Vanity Log: how much in a year?

Alas, no... wasn't particularly dramatic, however, as the window seemed to break really easily...

If you care to imagine:

Rubbish snatch second pull -> bad catch - > overbalance. It just so happened that there was a window behind me.

You may notice in some of the videos there's a double-glazed door behind me in the 'gym'. Sticking my shoulder and head through the former window has just accelerated the timetable for getting this expensive door fitted in the 'gym' instead of the current POS.

Not how I would have chosen to get rid of it, but there we go. :)
Wife went out and left me pizza. So after the kids went to bed, it was just me, my weights and some serious back-loading business...

LOW BAR BACK SQUAT 5-5-5-5-5-5


That's right: I can't add. Should have been five sets, but... :o



Was trying to find something that would hit my legs just enough to finish my hamstrings off. These were allI could think of without going deadlift nuts. Surprisingly painful, but ain't got nothing on deficit Bulgarian split squats (DBSS)...



Pattern work: playing with foot position to find something comfy and approximate to my clean receiving position...

Should have gone heavier with the back squats as once I'd sorted out the pattern (brain kept saying HIGH BAR for the first couple of sets) it wasn't really heavy enough, but there is always next week...

Will see about some jerk training tomorrow before Hypertrophy Tuesday, or it might be DBSS, depending...
GHRs? No thank you! :)

Today was tendon strengthening...



Eurgh. That was hard. Last two sets were seriously grindy... Chins were horrid, and my arms stopped responding after the second set.

OHP ss/w NG PULLUPS 12-10-8-8

OHP: 45kg

Eurgh. That was hard. Last two sets were seriously grindy... Pullups were interesting as it seems the right side of my back can brace more effectively than the left side, giving me a skewed pull when I think I'm fatigued... will have to watch for mobility issues, too.


TRICEPS: Setting 9 (?)

OOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooowwwwwwwww!!! Triceps were completely destroyed by this point. Biceps were equally ruined.

So now would be a good time for...



Shoulders were pumped. And dead. Showering after this was very, very hard.

I'm actually looking forward to some heavy cleans tomorrow...
Tekkers day, today...



Sorting my back out for these might be interesting. Yes, sure, I can power-snatch a lot more than this as a working weight, but the point of the exercise was to stabilise my core/thorax for the catch. The drop rate suggests I need a bit more work on this. :D



What today was actually about. First set of 90s wasn't great: not that I can't get the weight up - that's easy - but controlling the descent, getting into a good position for the catch and recovering nicely... none of that really happened.

Here's a video: watch my shoulders, back, lumbar and heels. None of it is good.

The point of this is to show what can go wrong with a clean, and what I have to correct. So I spent the next two sets fixing these issues (as they don't show up at lower weights because the loads are too low).

- Descend from the hips, rather than the shoulders;
- Change the second pull slightly to make sure the bar is going up rather than out;
- REALLY concentrate on keeping my core braced hard.

Did I fix them? Mostly. I suspect the issues are actually largely psychological, where I alter my descent (shoulders first, rather than hips) to get under whta I perceive to be a 'heavier' bar. Oh, well... more practice. :)


Strange loading, sure, but I wasn't sure where I'd be for this. The answer is around 100kg. :D

110kg was hard - the triple was fine, but after that, I had to make judicious use of re-bounce (i.e. recover to parallel and then drop'n'bounce back out the hole) to get back up. Not great and completely missing the point of high-bar, but there we go.

Overall, I'm getting much happier with my catch technique for both the clean and snatch. I would love to spend each morning playing with each until I get them right, but I don't have the time or energy to do this (snatch triples completely ruin my upper back). Still, I know what I have to do now, so let's get to it. :)
That vid gives a whole new meaning to 'hang clean'... you're literally hanging from the ceiling!

I know - I cheat by using gravity to pull the weight to my shoulders. :D

The edit in YouTube must be taking a while, I'm guessing... however, whilst you're waiting, entertain yourself with the idea of me smashing through the window that used to be where that white board is, now. :o :)
Are you sure training alone is a good idea... first the head injury and then the window. Maybe you should get a panic alarm installed that alerts your wife!

