VASSAL 40k Season 2

I can see this dragging on lol... August is no good for me as I'm away this weekend then at the Iseries from Wednesday next week until Monday then following week... September is Ok for first week but second is gfs bday and having house rewired the 3rd week. Fun times

Oh and come on now Shami... Post these lists so we can see the Army's :)
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I've just realised Newts damn list wasn't even legal! Can't have heavy or special weapons in a tactical squad unless they are 10 man. I've created him a new list that is similar and legal.

Lists are.....

Drumroll please!

The Defenders of Tavos IV

No1newt's Space Marines
HQ (100pts)

Librarian (100pts)

Troops (400pts)

Tactical Squad (190pts)
Lascannon (10pts), Meltagun (5pts), 9x Space Marine (144pts)

Space Marine Sergeant (31pts)
Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Melta Bombs (5pts)

Tactical Squad (210pts)
Flamer, Heavy Bolter, 9x Space Marine (144pts)

Razorback (40pts)
Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter

Space Marine Sergeant (26pts)
Bolt Pistol, Chainsword

Brabbinho's Imperial Guard

HQ (60pts)

Company Command Squad (60pts)
Autocannon (10pts)

Company Commander Bairstow
Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol

Troops (275pts)

Veteran Squad (160pts)
6x Lasgun, 2x Meltagun (20pts), Plasma Gun (15pts)

Chimera (55pts)
Heavy Bolter, Multi-laser

Veteran Sergeant
Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol

Veteran Squad (115pts)
6x Lasgun, 3x Plasma Gun (45pts)

Veteran Sergeant
Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol

Heavy Support (165pts)

Leman Russ Squadron (165pts)

Leman Russ (165pts)
Lascannon (15pts)
JHeaton's Eldar
Troops (260pts)

Rangers (60pts)
5x Ranger (60pts)

Windrider Jetbike Squadron (200pts)
10x Guardian Jetbike (170pts), 3x Shuriken Cannons (30pts), Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapult

Fast Attack (120pts)

Vyper Squadron (60pts)
Vyper (60pts)
Shuriken cannon (10pts), Shuriken cannon

Vyper Squadron (60pts)
Vyper (60pts)
Shuriken cannon (10pts), Shuriken cannon

Heavy Support (120pts)

Dark Reapers (120pts)
4x Dark Reaper (120pts)
4x Reaper launcher

Pudney's Eldar

(No Category) (100pts)

Warlocks (100pts)
Warlock (50pts)
Eldar Jetbike (15pts)
Twin-linked shuriken catapult

Warlock (50pts)
Eldar Jetbike (15pts)
Twin-linked shuriken catapult

HQ (120pts)

Farseer Murehk (120pts)
Singing spear (5pts)
Eldar Jetbike (15pts)
Twin-linked shuriken catapult

Troops (139pts)

Windrider Jetbike Squadron (139pts)
7x Guardian Jetbike (119pts), 2x Shuriken Cannons (20pts), Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapult

Heavy Support (140pts)

Fire Prism (140pts)
Holo-fields (15pts) (*), Prism cannon, Twin-linked shuriken catapults
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Invaders of Tavos IV

Gooner's Orks
HQ (85pts)

Big Mek (85pts)
Choppa, Kustom force field (50pts) (*), Mek's tools (*)

Elites (105pts)

Lootas (105pts)

Furious Charge, Mob Rule, Waaagh!

7x Loota (105pts)

Troops (308pts)

Ork Boyz (151pts)
18x Boy (108pts)
18x Shoota

Boy with special weapon (11pts)
Big shoota (5pts)

Boy with special weapon (11pts)
Big shoota (5pts)

Nob (21pts)
Bosspole (5pts) (*), Choppa

Ork Boyz (157pts)
19x Boy (114pts)
19x Shoota

Boy with special weapon (11pts)
Big shoota (5pts)

Boy with special weapon (11pts)
Big shoota (5pts)

Nob (21pts)
Bosspole (5pts) (*), Choppa

LordHughes Chaos Space Marines

HQ (170pts)

Chaos Lord (170pts)
Bike (20pts), Combat familiar (15pts), Mark of Khorne (10pts), Sigil of corruption (25pts)
Power Armour (35pts)
Axe of Blind Fury (35pts), Bolt Pistol

Troops (190pts)

Chaos Space Marines (100pts)
4x Chaos Space Marine (52pts), Mark of Khorne (10pts), Plasma Gun (15pts)
Aspiring Champion (23pts)
Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Close Combat Weapon

Chaos Space Marines (90pts)
4x Chaos Space Marine (52pts), Plasma Gun (15pts)
Aspiring Champion (23pts)
Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Close Combat Weapon

Fast Attack (140pts)

Chaos Bikers (140pts)
4x Chaos Biker (80pts), Chaos Biker Champion (30pts) (Champion of Chaos), Mark of Khorne (10pts), 2x Meltagun (20pts)
Woogie's Chaos Space Marines
Troops (195pts)

Chaos Space Marines (195pts)
8x Marines (104pts), None
Aspiring Champion (23pts)
Bolt Pistol, CCW

Rhino (40pts)
Dirge Caster (5pts)

Special Weapon Marine (28pts)
Plasma Gun (15pts)

Heavy Support (304pts)

Obliterator (152pts)
2x Obliterators (152pts)
2x Mark of Nurgle (12pts)

Obliterator (152pts)
2x Obliterators (152pts)
2x Mark of Nurgle (12pts)

Shamikebab's Eldar

(No Category) (55pts)

Warlocks (55pts)

Warlock Kyrilith (55pts)
Singing spear (5pts)
Eldar Jetbike (15pts)
Twin-linked shuriken catapult

Troops (122pts)

Windrider Jetbike Squadron (122pts)
6x Guardian Jetbike (102pts), 2x Shuriken Cannons (20pts), Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapult

Fast Attack (171pts)

Warp Spiders (171pts)
9x Warp Spider (171pts)

Heavy Support (150pts)

Fire Prism (150pts)
Holo-fields (15pts) (*), Prism cannon, Spirit stones (10pts) (*), Twin-linked shuriken catapults
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