VASSAL 40k Season 2

Yeah nothing will be rushed, it's a casual thing. The first game and last two games will be the hardest to arrange because we need everyone at the same time (we can always have people use others armies if we really can't arrange a time)
I'll join if weekend availability mainly is ok?

Plus if I can get a couple of intro games in vassal in preparation!
People play fairly often Pudney so I cant see a few intro games being an issue. As for weekend availability mine may be simiar to that.
Yeah most games are usually weekends so that isn't a problem. I can do practice games whenever.

Working further afield and afew family health issues to sort etc. Back to normal now though :)

Could I have an invite to the full monty dropbox please?

Sorry to hear that, good to have you back! I'll send you an invite tonight.
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Well we could close applications now, unless anyone else really wants to play. We currently have 8:

Current Player List:

LordHughes - Attackers
JHeaton- Neutral
Brabbinho - Defenders (IG)
No1newts - Defenders
Woogie - Attackers (Chaos Space Marines)
Gooner Leroy - Attackers (Orks)
OK, well some friendlies have been played (well me and John have :p)

I think we're ready to finalise teams, Pudney I just need to know which side (attacker, defender, neutral) you want to be. Then I'll set teams, commanders can volunteer and we'll get started!

I've set up a gmail list for everyone, if you don't get my email in the next 5 mins or so, check spam or let me know if I've got the wrong email address (I used the Dropbox ones so if you have another one you use as your main let me know)
I'll be going Eldar so guess that's neutral! :D

Edit: When will the first game be? Need to organise a couple of small games for the rules and vassal familiarisation. The current weather has not been conducive to such things.
OK I've decided on this as the teams:


Gooner Leroy - Orks
LordHughes - Chaos Space Marines
Woogie - Chaos Space Marines
Shamikebab - Eldar


No1newts - (Defenders)
JHeaton (Neutral)
Brabbinho - Imperial Guard
Pudney - Eldar

I was going to play a Space Marine list for fluff reasons but I just don't really like any of the current codices, they're either pants (Blood Angels) or only have a few good choices. They all struggle at low point levels as well.

And yes there is an Eldar list on each side (I don't know what Joel is playing so we could have three! If that's the case I'll switch and play something else)

So who wants to be a commander?
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