Squat day. After a keto-week off. This was going to be trucking miserable.
FRONT SQUATS 5-5-3-3-3-3
Oof. The 100s felt tough. It was weird, however, because my legs didn't feel ruined afterwards... I'm going to blame psychology.
70s were easy, but second 75 felt hard on my shoulders. Clearly need some more conditioning work. Might just go for some static overhead work. Or just more of the squats.
Reading about Glenn Pendlay's perspective on Olympic training, he suggests snatch first, followed by CnJ, and then front squats, so I might swap the overhead stuff in first... we shall see.
DBSS 4-4-4-4
Started with a BW hold at the bottom of the split and found a REALLY tight spot at the top of my groin, to the point of feeling like it was going to strain just by lifting out the squat.
This has been found before, and I've tried a number of release mechanisms (all suggested by KStar) involving bands, plates and walls, but it doesn't seem to want to shift. May have to spend some quality time doing the splits, by the feel of things.
Squats themselves felt goooooood. The tight side was pretty wobbly, possibly because I was working around the tight spot, but all went up.
RING DIPS ss/ WIDE GRIP CHINS because somebody thought that would be a good idea... :idiot: 4*5
Both: BW*1 -> 3*(+5)
Ouch. Casualty rate on these was immense... Lats = dead. Triceps = crying out in pain. Serratus = missing in action. Pump = EPIC.
Overall, pretty happy with the loads for a post-holiday session and with a low muscle glycogen state. Yes, I carb-loaded last night, but seems like it wasn't enough.
I'm in a funny place, too, as I've just had a week off and I'm back in the office this week prior to a week in the US next week, so training is going to be ruined. I'm also waiting on getting my own Olympic lifting setup at home so I can go nuts with the lifts and finally enjoy some quality, un-rushed dropping time.
Tempted to try the Steedie (he is an attractive man, after all) for this week, but just happy to be lifting. All good.