Vet bill is climbing

23 Mar 2011
About 2 years ago, our cat went to the vet with a blocked bladder. I think it cost about £500 (wasn't insured). We then insured him as the shock of a vet bill scared us a bit.

None of the following will be covered as they will class it as a pre-existing condition :(

Present day, it's happend again. Took him in Thursday, cost £790! Came home with the hope he would now wee by himself. Come Friday morning, he hadn't but was clearly trying so took him back and confirmed he was blocked again. Left him there. Another £895!!

This time they put a catheter in, and said he needs to stay somewhere to be monitored over the weekend. They got an estimate of £160 per day and I had to pick him up to take him just over an hour away

When I got there to pick him up and take him to the other place, the estimate was way off and it's actually £320 a day :D

And that's where we are currently. Waiting for a call this morning with an update.

Just not really sure how far I can justify this to go. With this first day being monitored, the bill overall sits around £2000.

It could just happen again down the line if not right away. He's otherwise a happy healthy chap, 9 years old and doesn't seem right to cut him short over this but need to be sensible financially.

Any one had similar? At the moment its a credit card job and will hopefully do a transfer to 0% once we know the final figure but again, how longs a piece of string
Sorry to hear about your cat. The thing that springs to mind for me is if the vets put him on urinary food? My cat had issues spraying previously, the vet took a sample from his bladder and there were crystals in it. Put him on the Hills S/D food to break them down, then changed him to the C/D food for maintenance no issues at all since and that’s over 10 years.
Sorry to hear about your cat. The thing that springs to mind for me is if the vets put him on urinary food? My cat had issues spraying previously, the vet took a sample from his bladder and there were crystals in it. Put him on the Hills S/D food to break them down, then changed him to the C/D food for maintenance no issues at all since and that’s over 10 years.
Hey there, thanks for the reply! Funnily enough they did this on Thursday :) so from then on he will Be on the special food, but unfortunately hasn't really had a chance for that to make an impact just yet. But hopefully it does!

Just had the update from the vet, he's had the catheter removed and now they are monitoring him to see if and when he passes urine freely by himself. So said they will update me around lunch time.

They were open about it all and actually mentioned worst case in the same way I mentioned above. As in if this comes back, do we realistically chase it financially or make the nasty decision.

Apparently it's very common especially in male cats and families often have to do it solely for that reason. Just seems awful. Not had to do it before, he's our first pet since we moved in together at our first home now 9-10 years ago so will Be a bit rough. But got to be sensible

Never know may be fine, food may help and he could be good for ages but we will see
We had two dogs in a row that developed Cancer and the cost to try to save them would have ran into astronomical levels.

We were lucky with one of them, we gave the dog away to a Vet who tried to treat it out of their own time and money.
Vet Bills are high unfortunately! also depending on the insurance after a certain age a lot of conditions aren't even covered.

Are German shepherd has Cushings and his pills at the vets would be £200 per month, are insurance is £60 per month which only has £1000 per year cover. He also has to have regular blood tests at £300.

This is why you'll never see a poor Vet!
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About 2 years ago, our cat went to the vet with a blocked bladder. I think it cost about £500 (wasn't insured). We then insured him as the shock of a vet bill scared us a bit.

None of the following will be covered as they will class it as a pre-existing condition :(

Present day, it's happend again. Took him in Thursday, cost £790! Came home with the hope he would now wee by himself. Come Friday morning, he hadn't but was clearly trying so took him back and confirmed he was blocked again. Left him there. Another £895!!

This time they put a catheter in, and said he needs to stay somewhere to be monitored over the weekend. They got an estimate of £160 per day and I had to pick him up to take him just over an hour away

When I got there to pick him up and take him to the other place, the estimate was way off and it's actually £320 a day :D

And that's where we are currently. Waiting for a call this morning with an update.

Just not really sure how far I can justify this to go. With this first day being monitored, the bill overall sits around £2000.

It could just happen again down the line if not right away. He's otherwise a happy healthy chap, 9 years old and doesn't seem right to cut him short over this but need to be sensible financially.

Any one had similar? At the moment its a credit card job and will hopefully do a transfer to 0% once we know the final figure but again, how longs a piece of string
A freind of mine has a cat with a similar problem. He was told the cat was not hydrating enough. The cat was put on wet food and provided with lots of FRESH water.
The cats water bowl had to be wider than its whiskers as some cats dont like them touching when drinking. Sounds crazy i know but it seemed to do the trick . See link below.
All the best
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5 years ago, we purchased a “Brought By Many” (now Manypets) pet insurance plan for our GSD puppy. It was £51 and seemed extortionate at the time. It’s a lifetime cover though, the price will never increase, excess is £59 we have £7k per year limit

I think they still offer them
Skanky answer / friend relative on benefits takes cat as their own to pdsa for free
my answer would be maybe use a place where they train vets ,we did in Yorkshire ,dog full heath check and jabs £15
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A few years ago our cat was dehydrated and not drinking or eating.
Took her to the vets and next morning was informed she was fine and had a drip overnight and the bill is £350
Informed them I had pet insurance and they took care of it.
A week or two later I had a letter from the insurers to inform me that they had paid the £849 bill

Hope your cat gets better soon.
5 years ago, we purchased a “Brought By Many” (now Manypets) pet insurance plan for our GSD puppy. It was £51 and seemed extortionate at the time. It’s a lifetime cover though, the price will never increase, excess is £59 we have £7k per year limit

I think they still offer them

Don’t you have to pay 20% of the bill once your pet reaches the magical age of 7. That might just be now it’s ManyPets.
Yeah it's a *******. Now we have insurance but obviously it won't cover this issue. Vet said we could always try but it's pretty clear in the T&C's about not covering preexisting issues/concerns.

We had the insurance when we first got him but cancelled it after like 6 years of not using it. Silly I know. Flipped the coin and alas it was the wrong decision
A freind of mine has a cat with a similar problem. He was told the cat was not hydrating enough. The cat was put on wet food and provided with lots of FRESH water.
One of ours had a similar problem years ago which was luckily cleared up with a shot of antibiotics. However, since then we started feeding raw food and putting an extra load of water in with the meat. He now eats all the food, then licks up all the meaty water after. It was a good way of getting him to drink properly and touch wood, he's now nearly 12 and we haven't had any issues since.

It should be law to have a minimum level cover of insurance for those who wish to keep pets. I wonder how many times pets don't get the proper care because an owner wanted to save a few quid per month.
The trouble is, insurance is getting ridiculous now. Ours was "reasonably" priced for two cats and dog at just under £400 last year. This year the renewal is over £900.
He's a good drinker luckily. Only ever cared for dry food so obviously drinks more as a result of that.

Just want to see him home today, have a wee at some point and keep an eye on it. They have given him anti inflammatorys today and something else. Probably extra cost :)

But I think we are unfortunately of the mind that if they have to unblock him again, we will call it quits. Nasty business
sorry to hear this

i love to know how vets justify their prices

My dog caught kennel cough in Portugal. I was not sure what it was so took him in
Sunday appointment. Anti inflammatory injection and 5 days tablets and also
a worming tablet was £32
That would have been minimum £200 here
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