If I'm unconscious/dead, what good is a panic alarm? Is it dangerous? Sure... ins the same way that riding a bike on a road if dangerous...

Besides, my wife encourages my training... wait a second... what? :eek:
Jerk day, today... and I was still sore from Tuesday's beasting! :eek: :D

Warmups were a mix of overhead and back squats, followed by stretching and other stuff...

PUSH JERK 2-2-2-1-1-2


The 100kg took it out of me. I was training without jerk blocks which always makes me wary of going balls to the wall. 95kg was fine, however, so...



Yup, I know I can just about strict this weight, but it's to drill the pattern. :)

SPLIT JERK 2-2-2-2-2


Whilst I can get under these a lot better, the issue here is lateral stability. I haven't played with these for a while, so the pattern is not as familiar. Without jerk blocks, too, and it was never going to be truly spectacular. :)



Because every day is leg day. Last set was horrendous. :cool:

Overall, another mixed bag. I probably need to drop the hypertrophy silliness on Tuesday and spend it doing jerks as a mirror to Thursday, but I just think of how weak my tendons would be, and how I'm really doing it as an injury prevention session... :D

I will probably try and get in a bit earlier on these 'off' days to break the jerk blocks out and get some proper weight moving, but real life is what it is and occasionally gets in the way of these plans. :)
I just keep reading to see what the latest accident will be! :D

Was training at work today, so the scope for accidents was somewhat smaller, on the basis of having to be considerate to other people (not too much noise) and I don't really push too hard (because of the first reason). :D

I still had fun with the 100kg jerk, as I caught that on the power rack pins... that were set for back squats (i.e. just above knee height...). :D
Interesting day, today... Was not up for afternoon training as spent the whole day shopping with the family.





A few fails in there because for some reason I couldn't get my core stable and my lumbar was all over the shop. Catch is getting better when I hit the lift correctly, but the variability is still a way off from where it should be.

CLEAN WORK 6*(full clean - hang clean - hang clean & jerk)


Well, that was tiring! Discovered I have enough room for a split jerk (not the stand, however) and so decided to see how much I could play with. 90kg was pretty easy, but still working on my catch technique which - whilst a lot better than Weds - needs more POWAH!!! in the second pull and drive phases...

FRONT SQUAT 5-3-3-3-3


Strange... 100kg after all the dancing around in the first two workouts seemed ok... Maybe I secretly love punishment? :confused:

Backload was a Sainsbury's deep pan meat feast, with non-alcoholic beer, and more pizza... More To come. :)
Rushed session this evening...

SNATCH WORK (power snatch, 2*hang snatch)


Catch rate was good, but balance not so much. :) Didn't drop any, however.
, but a niggle from Saturday seems to have carried over (something in the back of my shoulder, so left snatches where they were. 60kg otherwise is flying nicely.

CnJ WORK (full clean, hang clean, hang CnJ)


Nice. 95kg had me worried on the first rep, but it wasn't too bad. Catches were a bit dirty, but need to sort out my elbows and shoulders. Lumbar is fine, however, although still catching on the mid foot...

Bailed on the last jerk because 'Big Balls' by AC/DC came on and I heard one of its innuendo lines for the first time, cackled in front rack and had to bail before the jerk. :D



Shoulders were vaped by this point... Couldn't stop the bar rolling forward, so bailed at.100kg. :(

Overall, happy with the cleans and jerks. I am going to have my training disrupted by a damning holiday this week, so gains will go out the window, but it is pretty fun at the moment! :)
It's beach season, so for the wannabe Olympic lifter that means - you guessed it - LEG DAY! :D :o :rolleyes: ;)



Nice to squat without dead shoulders. :) But like some kind of dumbass, paused the first rep of the last two 100kg sets. No idea why. It was like I'd completely forgotten what I was meant to be doing. :rolleyes: So yeah... That hurt. :D



A bit ropey, but nice to get the hamstrings in for some pain. :)

Was a bit rushed this evening, so left it there. Legs feel suitably violated. :cool:
Beach season is now officially over.

