Vertex 2E SSD Benchmarks before and after installing IRST driver

17 Dec 2004
I thought you guys may be interested to know my speed before and after the IRST driver. Its not much of a gain at all but every extra mb helps I guess, plus it gets rid of the quick removal thing in the taskbar. Rest of system in sig




Any ideas what driver I should use for my ASUS P5Q board? The one on Asus's website is quite old ICH10 I believe
Also apparently its not a good idea to keep running benchmarks that heavily writes to the drive cos this puts it in recovery mode, by slowing the ssd up while it recovers. If this happens it takes about 5 days of normal use to recover the drive and regain the speed. you might be able to speed up the process up by unplugging the data cable but leave it powered..... Intelligent hey?:cool:
Where was that info from Phil? I've had mine fow about a week and ran a few benchies and allways get the same write speed so far. And what happens if you install a big game or copy a big file to the ssd?
Dear lord wall of text! Benching it once should not show any real drag afterwards I take it. Was planning on buying the bigfoot 90gb once i hit 100 posts ;) install it, run it once to check if its aite then pretty much just resume day to day stuff.
Well that's what I'm gonna do - benchmark it after updating the firmware but then after installing Windows 7 I'll only benchmark it once.
I think its only if you keep on running the benchies loads of times it buggers the sdd up a bit, but the odd 1 or 2 every few weeks is fine.

But if you use "hd tune" I think you can use that as meny times as you want, cos I dont think it writes to the drive.?
I'm running version on my Asus Sabertooth x58 ICH10R. Would I see any performance improvement by upgrading to the newer 9.6.x.x?
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