like I need to really work on my drive down to get a better position for my legs, but also to get further under the bar for a more positive lockout... Oh, well. :)
Beach session today. However, I trained with my boss who is into her cardio which meant 10 minutes on the treadmill at 1min intervals between 7-10kph.

Cardio is rubbish! WTH is this BPM BS? :mad:

Didn't really get much out of my workout as a result (rinse and repeat of lats/chcest as previous... no roing. :( ), but I just wanted to vent. Did I say cardio sucks?
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