Very Frustrated

14 Oct 2009
Rotherham. S.Yorks
I bought a pc here for 1500 in january and its impossible to play games without being deafened by the noise, even when i lower the settings. Here is my spec ( as soon as i play any game the tower fans become deafening) it makes gaming unpleasant.

The graphics card also tries to catch light.

Its only quiet when im browsing the web or watching movies, any ideas?
its a corsair 600t case with 16gb samsung green ram, a h100 cpu cooler, a 7970 vapor x and i5-3570 cpu.

i cant enjoy playing on it thanks to the noise, anyone have any ideas why it sounds like a jet engine when i play games?
Your motherboard may be raising the fan speed at too low a temperature...
Or your PC may be overheating...
Or your fans may just be inherently noisy...

Install "Coretemp" and check what temperatures you are reaching
Have you checked to see if there is any packaging material inside you case? One member who bought a system from OcUK found the cause of their issues to be an inflatable PC packing bag stuffed around the components :L
What fans are on the h100?

Run a game or benchmark and get it ear into the case and try and find. What is the loudest.

If it is the gpu then I would look into custom fan curve profiles which are easy to do.

3rd option is sound proofing the case.

All else fails contact ocuk and tell them you arnt happy with the system.
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Can you provide a bit more info about the spec, overclock etc?

The H100 is not the quietest cooler out of the box, it's designed for cooling rather than silence and the Vapor-X cooler, as with most VGA coolers, can be noisy at high fan speeds.

The right software, settings tweaks or even changing cooler fans could make a big difference to the noise but could also affect the cooling greatly. Also, your choice of case has as much to do with external noise as anything else.
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Its a noisy case as standard - get a fan controller put everything on low. I found the case and cooler combo too noisy for me but a fan controller will soon sort your problems out.
there is a dial on top of the case for fan control but its turned to minimum and im still having excessive jet engine noise, it is the sound dampened version of the 600t case also which makes it even more upsetting.
To me, from your descriptions it sounds like the graphics card is causing the noise. Can you remove the side panel and check this (i.e. listen to it when you start a game).
i think it is, its getting very hot in speedfan with the flame icon very quickly and then its making loads of noise, it seems the vapor x technology is broken or ive got a dodgy card?
install MSI Afterburner, you can monitor temps & monitor/control fan speeds easily using that.
well after 5 mins on farcry blood dragon at medium settings 1080p it was on about 61 with the flame icon, and it was only going to get higher the noise was unbearable i turned it off. i can control the fans in speedfan for the gpu but i will try msi afterburner too later and report my findings
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