Verdun Beta

There's one on Steam that's F2P but really Pay 2 Win.
Forgot the name, quite large scale. - Might be the same game.

There is no in game purchase in Verdun. Everyone starts off with the same weapons and theres no mods to the guns to make them more efficient or powerful. You can unlock different guns by leveling but they only help with certain situations, its rather fair this game I think. More down to skill and luck i.e. not getting in caught in no mans land and getting shot in the back while you retreat lol.
Not 100% sure but i believe you can. Graphics are a little glitchy though. Whats your steam name btw? I'll add you :), thanks
Picked it up also, really enjoying it. Always seem to end up as the NCO/spotter though, am I right in thinking all you do is use the binoculars and press Q to command?
Just bought this on Steam and what a cool game which captures the environment beautifully. Love the song choice in the menus, it's a song I learnt at school lol Graphics to me look very nice with lots of options, Audio options are simplistic though with no choice to select from Headphones or Homecinema allowing different dynamic ranges.


1. I seem to suffer from input lag enourmously. I have a Logitech G502, i5 3570K at 4.5Ghz, 8Gb RAM 1800Mhz and SLI 670 at 1200Mhz. Game is installed on a HDD, my O/S is Windows 8.1 installed on a SSD and I have NV driver 347.09. Running Ultra with PP settings and Blur all off. 120Hz at 1080p Resolution.

Other FPS games don't have this issue where by when I fire I seem to get killed first and my bullet doesn't register or I don't ADS fast enough when I am clicking my mouse button.

It could be that the level 1 weapon I chose (Gwhere) doesn't have a fast ADS time compared to the other weapons the players had, does the game therefore have an input lag issue or is it a weapon feature? (I couldn't find ADS time in the weapon stats so I guess not)

1a) Could this be a latency problem? Is this game handled client or server side?

2. Will there be dedicated servers planned?

3. Is there a fix for SLI as I noticed one of my GPUs were at idle clocks?

It is a fun game and with the upgraded engine the graphics are better and FPS is now high, but I had my first crash after 10 minutes last night after the update :( Worth £5 but not much more imo.
Imo the game is very fun. But being on Unity pretty much shoots it in the foot. It's more like a mod than anything else. It would have been way better on the unreal engine IMO but not much you can do about that. It's still a great game. I love my WWI/II shooters.
Happy valentine's day, you can now earn squad medals with your beloved one(s) ;)!
Medal system added: earn special recognition and XP for special actions.
Account page now properly implemented with statistics, achievements, medals and progress tracking.
Added flinching when hit
Squadroles now always have 3 specializations instead of 3 or 4.
Engine update (Unity 5 RC1)
Remote players teleporting in the distance fixed/improved
Endgame camera 3P animation
Fixed: white trees
Reduced looking trough bunkers/other players
Ping kick relaxed, plus made sure that high pingers will not have any benefit over lower ping players
Ragdolls polished
Fixed some (innocent) nullreferences in the logfile
Fixed: no more spawning during end game
Fixed: incorrect blur on scope
Switched from Gamma to Linear (better colors!)
First big melee fixes (fixes dancing when using bayo and more)
Added knives (Vengeur dagger and Boker trenchknife )
Melee impact FX added
A lot of graphical improvements to all existing weaponry (PBR)
Sharpened overall screen
Fixed performance on hyperthreading enabled CPUS (Removed the Occlusion culling workaround)
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