Vanity Log: how much in a year?

Coffee break curlz. As such.

Weighted narrow-grip chins: 4*5 @ 14kg
Standing single-arm dumbell press: 4*5+8 @ 22.5-25-25-25-22.5

Not a good session, today: for some reason, my upper body just felt lethargic as anything. Coupled with a thick head (cotton wool in skull), I just was not feeling anything.

Potential CNS frizzing from yesterday, but there we go. Lack of sleep also probably played a part, but hey-ho!

POWER SNATCH from hip 4*3


Really lacking any power whatsoever... as if my type 2 fibres just didn't work. Probably a symptom of fatigue. Tried 80kg at the top end and I didn't want to injure myself. :)

Was also not dropping the weight because of the complaints from the office next door to the gym. Only then to discover that nobody had turned up for work until around 08:30am. *******s. :mad:



Couldn't get my upper body stable, so just buckled under a second rep at 110. Not very happy, but at least the single rep wasn't actually that difficult.

DBSS 5*5


Punishment for failure. 30kg set involved straps and much grunting. Legs were absolutely destroyed.

Not the greatest session in the world, ever, but managed to beat the pants out my legs even though my upper body was being a whiny little beach. I can just about feel my ankles at the moment...
Squat day. After a keto-week off. This was going to be trucking miserable.

FRONT SQUATS 5-5-3-3-3-3


Oof. The 100s felt tough. It was weird, however, because my legs didn't feel ruined afterwards... I'm going to blame psychology.



70s were easy, but second 75 felt hard on my shoulders. Clearly need some more conditioning work. Might just go for some static overhead work. Or just more of the squats. :confused:

Reading about Glenn Pendlay's perspective on Olympic training, he suggests snatch first, followed by CnJ, and then front squats, so I might swap the overhead stuff in first... we shall see.

DBSS 4-4-4-4


Started with a BW hold at the bottom of the split and found a REALLY tight spot at the top of my groin, to the point of feeling like it was going to strain just by lifting out the squat. :(

This has been found before, and I've tried a number of release mechanisms (all suggested by KStar) involving bands, plates and walls, but it doesn't seem to want to shift. May have to spend some quality time doing the splits, by the feel of things. :cool: :eek:

Squats themselves felt goooooood. The tight side was pretty wobbly, possibly because I was working around the tight spot, but all went up.


RING DIPS ss/ WIDE GRIP CHINS because somebody thought that would be a good idea... :idiot: 4*5

Both: BW*1 -> 3*(+5)

Ouch. Casualty rate on these was immense... Lats = dead. Triceps = crying out in pain. Serratus = missing in action. Pump = EPIC. :cool:

Overall, pretty happy with the loads for a post-holiday session and with a low muscle glycogen state. Yes, I carb-loaded last night, but seems like it wasn't enough. :)

I'm in a funny place, too, as I've just had a week off and I'm back in the office this week prior to a week in the US next week, so training is going to be ruined. I'm also waiting on getting my own Olympic lifting setup at home so I can go nuts with the lifts and finally enjoy some quality, un-rushed dropping time.

Tempted to try the Steedie (he is an attractive man, after all) for this week, but just happy to be lifting. All good.
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Wide grip pull ups and ring dips are my FAVOURITEST EVER superset. :cool:

For the utter devastation they wrought on my upper body, I think I might agree with you. :cool:

Today wasn't good, however: not enough sleep and I suspect - given my dietary changes - not enough food, either.

DOMS was horrific and I did not have any energy at all. As such, I bailed on cleans as it would have been pointless (no speed, and legs had been swapped with an OAP that spends their life in a chair).




These were hard at first, but got easier as time went on. Clearly a good warm-up exercise. Still no speed, however. :(


CSP: 110kg
NGC: +16kg

Pulls felt horrible at first, but the last two sets were good. Chins were sloooooooooooow Serious vein snaking... :D



Lats were nicely worked, but think I may have to switch back to BORs again.

Overall, it's given me pause to think about my diet. I weighed in at 86.0kg last night after dinner, which suggests that the weightloss is pretty much done. However, my lack of energy today gave me pause to look back over the numbers from my time on CBL and I'm not that enthused - none of the brute strength lifts have improved (front, overhead and DBS squats are all down on volume and RMs, as are OHP and jerks).

