VASSAL 40k Season 2

Please do! I don't think you'd be happy with the name I have for him (Lord CheesyAsHell) :p

Might be fun to come up with what legion/warband/ork clan/tau sept/craftworld you're from as well.

The current fluff I have for my Eldar army is that it's a Saim Hann Windrunner clan that is going against the wishes of another craftworld (or two if you choose different ones Pudney/Joel!) The seers are in disagreement over how the war in this sector will affect the Eldar race. There is a small chance that pushing back the Tau Third Sphere expansion will lead to an unspecified threat against <insert craftworld> in the future. However letting the Tau expand unchecked will likely lead to several Exodite worlds being placed under threat.

I still haven't figured how we can justify Eldar actually drawing blood against each other, it's possible that just can't be justified. We'll either have to pretend it doesn't happen or...suggestions?
You should have chosen the craftworld which has recently re-emerged from the Eye of Terror, can't remember its name. Then we can be attacking you in case you're tainted by the warp.

I'll be going Ulthwe for mine, stick to my original craftworld from the early 90s! :D

Edit: Oh, and nice to see my Farseer Murehk has a named friend at least :p
True, although the alternative is that you didn't want the hordes of Orks and Chaos to be outnumbered and felt bad for them :p
I'm not 100% decided on Craftworld yet, although I doubt it makes too much difference. Though are some possibilities (Biel Tan running into a conflict with a more conservative Craftworld, for example), you'd still have to get pretty creative with the reasoning as a dying race is not likely to want to turn on one another without a really, really good reason.
+++ New Roster sm500 (501pts) +++
+++ 0pt Space Marines 6th Ed Roster (Primary Detachment)) +++


Space Marines 6th Ed (Primary Detachment) Selections:

+ HQ + (103pts)

* Librarian (103pts)
(And They Shall Know no Fear, Combat Tactics, Independent Character, Psyker)
Power Armour, Storm Bolter (3pts)

+ Troops + (398pts)

* Tactical Squad (122pts)
(And They Shall Know no Fear, Combat Squads, Combat Tactics)
Heavy Bolter, 6x Space Marine (96pts), Space Marine Sergeant (26pts)

* Tactical Squad (138pts)
(And They Shall Know no Fear, Combat Squads, Combat Tactics)
Missile Launcher, 7x Space Marine (112pts), Space Marine Sergeant (26pts)

* Tactical Squad (138pts)
(And They Shall Know no Fear, Combat Squads, Combat Tactics)
Missile Launcher, 7x Space Marine (112pts), Space Marine Sergeant (26pts)

Profile Summary:

Name Unit Type WS BS S T W I A LD Save Pg Reference
Space Marine Infantry 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ 60
Space Marine Librarian Infantry 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 10 3+ 54
Space Marine Sgt. Infantry 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+ 60

Selection Rule Summary:

* And They Shall Know no Fear
* Combat Squads
* Combat Tactics
* Independent Character
* Psyker

Created with BattleScribe (

There you go. I decided to switch to Marines due to the new codex! :p
+++ New Roster sm1000 (1009pts) +++
+++ 0pt Space Marines 6th Ed Roster (Primary Detachment)) +++


Space Marines 6th Ed (Primary Detachment) Selections:

+ HQ + (130pts)

* Librarian (130pts)
(And They Shall Know no Fear, Combat Tactics, Independent Character, Psyker)
Storm Bolter (5pts), Terminator Armour (25pts)

+ Elites + (345pts)

* Dreadnought (115pts)
Missile Launcher (10pts), Multi-Melta

* Terminator Squad (230pts)
(And They Shall Know no Fear, Combat Squads, Combat Tactics)
Cyclone Missile Launcher (30pts), Terminator Sergeant (40pts)
* Terminator (40pts)
Power Fist
* Terminator (40pts)
Power Fist
* Terminator (40pts)
Power Fist
* Terminator (40pts)
Power Fist

+ Troops + (534pts)

* Tactical Squad (178pts)
(And They Shall Know no Fear, Combat Squads, Combat Tactics)
Missile Launcher, 7x Space Marine (112pts), Space Marine Sergeant (26pts)
* Razorback (40pts)
Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter

* Tactical Squad (178pts)
(And They Shall Know no Fear, Combat Squads, Combat Tactics)
Missile Launcher, 7x Space Marine (112pts), Space Marine Sergeant (26pts)
* Razorback (40pts)
Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter

* Tactical Squad (178pts)
(And They Shall Know no Fear, Combat Squads, Combat Tactics)
7x Space Marine (112pts), Space Marine Sergeant (26pts)
* Razorback (40pts)
Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter

Profile Summary:

Name Unit Type WS BS S T W I A LD Save Pg Reference
Space Marine Infantry 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ 60
Space Marine Librarian Infantry 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 10 3+ 54
Space Marine Sgt. Infantry 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+ 60
Terminator Infantry 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 2+ 64
Terminator Sergeant Infantry 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 2+ 64

Name BS Front Side Rear Type HP Pg Reference
Razorback 4 11 11 10 Tank 77

Name WS BS S Front Side Rear I A Type Pg HP Reference
Dreadnought 4 4 6 12 12 10 4 2 65

Selection Rule Summary:

* And They Shall Know no Fear
* Combat Squads
* Combat Tactics
* Independent Character
* Psyker
* Tank

Created with BattleScribe (

Do you want 2k too? (Haven't done it yet :p)
And even then he doesn't read the rules :p

Only need the 500pts! (also for the 1k list those squads are too big to get into the razorbacks, is that intentional?)

Also not a point over! so unless you want to change then just drop the Storm Bolter from the libby (psykers rarely need guns) Wait don't they get a storm bolter by default with the Termie armour anyway? (edit, apparently not, how odd)

You're taking Space Marines?!? Didn't see that one coming! Come up with a chapter (hint pick one that you can take on vassal) and an HQ name.
- squads too big purposefully.
- I'll fiddle to get the points under.
- Ultramarines
- Lord Fok Yu Shami :p

Also still trying to sort a laptop, when we supposed to be starting? :p
God knows, my weekends in August are limited (basically just the 31st one) so if people want to practice against team mates until then go for it.

Perhaps we could share dates/times we're free and schedule a session (I think the first battle is probably best done as two sessions as it will take some time with 8 of us)

I'll email.

(btw don't get into DOTA :p)
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