VASSAL 40k Season 2

I would say yes to commander role, but it would go horribly (like a black crusade) so will let someone else step up and leader us attackers.
Everyone confirmed but Newts now.

As it stands I'll be commander of the attackers and I'll nominate....Joel to be in charge of the defenders if he's willing?
yeah, we'll need a bit of order in the big games :p

Talking about the big games, once the deployment phase is finished, will both teams have 5 or 10 mins to discuss strategy prior to it all kicking off? Otherwise it might turn into a bit of a mess :p
As shami said, I'm in.

Only slight problem is I have to test if my rickety old laptop will run vassel (it should, but it is oooooooooooooooollllldddd) as the work IT guy I contacted said it's a no no putting anything non work related on my shiny new laptop :p:(

Should be fine though, I will test everything tomorrow evening when I get back down to the hotel.
Right, closing date for team lists will be...

11th August at midnight

Although you only need your 500pt list by this point it might be good to have an idea of your 1000 and 2000pt lists too! See the first first for list rules.

It might be a good idea to email your team mates to get and share opinions on each other's lists as well :)

I'll email this out too.
Not available to take part (nowhere near enough reliable free time in useful slots) but this looks really fun, so if you get battle reports, will you be sticking them up here (or on another site)? Would love to keep an eye on things (and cheer the 'nids from the sidelines)
Yep, Battle Reports will go up on here. I don't think anyone is taking Nids this time though!

We had a friendly game last night With Orks and Chaos Space Marines against two Eldar lists, Eldar came out on top. I might try and write that one up but it depends on time!
I am really tempted to have a 500, 1000, 2000 point army of pure cultists with a CSM Warlord. Could be amusing.
No but I can take Typhus and turn them all into Zombies with FnP and fearless....I may not be able to win a game but I can certainly bog down EVERYTHING and contest every single point lol
if my math is correct...

Standard Cultist squad = 50 points for 9 models + champ, and a maximum squad size of 35 units allows for 25 additional models at 4 points a model so for 150 points we get 35 models means I can get 11 full squads of zomies so 385 models + a squad of 10 models so 395 zombies which then leaves me 300 points for typhus :) Can't actually remember how many points he is off the top of my head

Edit: I stand corrected, from a quick scan of the tinterweb zombies can claim points :) woo.
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