Vanity Log: how much in a year?

Decided push jerks are a beach weight exercise (triceps and shoulders, right? ;) ), so...

I also forgot my programme, so was going from memory...



No chance of 100kg today. However, interesting how 95kg popped up without too much drama. Need to get my head through further to allow for better shoulder fixation. Working on getting a better second dip in the knees, too...

NG Chins w/ DB Bench 8-5-5-5

Chins: +14-16-18-18
Bench: 32.5-35-35-35(4f)

Bench is getting better, buit zonked out on the first set (x8? Why?). Guns were getting pumped...

WG Pulldown w/ BOR 4*5

WGPD: 17
BOR: 80kg

Not sure why I supersetted lats: they died in the fourth set (went numb). Tomorrow's DOMS is going to be horrific... :D

Push jerk felt awesome. With the top weight, I felt the form go (no risk as I didn't get under the weight), so this will be an area for focus in the coming weeks.

Looking forward to the binge tonight. This is going to be interesting... :eek:
Such a lean back, it's crazy you seem to carry all your spare on your front! Get down to 83kg and you will see all kinds of abs :)

Still looking mirful all over
Still amazes me when people shift that sort of weight above their head...I think my shoulders would just slip down my back.
Squat day... no training yesterday, so running off Wednesday's binge. Also, lack of sleep because my car broke down coming home from work last night. :mad:



Fatigued. First two sets were awesome. Third and fourth sets were not thrilling.



Note to self - start with an easy lead in. :D Rounded out on the last 70kg but caught it because I hadn't got my pattern right. 80kg was hard. And pretty hard on my wrist, too, for some reason, which now feels sore. :(

DBSS 5-5-4-4-4


Brain not working... was meant to be 5-4-3-3, but :confused:... leg pump was epic, however, and groin feels a bit tight on the left leg, but nice to get some unpleasantness in the routine.

Was chatting to the physio who was training at the same time and he absolutely loves DBSS for rehab, stability, core, neuro and lower quadrant training. So there we go - it's official. :D

Overall, I just need more sleep. Happy the strength is coming back, but there's a long way to go. :)
Squat day, on a quasi backload from last night. Slept in my Skins, and so was feeling very supple. Nice

FRONT SQUATS WU(5)-5-4-3-3-3


Shifting my feet about thrying to find that 'sweetspot'. Found it on the last set (:o), so my upper back was rounding whilst the lower shape felt good. Legs were torched.



Managed 80kg for one at the start of the triples, but racked it for safety purposes (would have gotten nailed, otherwise). Still need to bring the volume up on these...

DBSS WU(5)-4-5-5-5-5 (dumbbells in each hand)... SS w/ WG CHINS 6-6-6-6

WGC: BW-+6-6-6

Oww... first set of 18s lit up an old twinge on my coccyx. Not good. :( So decided to build back up... to 18kg, and it was fine Massive quad pump by this point, and was knackered.

Chinups were great for ruining me completely. :)

Overall, I feel like I'm finally back into the groove I was prior to April, with everything working as it should.

Still adjusting to CBL, but sitting pretty at 87.9 post dinner last night. I'm not to ofar down on strength, but I can't blame CBL for that. Too much, anyway. ;) :D
Fronties look nice, tasty session man. Seems to be coming back nicely :).

thanks, it was pretty bruising! :D

With the fronties, I'm playing with foot positiong to get the most out of the squat (too wide and glutes turn off, too narrow and I can't get low enough): I've wound up a bit wider than before which = even wider knees. :o

Impressive depth on those front squats.

Cheers - a good way to murder the adductors! :D
Ouch. Clean day after yesterday's squats, and on 6hrs sleep. This wasn't going to go well! :D

All the work from from the floor, aside from a couple of "from hip" lifts, but figured I'd make use of the resource whilst it was available.



Power is fine. Although my groin is not playing ball with the catch - won't budge.



Groin issue rearing its head again - can't descend fast enough for a decent catch, meaning a lot of half power-cleans. A guy in the gym took a video for me and we can se I'm coming up too early onto my heels. Need to drive harder with the quads, too.

Overall, a bit irritating as training in this new gym means that the session is quite rushed. I think I might have to revert to training in my normal gym and taking time to get the technique right, rather than rush it.

Also, for full/hang cleans, I'm going to have to start back at 80kg to force the catch with an 'acceptable' wweight.
Beach weights day... with jerks.



Working on getting lower under the bar for the catch. Sort of working. And I broke some of the supports on the jerk blocks. :(

BARBELL OHP 5-4-3-3 ss w/ WGCU 6*4

OHP: 50-55-60-60(PP, S, F)
WGCU: +6-8-8-8

Ooof. Need to work on this to help with PJs...

DB BENCH 5*4 ss w/ CURLZ 5-4-8-8

DBB: 37.5
CURLZ: 20-20-14-14


Not quite parallel, but pretty close. Not bad for the first time in a few months! :)

Overall, more strength needed. :mad:
SNATCH DAY... however, was training in the work gym, so nothing really from the floor today.