Where did my did my spare 7kg go? :mad:

Came back from holiday on a carb-heavy diet of crud, weighing 87.6kg, so am going to CBL prep (sort of) and then go to town...

First day back after nearly a week off... And it's into Olympic Hypertrohy.

HIGH BAR BACK SQUAT 8-8-8-8 w/ 90s rests... :(


Ouch. Last set completely jellied my legs.

SNATCH GRIP DEADLIFT 8-8-8 90s rests... :eek:


More of a snatch first pull with SLDL. Legs were utterly destroyed. Tried some walking lunges, but DNF'd.

PENDLAY ROWS 8-8-8 90s rests


Back is now really stinging...

WG CHINS 10-10-10 90s...


This gave me such a leg pump compared to normal that I got confused making my dinner straight afterwards... No blood left for even my small brain...

Tomorrow is going to suck.
Yup! Today sucked! 3hrs sleep and no food until 2pm put some serious hurt into my already hurting recovery. Even my calves hurt this morning... :eek:

Had around fifteen minutes to work out due to some surprise gardening... :mad:

All 90s rests... :o

OHP 8-8-8-8


Everything was ruined by the third set. Went for a fourth set and was told to "come back later" by my shoulders...


LAT R: 10kg

Pushups started at BW for the first set, MP Blue Band for the second and half the third... Which finished with a 15kg plate instead. Triceps and delts were unresponsive by this point...

Overall, no real energy or ability to squat, so bailed. Tomorrow brings new promise however...
DOMS from Tuesday was still bad, so Olympic day today was going to be slow to start...

Loads of warm ups. Could barely squat before them...


40-50-(50, 60, 60)-60-70-70-60

Work from floor for the first,and - generally - two hangs. Deep catches worked well up to 60kg, and power snatches were fine over that weight... So dropped back to 60kg to finish well.

CLEAN WORK triples


Same as snakes for work structure. 100kg was heavy. Second of the second set caused me to round out completely, and stupidly I recovered it. I will be paying for that later... Strangely, the 100kg was for the most part caught on my heels. Like a boss. Oh, yes. :cool:

I was happy to get 100kg (reasonably) nicely, however, and it would be interesting to see if 110kg would crack... :o


60-90-105-100 (back squat)

90kg was awesome. 105kg... Not so much. So dropped to a back squat set to finish.

Phwoar... 100kg cleans were brutal. But awesome. Pretty happy with today, but will need moar...
Ooooh... first day back after a hotel-based hypertrophy week in the US. Gainz needed not apply.

SNATCH WORK (from floor, two hangs)


Eurgh. Rusty as anything. Funny how ten days out can do this. :D Power is fine, but the descent into the catch was a bit ropey for the first few sets. Last two sets of 60 were a lot more fluid, with the last set working a treat.

I think I've found the sticking point for this revision of training - ankle resistance. Rather than moving my hips through for balance, I was stopping my ankles flexing, leading to occasional round-outs at my lumbar. This was addressed during the last set once I realised what was happening, which meant it worked a lot better... bizarrely. :D

CLEAN AND JERK WORK (from floor, two hangs)


Very much enjoying clean'n'jerk chez moi... really awesome to get the blood pumping. :) The weights were fine, but again I was concentrating on getting a good, stable position under the bar. Last two sets were a lot better in this regard (weight over heels, jerk nice and stable, etc.), so with a bit of luck I'll be back at 100kg working weight by the end of the week. :cool:

Would be nice, anyway. :D



Because I love my legs so much. Technique was bad on the first working set, and got better for the last one, but there we go. :)

Overall, back with a fizzle rather than a bang, but that's a good thing. I had my daughter come in for one of the clean sets, commanding me to "lift!" and then congratulating me after the jerk with "that was good, Daddy." She also helped me deadlift the 80kg bar to hang, too, which is a good sign of her involvement! :)

Ho-yeah! :D
Those daughter induced gains :D

However, don't let that become a regular thing. You'll be overwhelmed with cuteness so your oestrogen levels will skyrocket :(

Heh - my only concern is dropping the bar on her... but I made her stand outside the 'gym' when I reached the jerk.

I personally will encourage it as I want her to lift at some point, too. :cool:
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