A few pics of when I removed the original screws.
Well NZXT have finally done what they should have done in the first instance. They are replacing all the PCI-E risers.
Shame it took the best part of a year and Gamers Nexus publicly humiliating them to the point where it's had to irreversibly damaged their business. Let's see if it takes NZXT months to get the replacements out to customers.
Of course, that riser PCB breaks so many good design practices, it should never have been put out to customers like that in the first place.
You can't expect them to replace PCIe 3 with PCIe 4 especially considering PCIe 4 risers have greater challenges and PCIe 3 is cheaper and easier to get out into consumers hands. Much better that these risers are replaced quickly as they are an actual fire hazard.
I half expected that they would be already working on a PCIe4 variant for the v2 of the H1, or as an upgrade part to buy.
It could have worked out easier/cheaper/quicker to rush that through than to design and manufacture another cable.