VASSAL 40k Season 2

9 Mar 2006
First of all, as we have ventured into PC Gaming (the first season was done in the Tabletop Warhammer thread in GD) an introduction for the PC Gaming crowd is needed!

What is Vassal?

Vassal is a program that let's you simulate board games and play them in multiplayer over the internet. People create modules for it that reproduce popular boardgames. A team has created a module for the tabletop game Warhammer 40,000 (PC gamers will be familiar with it as the source material behind games such as Dawn of War and Space Marine) using this module let's us play the tabletop game over the internet without having to spend hundreds of pounds on models and be in the same geographical location.

Here is a sample picture of a battlefield:

What is Warhammer 40,000?

Put simply, it is a turn based strategy game where two (or more) armies fight it out over a series of turns trying to achieve objectives (some games may be as simple as kill him more than he kills you, others may include objectives to take and hold)

What is Vassal 40k Season 2?

From February to April 2013 I ran Season 1 of Vassal 40k. 6 of us took part in a league structured tournament, we each played each other player, 3 points for a win, 1 for a draw. You can find the results in the dropbox (I'm getting to that)

After the conclusion of Season 1 we started talking about what we wanted from Season 2. We all decided we wanted a less competitive more story driven campaign, with significant help from No1newts I came up with a story driven, team-based Campaign. More details below.

Sounds interesting, what do I need to play?

  • The latest version of Vassal (found here)
  • The latest version of the Vassal 40k module (found here)
  • There is a basic guide to Vassal here (here) it was written for the last version so a few things have changed. I'm happy to walk people through it though, I can run little 20/30 min beginner's sessions if there is interest.
  • A chat program (first season we used the PC Gaming Mumble server, FrenchTart has very kindly allowed us to use his server since that closed down)
  • I also host a dropbox folder that we use to share files (army lists for example) and it has lots of useful information you will need to play. If you want an invite please Trust me your email address.

A note for those who are interested:
  • Games take about three to three and a half hours, they don't have to be played in one session but we have so far.

  • Please only join in if you're going to see it though, people dropping out causes complications. I am happy to run friendly games if people want to try Vassal and see if it's for them.

  • I've written Battle Reports for the games we've done so far, here is an example if you want to read and see how a game goes (here

The Scouring of Tavos IV

The Tavos system is located on the border of the Imperial and Tau empires, it has been in constant dispute for almost 100 standard years, changing hands regularly. Recently during a lull in the fighting a Chaos Incursion has occurred. Coinciding with Abaddon The Despoiler's Thirteenth Black Crusade, portal have ripped open into the realm of humanity across the system. The Chaos Hordes have poured forth to claim what they can and destroy what they cannot. The attack came swiftly with the system's battle hardened fleets and orbital defences falling to the invaders. Tavos I and Tavos III also fell quickly leaving Tavos IV, the bureaucratic and military centre of the system the last bastion of hope. The Government has called for assistance and Space Marines from the Ultramarines chapter and Tau have formed an alliance of convenience to beat back the Chaos threat along with aid from Eldar of the Craftworld Iyaden who for their own mysterious ends, have decided to offer support. At the Chaos side stands a corrupted Ork Warlord leading his Waaagh into the system, Dark Eldar are always looking for new slaves and the Necrons too march with the Chaos forces though no one has been able to find a reason why...

Forces available

Before we begin

There are 6 rounds of play, this is based on 10 players (but can scale to however many we have) and the lore set out above is modifiable due to which armies people wish to take. The campaign shown below is multi branching and requires 3 battles of all 10 players involved (depending on availability we can change this) Each round has 5 battles, meaning each player takes part in one battle per round, who takes part in which battle is decided by each sides commander (to be agreed upon and appointed by the team) and after each round squads within an army and the overall forces of either defender or attacker gain bonuses depending on their performance in the previous round (Bonuses below)

To ensure we have equal numbers on each side we'll proced as follows:

  1. Announce your intention to play and which of the three sides you army is from (attackers, defenders or neutral)
  2. I will work out the teams and then we need a volunteer from each side to be the Commander
  3. Each player picks their lists from their chosen Codex (teams can collaborate for advice if they wish)
  4. Lists are submitted as per the rules on the following page

Commander's role

  • Commanders pick which of their team will do which mission on rounds 2-4
  • Commanders are in charge of their side for the all player battles, their decision is final.

