Happy valentine's day, you can now earn squad medals with your beloved one(s)

Medal system added: earn special recognition and XP for special actions.
Account page now properly implemented with statistics, achievements, medals and progress tracking.
Added flinching when hit
Squadroles now always have 3 specializations instead of 3 or 4.
Engine update (Unity 5 RC1)
Remote players teleporting in the distance fixed/improved
Endgame camera 3P animation
Fixed: white trees
Reduced looking trough bunkers/other players
Ping kick relaxed, plus made sure that high pingers will not have any benefit over lower ping players
Ragdolls polished
Fixed some (innocent) nullreferences in the logfile
Fixed: no more spawning during end game
Fixed: incorrect blur on scope
Switched from Gamma to Linear (better colors!)
First big melee fixes (fixes dancing when using bayo and more)
Added knives (Vengeur dagger and Boker trenchknife )
Melee impact FX added
A lot of graphical improvements to all existing weaponry (PBR)
Sharpened overall screen
Fixed performance on hyperthreading enabled CPUS (Removed the Occlusion culling workaround)