Yeah . negatives at 95kg weren't clever. Some nasty, irritated fibres in my anterior delts this morning!
Anyway, was faffing about this morning doing... whatever I was doing... so the session wasn't quite as comprehensive as it should have been.
Yup. Power is back with the new second pull, which is nice. 80kg went up well for the first two, but I managed to crack myself on the forehead with the third... which curiously highlights a problem with my technique: I'm ducking to catch, not squatting as much as I should.
However, now I'm sure the power is working fine, I have an excuse to restructure the workouts to make sure I'm lifting
right as well as
Snatch @ 80kg (long and dull, but skip from 20secs to 1m 5s for the lolz)
HANG CLEAN 3-3-3-3
Not as much volume as I'd like, but was getting pushed for time at this point. Will have a play with this over the coming weeks to make sure the squat catch is working well...
Low volume, again, and really struggled with these. Back went before my legs, which suggests (to me) my upper back is having to do too much in one short session (1hr and 10 sets of Olympic stuff?). If I gave it more time, I could probably adapt, but I probably need to spend more time with my weightlifting coach to determine how this would work... and as he costs £30/hour, that's not going to happen.
So, overall, I'll probably drop back to something along the lines of:
- Monday: clean;
- Tuesday: errr... tendon strengthening;
- Weds: snatch;
- Thurs: ancillary;
- Fri: squatz.
I think at the moment I'm taking too much out of myself before getting on to the strength work, meaning I can transfer the power to my snatch/clean nicely, but that I'm going to butt up against a brute strength wall (probably there already) very soon.
I will see how this goes for the next month, and then... *deep breath* find a regional comp somewhere around here/London and just go for it.