Campaign organiser's role
  • That's me!
  • I'm in charge of running the campaign (I can also be a Commander if needed)
  • I'm in charge of communicating with both teams to help schedule games
  • Writing up Battle reports (although other people are always welcome to)
  • Customising missions as we go depending on what has happened

Campaign structure

The Rules:


  • All army lists must be chosen from the latest available Codex. No Forge World special units permitted.
  • No Flyers or Flying Monstrous Creatures, you may take Flyers but they count as Fast Skimmers.
  • No Allies.
  • Each player will require 3 lists, all from the same codex (see below for details)

  • Missions are to be scheduled by players at their convenience. Each Round will be completed before moving on to the next. Players must be available for voice chat using Skype or Mumble (Mumble may be easier for the big battles, FrenchTart has very kindly allowed us to use his server)
  • Rounds 1-5 are played on a 6x4 battlefield. Round 6 is played on an 8x4 battlefield.

Please remember this is a friendly tournament, try not to make an exploiting, spammy list (there are a few out there) and whether you win or lose, enjoy your games and respect your opponent :)
If anyone has any suggestions for changes to those rules or additional rules then it is very open to discussion :)

Mission Rewards:

Current Player List:

LordHughes - Attackers
JHeaton- Neutral
Brabbinho - Defenders
No1newts - Defenders
Woogie - Attackers
Gooner Leroy - Attackers
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My work leaves me really unable to organise anything between august and october. So sadly I wont get to take part in this as I assume its going to be running around then.
My work leaves me really unable to organise anything between august and october. So sadly I wont get to take part in this as I assume its going to be running around then.

I would hope we'll start in July, but yeah I doubt we'd be finished before August :( What do you do? I'll make sure Season 3 is done earlier in the year!
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While I very much like this weren't they getting sued into oblivion by the dark gods at Games Workshop? so how does this fall with OCUKs rules?

Some of the guys I play Planetside with are planning a game so I'm going to have to work it out, I haven't played 40k for about 20 years.
While I very much like this weren't they getting sued into oblivion by the dark gods at Games Workshop? so how does this fall with OCUKs rules?

Well Vassal as a program is perfectly legal, and the Vassal 40k module is fine (I mean it's been hosted for several years without problems. We've been discussing it in GD for months without an issue) There is no copyrighted material in the module and no rules are present (this is normally the problem with fansites, as soon as you start posting rules GW stamp on you)
I would hope we'll start in July, but yeah I doubt we'd be finished before August :( What do you do? I'll make sure Season 3 is done earlier in the year!

Im a farmer and august-october is harvest so if the weathers nice its 12hr+ days. I wont have proper days off itll just be if the weathers bad at weekends so its all just far too short notice.
Was that pic out first game before it crashed?

I'll be working away with plenty of time on my hands late evening so count me in, as Tau ofc :p
I would love to take part, but I don't think I'd ever be able to have the time for a full round, so my only real option would be a PBEM game instead, and I can see this naturally being an issue.
Still, if you're desparate for one more player (Only know the necron codex) then we may be able to figure something out.
I hope to join, but might be best I get myself sorted and then get codex reading, and so on and so forth, i'm going thru the 6th edition as we speak
I think before I'd commit to campaign I would need to play an intro game or two, simply to get the concept.
Still have a concern regarding installing Java, I won't be doing that on the machine I do my banking and finances on, so I will try to source an alternative.

Install java then just disable/remove the web browser plugin that it installs. No plug in means that you can't be hit by exploits, while still being able to run local programs which rely on java like this and minecraft.

Out of interest, I've not loaded up this Vassal module yet, but how does it work with regards to moving units? I see that as being pretty tricky unless they somehow set it up so you can only move them up to their set distance.
Install java then just disable/remove the web browser plugin that it installs. No plug in means that you can't be hit by exploits, while still being able to run local programs which rely on java like this and minecraft.

Out of interest, I've not loaded up this Vassal module yet, but how does it work with regards to moving units? I see that as being pretty tricky unless they somehow set it up so you can only move them up to their set distance.

You can move them by dragging them with the mouse, or using the shortcuts to move 1" or 6" at a time.
Indeed, the keyboard shortcuts are very easy to use (measuring and moving with the mouse takes longer and is less accurate)

You literally rotate the unit (ctrl+left and right arrow) then move forwards either an inch at a time (ctrl+up) or six inches (shift +up)
I should be down for Season 2 Shami but it really depends when we play :(

Of course I will be playing Chaos again especially as everyone is either a defender or neutral at the moment.
Well I will pick whichever evens the teams up. Neutral can be either side really (and we could even have a traitor imperial guard if needed) so it'll be easy to justify even teams. What are your limitations on when we play?
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