Blitzkrieg (replace all mention of Orks with Chaos)
Use 6th edition Vanguard Strike zones instead but same principle. Defender can deploy up to two troop choices and any Dedicated Transports from the start. Any immobile units deploy as normal.
Primary Objectives:
Each Objective is 2pts
Secondary Objectives:
Slay The Warlord, First Blood
Fast Attack units must start on the table unless they have to start in reserves (drop pods for example) Note ignore the normal 50% rule for reserves)
First Turn:
Chaos player can choose whether to go first
Special Rules:
Lightning War:
The following unit types can start rolling for reserves from Turn 1: Jetbikes, Bikes, Jump and Jetpack Infantry, Vehicles
Sir, they're getting closer!:
Any non vehicle defender unit can hold objectives (except Wraithknights). Only Troops and Fast Attack (non vehicle) Chaos units can hold objectives.