VARcical Decision

Wonder what the threshold is on such a vote, if it was a majority then I reckon they’d vote to get shot if it’s unanimous then suspect someone will vote it down.

The clubs brought some of it on themselves though as they voted at the start of the season against the semi auto offsides they use in the CL which are far better than the get your lines out and fart about for 10 minutes our lot do. Believe they have actually voted to bring them in next season now.
Refs never wanted it in the first place, just highlights how incompetent and untrained they are.

Can see all clubs voting for it which will set English football back and not fix the actual problem, the poor standard of refs in this country.
I'd be amazed if this vote passed but at least there will be some serious discussion about it because overall VAR has been terrible for the game and maybe this will be the catalyst for serious improvements.

Semi automated offsides from next season will hopefully speed those decisions up but subjective decisions are still going to cause huge controversy until they allow the VAR to simply make the correct decisions, as opposed to the current system where they look for a reason why they should stick with the incorrect onfield decision.
I'd be amazed if this vote passed but at least there will be some serious discussion about it because overall VAR has been terrible for the game and maybe this will be the catalyst for serious improvements.

Semi automated offsides from next season will hopefully speed those decisions up but subjective decisions are still going to cause huge controversy until they allow the VAR to simply make the correct decisions, as opposed to the current system where they look for a reason why they should stick with the incorrect onfield decision.
I'd love to know how much that comes down to the influence of the demon headmaster, Howard Webb.

His only changes seem to have been around protecting referees rather than helping them improve or holding them accountable for their errors.
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I'm not sure Webb is to blame for it - it's been like that since VAR was first introduced. I think it's a consequence of trying to sell VAR to sceptics before it was first introduced. People were worried about VAR getting involved too often and as such it was decided to only overturn howlers. The problem with that is we still get all the drawbacks of VAR (delays, supporters left not knowing what's going on etc) but still get the wrong decisions being made too. I've always said that it's got to be all or nothing with subjective calls - either don't use VAR for them and accept mistakes will happen or just allow the VAR to make the correct decision regardless of whether the original decision was only slightly wrong. Using VAR, having all the delays and negatives that come with it and then ending up with the wrong decisions still being made is the definition of madness.
Good, it needs getting rid of. It's a woeful experience for the people who actually turn up for games. Designed by TV for TV. Football is not improved by VAR and people talking about fixing the operators rather than the system can't see the wood for the trees.
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Getting rid of it entirely is nonsense and the exact type of histrionic twaddle that got us here in the first place. It's needs severe reform is all.

People routinely forget that refereeing still dominated the conversation after games even before VAR was introduced. If anything, there was more 'injustice' then there is now. Teams have benefitted more from VAR rulings then have lost out to them. 98% of the time the decision is correct.
Getting rid of it entirely is nonsense and the exact type of histrionic twaddle that got us here in the first place. It's needs severe reform is all.

People routinely forget that refereeing still dominated the conversation after games even before VAR was introduced. If anything, there was more 'injustice' then there is now. Teams have benefitted more from VAR rulings then have lost out to them. 98% of the time the decision is correct.

Of course there was. We now have a system where most decisions are called correctly but because they are still making blunders people are (rightly so) complaining because it should still be better.

People used to whiny about decisions but there wasn’t the same expectation to be correct all the time because it was a momentary judgement call from the ref or linesman.

If they bin it off it will be hilarious to watch all the people who called for it to be scrapped trying to explain how refs have just got worse from the VAR times and it’s not just that they got used to generally better decision making.

Fix the mess but don’t be stupid and try and get rid of it.
I’m happy with Var and don’t want it removed, the way it’s implemented is what needs to change, I have always said it should have a referee, an ex player/coach and an independent adjudicator in the VAR room as there are way too many decisions that some clubs are given and others aren’t.
The rules around how to use VAR is a huge problem and some of the decisions like not to use automated offsides this season was just baffling.

They can improve it with better rules to follow. Like the handball rule they changed for this season.
VAR isn't rubbish, but it is an extra expose on how terrible the Refs actually are. It was much easier when they could pretend they didn't see something to excuse themselves.
I'm not a big fan of VAR. More so because of the disruption to play. I actually think it's showed what a difficult job refereeing in at the elite level and generally that the officials are pretty good at it. It's become too forensic in how it reviews incidents and often despite multiple angles, slowmo's, zooms the decisions are often still not that clearcut. Most of us want consistency in officiating but VAR hasn't really brought it. Partly that's because of the rules and ways of interpreting them. The key question for FIFA or the governing bodies is - has VAR made the game a better/more entertaining spectacle?

It certainly has added drama, a degree of jeopardy and controversy but I'm not convinced it's made the game better or more transparent.

I'd keep the goal line tech, that works well. Offside - I'm 50:50 on that. Off the ball incidents I'd scrap if the ref doesn't see it even if its in the penalty area.
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