Suggests I need more food.

Reading through the CBL book, it would indicate this is a function of training volume - I train five days a week, and the author notes that this should generally be accompanied by additional carb loads on off-days, subject to 'feel'. Well, I feel lean, but ****.

So I will cram in more fats and protein during the day, and eat more carbs during the weekends.

Looks like I'll be doing CBL + Tesco Rotisserie Chicken Diet after all. :D
Yeah sounds like more food it needed, either bigger backloads or a moderate backload at the weekend. Still, bloody good workout!

Also, I totally missed you saying that you're getting your own Oly set up. There are no words for the jealousy I feel!
Bigger backloads are costing a fortune in bananas, Ben&Jerry's and Haribo... :eek: The backloads on weekends are something I had considered, simply because the whole training volume thing was having me completely exhausted by the end of the week.

And yes: I will be getting my own Olympic lifting setup. It's not going to be the final word, as I won't be able to jerk (roof is juuuuuuuuuuust too low for a barbell)., but snatch is all good. Will try and find a red lightbulb from somewhere... :cool:
Garage. It's going to be a bit cramped, so not a nice 3x3 platform, but will be close to 2x2... more than enough.

To start with: squat stands, flooring, barbell and hopefully around 140kg of bumpers with another 50kg in cast iron (for squats and dead pulls).

And dumbell handles. :cool:
Ate a huge amount of carbohydrate last night. Truly spectacular (risotto, doughnuts, jelly sweets, jaffa cakes, etc.) to the point of feeling quite ill. 5hrs of consistent sleep (stupid cat decided it wanted to go out at 4:48am).

Felt awesome this morning. But full of DOMS (back, hamstrings, quads, chest...).



Wanted overhead squats, but the base of palmar aponeurosis (funny tendon-y thing that runs the entire palm)just above my wrist was REALLY sore this morning to the point where I couldn't hold the barbell. Looks like snatch/OHS is out for a bit.

Regarding the fronties, these were fine - working at 80-85% theoretical 1RM at the moment to give me legs a workout, but not fry my CNS. Again. I'm going to be working towards a three-day pattern on my main lifts going 85-80-1RM, so I figured it would be interesting - whilst my training consistency is on hold - to see how this felt. 90 has a 1RM of 112.5 or whatever, so is probably a useful yardstick at the moment.



Felt heavy, but then I was doing sets of five. However, this has given me a good working range for my next progression (see above).



Ground these out. Gym was getting busy so will do shoulder pressing later.



Delt and core work in one! Dropped to 22.5 because 27.5 really shafted me.

Again, a mixed bag today. As my normal training regime is completely shot, I'm getting in as much work as possible whilst trying not to impact the next day.

Normal service will hopefully be resumed by the end of the month. In my home gym. Yes. :D
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Ooof. 5hrs sleep last night. Today was not going to be good...



Nope - palm is still fried. Not doing anything with this. :(



Get to the top of the clean 'shrug, extend the hips whilst on the heels and... jump into a front rack. Sounds odd and is much harder than a snatch balance (probably because I'm not used to doing it... :o), but is really fun for working speed under the bar with a clean. Considering my lack of sleep, these were surprisingly quick... :confused:



Good way to kill my glutes and traps, otherwise unremarkable. :) I needed some speed work, as well as find my range for the 85-80-100+ progression in a few weeks. Really need to work on proper cleaning when I get into my own gym, as I'm sure I've got more in me than my all-time record of 110kg (as a powerclean)... :rolleyes:


ROW: 90kg
WGC: +6kg (using a dumbell)

Now that hurt. Managed to graze my knee on the knurling. :lame: Lats and back were massively pumped from this... if you're wondering why I do these sets, the lats are required in Olympic lifts to hold the bar as far back as possible to get the most power in the drive. And they look awesomez0r.


(70*1, 110*1) 120-120

Needed some leg stimulus that wasn't going to destroy my quads for tomorrow and these fitted the bill nicely. I haven't done these in six months, but 120 went up... Pffft - these are comparatively easy. ;) :D

Overall, a bit wishy-washy, but I'm quite happy considering how tired I felt and still feel. I'm trying to maintain training stimulus across as broad a range as possible to allow for a pain-free return week after next. That's pretty much bo-lux, but I can dream. :D
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