VASSAL 40k Season 2

Commanders, I have a range of potential missions for the next phase of our defence of Tavos IV. Please read the briefings below.

These are all missions from the Battle Missions book with the amendments I note below.

Mission 1 BLITZKRIEG vs Chaos Space Marines (LordHughes) Page 58
Blitzkrieg (replace all mention of Orks with Chaos)

Use 6th edition Vanguard Strike zones instead but same principle. Defender can deploy up to two troop choices and any Dedicated Transports from the start. Any immobile units deploy as normal.

Primary Objectives:
Each Objective is 2pts

Secondary Objectives:
Slay The Warlord, First Blood

Fast Attack units must start on the table unless they have to start in reserves (drop pods for example) Note ignore the normal 50% rule for reserves)

First Turn:
Chaos player can choose whether to go first

Special Rules:

Lightning War:
The following unit types can start rolling for reserves from Turn 1: Jetbikes, Bikes, Jump and Jetpack Infantry, Vehicles

Sir, they're getting closer!:
Any non vehicle defender unit can hold objectives (except Wraithknights). Only Troops and Fast Attack (non vehicle) Chaos units can hold objectives.

Mission 2 FLANK ATTACK vs Eldar (Shamikebab) Page 36
Flank Attack changes

No change

Primary Objectives:
Each objective is 2pts

Secondary Objectives:
Slay The Warlord, First Blood

Only half of the army rounding up may be placed in reserve as per 6th rules.

First Turn:
Eldar Player chooses whether to go first

Special Rules:
Flank March:
Eldar player starts rolling for reserves from the first turn. Any Skimmers or Jetbikes may outflank when coming on from reserve following these outflank rules (1-2 left, 3-4 right, 5-6 choose)

Supply Convoy:
Enemy starts with a bonus set of units (to be determined by me depending on who gets this mission!)

Mission 3 SCORCHED EARTH vs Chaos Space Marines (Woogie) Page 14
Scorched Earth

Change to D3+1 objectives

Use Vanguard strike deployment zones

Use normal 6th edition rules

First turn:
Chaos players chooses whether to go first

Primary Objectives:
Use random objective values, each time a scoring unit moves within 6" of an objective roll a D3 for the objective value.

Secondary Objectives:
Slay the Warlord, First Blood, each Fast Attack unit destroyed gives 1 point, each Fast Attack unit that survives the battle gives 1 point

Special Rules:
As per mission

Mission 4 SURPRISE ATTACK vs Orks (GoonerLeroy) Page 68
Surprise Attack (For this mission the Space Marines are played by the defending army, the enemy is the Ork player)

No change

Attackers can only put up to 50% in reserve

First Turn:
Attackers always go first

Primary Objective
1 point for each HQ unit destroyed
1 point for each troop and dedicated transport
2 points for all other units

Secondary Objectives:
First Blood
Ork Specific (Ork player gets 1VP for each unit that is alive and not fleeing at the end of the battle)
Attacker specific (extra victory point for each character kill)

Special Rules:
Orbital Assault and Home Ground remain the same. In addition Orks may re-roll any charge roll during the battle.

Let me know who you decided on for each mission so I can finalise things then people can schedule games at their convenience :)

Also if any of these look really unbalanced give me a shout, it's hard to judge asymmetric missions but I've tried to balance them.
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Hey Shami, What are the rules for Flying Monstrous creatues? I know fliers are treated as skimmers but are these treated as Jump pack units? Or just not allowed at all?
Have you actually emailed each other? I may have to come up with some penalties for turning up to the battle late if you don't hurry up, it's taken a week so far to say who is playing what!
All the mobile armies against each other then :D

In that case as a bonus unit for Joel's Eldar army as part of the mission he gets a unit of 10 Howling Banshees (I want to see how they do!)
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