Groin is feeling very tight these days - not quite sure why. The only to make warming up a less strenuous process is to wear Skins at night which is... interesting. And I didn't do it last night.



Overhead squat: BAR*(2*4)
Snatch balance: 40kg (2*5)

HANG SNATCH from blocks 3 reps of power snatch followed by 3 reps of full catch. Not supersetting. Because that would be dumb. Also, reps were strapped.

40-50-60-70-75-80(2f - powersnatch only)

Boom. Was exhausted by the time 80kg came around, and so wasn't able to go in for full catch. That's waht next week will be for. Callouses also detached but didn't rupture, which hurt like anything.

I noticed a couple of things, too: lumbar on a couple of the bigger catches wasn't great, and I'm slipping back into a pattern where I'm catching on my back. Need to address this.



Callous was ruined and couldn't hold the bar. Heavy pulls indicated that I'm not extending properly through the hips (can be seen as rising too quickly onto toes during the lighter work). Interesting, as this only seemed to happen on the heavier reps... but hey ho.

Overall, very happy with the work, today. Power snatching 80kg with comparative ease was awesome.

Also, had some bloke from a neighbouring office come in to complain about the noise. He then wrote an email to the gym coaches complaining that somebody was dropping weights from chest height. What was annoying was that he claimed it was only 40kg. **** :mad: :D

Rock on. :)
Squat day. Again. :D

Tried to get to the requisite 300g backload last night and it was haaaaaaaard. :o Still, felt like a legend this morning - ready to crank out some leg work...

FRONT SQUATS 5-4-3-3-3


Back started rounding on the last set of 100s, so the weight went through my quads. Massive pump, but dumb... particularly considering the final triple isn't part of the programme...



Legs were fried after the fronties, so wasn't going to attempt a 3rd rep in the final set. :D Shape is getting better (hips further forward) so happier with these.

DBSS 3*5


Only a small deficit today because the gym was busy (using a 100mm 25kg plate), but managed to upset my glutes and hamstrings nicely. :D

Overall, good to get the weight up on front squats, but still need more back stability. With a bit of luck, I'll get my home gym sorted over the next 4 weeks so I can really work on this.
Technique day, today - caught up with my weightlifting coach for some front squat and clean loving...

Routine was a mix of cleans at 80kg (3 rep sets) all from the floor with the following bits identified:

- Need to tighten up my set up routine pre-lift;
- Change in back angle at the top of the first pull;
- Not jumping early enough (i.e. with the bar below the knee);
- squatting before the bar and finished its upward momentum, rather than just dipping to catch the bar (i.e. far too much squat for the height of the bar)

Front squats... were not bad from a shape perspective. However, he suggested "pulling hips through from the heels" which made the reps alarmingly easy. Clearly my hamstrings and glutes have been doing football association since I came back, because 100kg went up without any problem at all. :cool:

Session was worth it just for that! :)

Feeling good about the next big squat session... this should be most awesome! :D :o
Now that's interesting... no OAKG last night and I woke up with cotton in my head and no energy at all.

Coincidence? Probably not.

Still, it had a massive impact on the routine, today...


Overhead squats:




Legs were pretty rubbished after yesterday's coaching session, so the last set of 105s was just yuk. Head wasn't in gear and I had no energy at all. A bit of a waste.



Punishment for the squatting fail and included to assist back stability during the first pull of the clean, strangely enough. :) Last set was really hard, and involved shouting.

Decided compounds weren't really working, so decided to bro it up with some pump work...



Started with a barbell press at 55*5 but figured it was a recipe for disaster, so moved to the dumbell work.


DBP: 22.5-25 (7-pp)-22.5 (6)
BC: 10-12-12

Vein snake deluxe.

Today was a lesson in how to recover. Again. Need:

- More sleep (6hrs);
- Moar carbz (weighed in at 87.4kg last night, after dinner... :eek:)

Simple, really. Yes, I know the OAKG 'effect' would have been exacerbated by the lack of sleep, but colloquially, I've dosed with 6hrs and not felt like this before. Personal results, but interesting (for me) nonetheless...

Just looking forward to getting my own setup, now - can't wait.
Funny day today, as was coaching one of my office colleagues. So only an hour, and no dropping of big weights. :(

Turned out to be a bit bro, but there we go. :D

HEAVY SNATCH PULLS from floor 5*3


Really concentrating on forcing my hips through to prevent toe-heavy technique. My back went numb during this, so clearly it's all good. :D I've also grazed my shins, which shoes the lats were working, too. :cool:

POWER SNATCH from floor with 3*OH SQUAT 3*3


Because I couldn't drop it, was concentrating on getting the shape right. Hips through, bar back, etc. The overhead squats made this VERY hard - by the end, I was only just getting under the bar! :eek:



DBB: 35-37.5-40-40(4f)
WGC: +8-*


A bit of an odd day - a failed mix between a normal Wednesday and Thursday, and decided I should save my legs for squatting tomorrow.

No excuses... aside from enjoying the chest, trap and lat pump. Yes. :cool:
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